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作者(外文):Hung, Yu-Ting
論文名稱(外文):Thin-layer nanofluidic protein digestion with uL volume
指導教授(外文):Takehiko, Kitamori
口試委員(外文):Chen, Chih-Chen
Hiroyuki, Imanaka
Kyojiro, Morikawa
外文關鍵詞:Nanofluidic systemGlass nanofluidic channel fabricationprotein digestionLC-MS analysis
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Protein analysis is one of the most important technologies in the field of medical research. There are two main foundations of biological technology, one is Molecular biology which is built of nucleic acids, and the other one is Protein technology. Protein analysis is the basis of protein technology. The expression of the physiological operation is regulated by proteins. Thus, to realize the expression profile of protein can help us to understand the cause of disease or to detect the disease precisely. In our Topic, we hope to design a device that is able to be used in disease detection by a small amount of specimens. In the whole process of protein analysis, protein digestion is often the bottleneck of the whole research due to its time-consuming. However, we present a device that is used for high digestion precision, low incubation time, and high-throughput protein digestion. The scale of our device is in uL scale. We aim to use the device in the mL to μL scale of sample collection. Due to the sufficient amount of sample collection, we are able to detect the sample by using ultrasensitive LC-MS (Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry) system. Depth and width of nanochannel reactor we design is 300nm and 1mm respectively. The total volume of the device is 0.15nL. Also we applied trypsinogen immobilization method to prevent self-digestion of trypsin. Finally, the device can conquer the disadvantage of traditional bulk digestion but also maintain the bulk volume of protein digestion.
Abstract (中文)………………………………………………………………………...3
Table of Content………………………………………………………....…………….4
Chapter 1 Introduction……………………………………………….………………..6
1.1 Protein analysis…………………………………………………….……..…….6
1.2 Protein digestion methods………………………….……………………..……7
1.2.1 Bulk-scale method…………………………………………...…………..8
1.2.2 Micro-scale and Nano-scale method…………………………….………9
1.3 Issue of conventional protein digestion method………………………...….…10
1.3.1 Digestion time……………………………………………………....….10
1.3.2 Digestion volume………………………………………………..….…..11
1.4 Goal: Thin-layer nanofluidic protein digestion with uL volume…….….…….13
1.4.1 Experiment design……………………………….……………………..13
1.4.2 Fabrication of the thin-layer nanofluidic digestion device………..……14
1.4.3 Verification of digestion by LC-MS analysis……………………...…...15

Chapter 2 Design…………………………………………….……………………….17
2.1 protein digestion process………………………………………....…….…..…17
2.2 Shorten digestion time……………………………..……………………...…..18
2.3 Channel size and flow rate…….…………………….……………….…..……18
2.4. Flow situation in 1mm width nanochannel…………………….…….….……20

Chapter 3 Device fabrication………………………………………..……………..…23
3.1 Glass device fabrication………………………………………..….…………..23
3.1.1 Cr deposition………………………………………………………...…24
3.1.2 EVG-610 Exposure………………………………………….…………24
3.1.3 Dry etching Nano/Microchannel fabrication………………………..…26
3.2 Protein digestion device fabrication………………………………….……….28
3.2.1 APTES coating………………………………………………..………..28
3.2.2 VUV patterning………………………………………………...………29
3.2.3 Substrates bonding…………………………………………………..…31
3.2.4 Trypsin immobilization……………………………...…………………33

Chapter 4 Protein digestion experiment…………………………….……………….36
4.1 Cytochrome C digestion……………………………………..……..…………36
4.1.1 Traditional bulk cytochrome C digestion……………………..………..36
4.1.2 Nanochannel device protein digestion……………..………..…………37
4.2 Analysis with LC-MS………………………………………………..….……39
4.2.1 LC-MS analysis condition……………………..……………..………..39
4.2.2 MS results of cytochrome C digestion………………………..…..……39
4.2.3 Digestion rate……………………………….………….…..……..……45

Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Work………………………………….……….....49
5.1 Conclusion………………………….…............………….……….………….49
5.2 Future Work………………………..……..….……………………………….50

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