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作者(外文):Hsu, Yu-Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Development of the Real-time Monitoring and Control for Laser-Assisted Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet System
指導教授(外文):Lee, Ming-Tsang
口試委員(外文):Juang, Jia-Yang
Hsu, Cheng-Che
外文關鍵詞:Atmospheric pressure plasma jetTransparent conductive oxideGallium doped zinc oxideLaser-assisted manufactureTransparent conductive electrodeSpectral analysis
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隨著穿戴式科技技術日漸成熟,對透明導電薄膜(Transparent conductive oxide , TCO)的需求也日益攀升。目前透明導電薄膜主流以氧化銦錫(Indium tin oxide , ITO)為材料,但銦金屬價格高昂且產量稀缺,因此本研究嘗試開發一套智能化的噴流式大氣電漿鎵摻氧化鋅(Gallium doped zinc oxide, GZO)鍍膜系統,藉由製程參數優化與即時監控,提升GZO的鍍膜品質、導電性及透光度等,使其能夠取代ITO薄膜。本研究以此系統鍍製的GZO導電薄膜,最佳薄膜電阻值約為30 Ω/□。本研究亦將二氧化碳雷射源成功整合入大氣電漿鍍膜系統中,能在大氣電漿鍍膜同時進行選擇性的雷射退火,製作出線寬1.5 mm,線長10 mm,電阻約240 kΩ,且透光度大於87%的透明金屬薄膜導線。
As the wearable device technology matured over time, an increase in demand for transparent conductive oxide (TCO) films gained recognition. Indium tin oxide (ITO) is the most widely used material for transparent conductive films. However, its expensiveness and scarcity in supply propel further studies into replacement materials that are more accessible. In this research, an intelligent atmospheric pressure plasma jet (APPJ) gallium-doped-zinc-oxide (GZO) coating system was developed. Through the optimization of process parameters and real-time monitoring, the coating quality, conductivity, and transparency of GZO are enhanced and controlled. The optimized GZO film has a sheet resistance of 30 Ω/□, which is close to the electrical conductivity that is required for an acceptable TCO film. Additionally, a carbon dioxide (CO2) laser was integrated with the APPJ coating system to enable in-situ laser patterning and annealing during the plasma coating process. As a result, a transparent metal wire with a width of 1.5 mm, length of 10 mm, a resistance of approximately 240 kΩ, and an average film transmittance greater than 87%.
To further improve the coating accuracy and stability of the laser-assisted APPJ system, a multi-system integration was developed in this research. This system is comprised of the APPJ, the CO2 laser, and the 3-axis motorized stage, simultaneously capturing data using spectrometer and the infrared (IR) camera during the process. Through this system, real-time monitoring of various process data is enabled, allowing for analysis of process conditions, detection of anomalies, and provision of recommendations for process parameters. This achieves real-time monitoring and control of laser-assisted APPJ system, ensuring stable coating quality throughout the process. A case study was performed to demonstrate the aforementioned concept to resolve the time delay during activation of the APPJ before plasma can stabilize (approximately 3 minutes delay for a carrier gas flow rate under 100 sccm). Based on plasma spectroscopy analysis data, an artificial neural networks model was applied to construct a spectral analysis model for process parameters. Subsequently, through the PID controller developed in this study, real-time control is applied to the APPJ, resulting in a reduction of approximately 33% in the time required to stabilize the plasma condition, thus effectively enhances process efficiency.
誌謝 I
摘要 II
Abstract III
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 2
第二章 文獻回顧及理論介紹 3
2.1 大氣電漿鍍膜技術 3
2.1.1 電漿 3
2.1.2 大氣電漿 3
2.1.3 噴射式大氣電漿 4
2.1.4 透明薄膜鍍製 4
2.1.5 雷射輔助透明薄膜退火 6
2.2 智能化加工技術 7
2.2.1 邊緣運算 7
2.2.2 電漿放射光譜分析 7
2.2.3 機器學習應用於電漿放射光譜 8
2.2.4 比例積分微分(PID)控制器 9
2.2.5 機器學習應用於控制系統 10
第三章 大氣電漿機台架設及研究方法 12
3.1 大氣電漿鍍膜系統 12
3.1.1 大氣電漿設備總覽 12
3.1.2 噴射式大氣電漿系統設備介紹與參數設定 16
3.1.3 大氣電漿監測系統與薄膜量測裝置 26
3.2 整合程式設計 30
3.2.1 數據蒐集程式 31
3.2.2 控制程式 34
3.2.3 分析回饋程式 38
3.3 實驗方法及設定 41
3.3.1 大氣電漿鍍膜實驗參數 41
3.3.2 雷射鍍製導線加工方式 43
第四章 研究結果 46
4.1 大氣電漿鍍膜 46
4.2 雷射輔助鍍製導線 55
4.3 加工點溫度數據分析 62
4.4 電漿光譜數據分析 68
4.5 電漿光譜載氣流量預測 76
4.6 光譜即時控制系統 82
第五章 結論 87
Reference 88
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