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作者(中文):徐 甄
作者(外文):Shu, Zhen
論文名稱(外文):Studying Asymmetric Warpage Behavior of Panel-Level Packages Using Process Modeling Techniques and Viscoelasticity Theory
指導教授(外文):Chiang, Kuo-Ning
口試委員(外文):Zheng, Xian-Zhi
Chen, Chih-Ming
Liu, De Shin
中文關鍵詞:扇出型面板級封裝有限元素法黏彈性 本構模型封膠環氧樹脂熱壓成型製程熱膨脹係數不匹配K-近 鄰演算法
外文關鍵詞:Fan-Out Panel Level PackageFinite Element MethodViscoelastic ModelCTE mismatchAsymmetric WarpageK-nearest neighbors (KNN)
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以實際製程而言,要找到面板級封裝適合的材料搭配並根據不同材料選擇找到相符的製程溫度和升降溫速率,需要花費非常大量的時間。因此,此研究將專使用有限元素法(Finite Element Method)建立320mm x 320mm扇出型面板級封裝的三維立體模型,探討在面板級封裝的製程中產生翹曲的因素和製程參數對其的影響。首先,會探討在全彈性模型下,完成後熟化製程後,其玻璃載板的剝離路徑對最終翹曲行為的影響分析,發現在相同的製程參數下,不同的載板剝離路徑會導致最終不同的翹曲圖形。
With the increasing market demand for electronic components in recent years, the need for package quantity and quality has also increased. Therefore, panel-level packaging with high production efficiency, high production quality, and low cost has become an indispensable critical production method for electronic components. But the problem that comes with it is that compared with wafer-level packaging, panel-level packaging requires higher process accuracy due to the larger panel area. Throughout the process, problems such as uneven panel thickness, uneven epoxy curing, and CTE mismatch between different layers of the panel will occur, resulting in asymmetric warpage of the panel-level package. Not only does it affect the yield of electronic packaging, but significant warpage also increases the difficulty of dicing into a single package structure.
As far as the actual process is concerned, it takes a lot of time to find a suitable material combination for panel-level packaging and to find the appropriate process temperature and rates according to the different structures of the panel-level packaging. Therefore, this study will use the Finite Element Method (FEM) to build a 3D model of a 320mm x 320mm fan-out panel-level package to discuss the causes of warpage behavior and the influence of process parameters in the PLP process. First, under the fully elastic model, the influence of the debonding path of the glass carrier after the completion of the post-curing process is discussed. And it is found that under the same process parameters, different carrier removing paths lead to different warpage patterns.
In addition to discussing the warpage behavior of the panel-level package under the elastic model, the epoxy resin has complex nonlinear behavior in the actual process, including the time-temperature-dependent hardening degree, aging effect, and the viscoelastic mechanical behavior related to hardening. Therefore, the nonlinear behavior of encapsulated epoxy resins is also discussed in this paper, so an encapsulation model including a hardening kinetic model, a temperature-dependent thermal expansion coefficient model, and a viscoelastic constitutive model is built to analyze the influence of the compress molding process, the post-mold cure process temperature, and the heating and cooling rate in the process on the final warpage behavior. In addition, under the viscoelastic model, the effect of uneven heating during processing, uneven thickness, uneven degree of hardening, and the use of different chip sizes on the final warpage behavior will be analyzed.
Finally, the K-nearest neighbors (KNN) algorithm machine learning model is used to predict the variation of warpage values in panel-level packaging under different geometric dimensions and cooling rates.
摘要 I
Abstract III
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 簡介 1
1.2 研究動機與研究方法 3
1.3 文獻回顧 4
第二章 基礎理論 12
2.1 有限元素法理論 12
2.1.1 線彈性理論 12
2.2 有限元素法接觸理論 15
2.2.1 拉格朗日乘子法 16
2.2.2 懲罰函數法 16
2.2.3 增廣拉格朗日乘子法 17
2.3 翹曲分析與高分子材料理論 18
2.3.1 熱膨脹係數不匹配 18
2.3.2 等效熱膨脹係數 19
2.3.3 熱固性高分子材料之固化反應 20
2.3.4 P-V-T-C方程式 21
2.3.5 黏彈性行為與黏彈性本構模型 22
2.4 扇出型晶圓級與面板級封裝製程 26
2.5 機器學習 29
2.5.1 資料前處理(Data Preprocessing) 29
2.5.2 機器學習基礎原理 30
2.5.3 分類(Classification)與迴歸(Regression)問題 31
2.5.4 低度擬合(Underfitting)和過度擬合(Overfitting) 32
2.5.5 交叉驗證(Cross-Validation) 34
2.6 K-近鄰演算法(K-Nearest Neighbors) 35
2.6.1 K值 36
2.6.2 距離度量方式 37
2.6.3 權重定義與計算 38
第三章 線彈性模型下翹曲圖形分析 40
3.1 扇出型面板級封裝模型 40
3.2 扇出型面板級封裝之製程模擬 43
3.3 玻璃載板剝離路徑對翹曲圖形影響分析 47
第四章 黏彈性模型下製程參數與翹曲圖形分析 55
4.1 扇出型面板級封裝模型 55
4.2 扇出型面板級之製程模擬 58
4.3 扇出型面板級封裝製程參數對翹曲圖影響分析 60
4.3.1 環氧樹脂壓模成型溫度分析 61
4.3.2 後熟化製程溫度與持溫時間分析 62
4.3.3 升降溫速率分析 63
4.3.4 參數綜合田口方法分析 65
第五章 KNN應用於面板翹曲預測結果 67
5.1 訓練與測試資料建立 67
5.2 訓練與測試資料前處理 69
5.3 面板翹曲KNN模型預測 72
5.3.1 翹曲圖形判別 74
5.3.2 翹曲值預測 78
5.4 結果與討論 85
第六章 結論與未來建議 88
參考文獻 90
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