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作者(外文):Xiao, Ya-Wen
論文名稱(外文):A Coupled Electro-Thermal Model for Simulating Li-Ion Cells in a Battery Thermal Management System
指導教授(外文):Wong, Shwin-Chung
外文關鍵詞:Battery thermal management systemLithium-ion batteryTemperature uniformityElectro-thermal coupled modelElectric vehicle
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電池熱管理系統(Battery Thermal Management System, BTMS)的工作為確保電動車中鋰離子電池模組的輸出效率、循環壽命、安全性等,而要達到這些目標需有良好的散熱性能,滿足對電池模組操作溫度的限制和均溫性的要求。然而大部分研究在評估BTMS的散熱性能時,僅考慮電池的表面溫度,未考量到電池中心溫度較高,和強烈熱對流係數可能造成電池中心和表面溫度有顯著溫差,且討論範疇皆為電池在某放電率之發熱量,如欲討論不同放電情況時須另外透過實驗測量以計算發熱量,然而電動車實際行使過程中的電流負載並不會如此單一,因此建構能夠預測電池電性和電池中心及表面溫度的電池仿真模型,協助評估電池在不同操作情況下,BTMS的散熱設計是否能滿足散熱、均溫等性能要求,有其必要性。本研究採用等效電路和集總熱模型來建構電池之電熱耦合模型,最終模型適用範圍為電池操作溫度18~53 ℃,且電池持續溫升速度不超過0.33 ℃/min之電流負載;於HPPC動態負載下預測之電池響應電壓和溫升其均方根誤差在操作溫度18/25/34/41 ℃下皆小於20 mV和0.4 ℃,最大預測溫度誤差小於1.5 ℃。值得注意的是該模型應用於有顯著動態變化之循環負載的預測相當準確,然而較不適合應用於持續高負載、電池溫升顯著的情況,這是因為電池電性變化速度相較於溫升緩慢。
The Battery Thermal Management System (BTMS) in electric vehicles plays a crucial role in ensuring the efficiency, cycle life, and safety of lithium-ion battery modules. To achieve these objectives, effective heat dissipation is essential to meet temperature limits and uniformity requirements. However, existing studies often focus solely on the battery's surface temperature, overlooking the higher central temperatures and potential temperature differences between the center and surface due to strong heat convection. Additionally, prior discussions mainly revolve around heat generation at specific discharge rates, necessitating separate experiments to evaluate different discharge scenarios, which may not accurately represent real-world electric vehicle operations.
To address these challenges, this study adopts an equivalent circuit and lumped thermal model to construct a battery electro-thermal coupled model. The final model is applicable within the battery's operating temperature range of 18~53 ℃ and under continuous current loads with temperature rise rates not exceeding 0.33 ℃/min. HPPC loading at operating temperatures of 18/25/34/41 ℃, the RMSE of the predicted voltage and temperature of the model is less than 20 mV and 0.4 ℃, respectively, with the maximum predicted temperature error being less than 1.5 ℃. Notably, the model performs well when applied to cyclic loads with dynamic variations. However, it's less suitable for situations of sustained high loads and significant battery temperature rise due to the comparatively slow rate of battery characteristic changes compared to temperature rise.
Furthermore, considering the battery's favorable axial heat conduction coefficient, a three-dimensional model accounting for battery anisotropy is developed, and the experiment involving water cooling at tab is conducted as well. The feasibility of double-tab cooling and its impact on temperature uniformity are discussed. The results revealed that double-tab cooling contributes to improving temperature uniformity. However, in practical applications, the main obstacle lies in the contact thermal resistance.
第一章 緒論----------------------1
1.1 研究背景---------------------1
1.2 文獻回顧---------------------2
1.2.1 電池熱管理系統--------------2
1.2.2 電池模型-------------------8
1.2.3 電池異相性與電極端散熱-----14
1.3 研究目的--------------------15
第二章 數值模型與理論方法---------17
2.1 等效電路模型-----------------17
2.1.1 等效電路模型中的參數--------17
2.1.2 等效電路模型參數化----------23
2.2 電熱耦合模型------------------27
2.2.1 熱生成量-------------------27
2.2.2 集總熱模型-----------------28
2.2.3 異相性熱模型---------------30
2.2.4 熱參數---------------------31
2.3 實驗方法---------------------35
2.3.1 實驗設備與架構--------------35
2.3.2 實驗流程與參數化------------36
2.3.3 電池模組實驗---------------41
第三章 結果與討論-----------------43
3.1 電池模型預測結果--------------43
3.1.1 等效電路模型----------------43
3.1.2 熱模型---------------------48
3.1.3 電熱耦合模型----------------49
3.2 電池異向性及電極散熱可行性-----53
3.3 電池模組實驗------------------54
第四章 結論-----------------------59
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