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作者(外文):Lee, Yi-An
論文名稱(外文):Solid-liquid phase transformation temperatures in the Sn-Ag-Cu-Bi quaternary system
指導教授(外文):Chen, Sinn-Wen
口試委員(外文):Wang, Chao-Hong
Chen, Chih-Ming
Lin, Kun-Han
外文關鍵詞:Lead-free solderThermal analysisCalphadSn-Ag-Cu-BiPhase transformation temperaturesLiquidus temperaturesEutectic temperatures
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本研究擬以實驗的方法,精確的量測錫-銀-銅-鉍四元系統液固相變化溫度,以作為修改相關的Calphad熱力學資料庫的依據。所量測的式樣,將包括富錫端的二元合金(錫-銀、錫-銅、錫-鉍)、三元合金(錫-銀-鉍、錫-銀-銅)與四元合金(錫-銀-銅-鉍)。本研究特別強調精確的原因,在於錫基合金的過冷情形嚴重,精確的液相線溫度並不易量測。而且唯有精確的數據,才能夠釐清目前各種不同計算結果,甚至是實驗量測中的不一致。本研究擬用的實驗方法包括使用熱分析(Thermal Analysis)與進行持溫-淬冷(Holding-Quenching)的實驗。
Tin-based alloys are the most important soldering materials in electronic products, and have a huge impact on the reliability of electronic products. Binary alloys such as tin-silver, tin-copper, tin-indium, tin-bismuth, and ternary or quaternary alloys composed of them are the most important tin-based lead-free solder alloys. The liquidus temperature and solidus temperature of solder are very important properties of solder alloys. The above alloys have been widely used in the industry, and there are also phase diagram databases established by the Calphad method. After calculation using four different phase diagram databases (NIST public database, NIMS public database, CompuTherm (commercially available) database, and a database of related papers in the literature), it was found unexpectedly that the calculated liquidus temperatures among binary tin-based alloy and ternary tin-based alloys are quite different.
This study intends to measure the solid/liquid phase transformation temperature of the tin-based alloys in the constituent systems of Sn-Ag-Cu-Bi quaternary system accurately by means of experiments, as a basis for modifying the relevant Calphad thermodynamic database. The samples measured include tin-rich binary alloys (Sn-Bi, Sn-Ag, Sn-Cu), tin-rich ternary alloys (Sn-Ag-Cu, Sn-Ag-Bi), and tin-rich quaternary alloys (Sn-Ag-Cu-Bi). In this study, the precise reason is particularly emphasized, because the supercooling of tin-based alloys is serious, and the precise liquidus temperature is not easy to measure. Moreover, only accurate data can clarify the current various calculation results and even the inconsistencies in the experimental measurements. The experimental methods to be used in this study include the use of thermal analysis and holding-quenching experiments.
For thermal analysis, pure elements were used to perform experiments, and different heating rates were used to correct the experimental results. For alloys whose liquidus temperature is not obvious, the holding-quench experiment is carried out in a vertical tube furnace due to the obvious structural difference of the alloy before and after the liquidus temperature, and the obtained metallographic structure is observed with a microscope. After ensuring whether there is a solid phase during the temperature-holding process, the temperature range in which the alloy changes from a solid phase to a homogeneous liquid phase is obtained. The liquidus temperature of the alloy is determined by thermal analysis measurements and experimental results of holding-quenching method.
This study provides the accurate phase transformation temperatures of tin-based alloys in Sn-Ag-Cu-Bi constituent systems, which is required for Calphad modeling modification.
摘要 I
Abstract III
致謝 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XII
第一章 前言 1
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2-1 相圖 4
2-1-1 實驗相圖 4
2-1-2 相圖計算 9
2-2 熱分析 10
2-3 凝固與析出 14
2-3-1 過冷 14
2-3-2 合金的凝固 15
2-4 Bi-Sn二元子系統 19
2-5 Ag-Sn二元子系統 23
2-6 Cu-Sn二元子系統 25
2-7 Sn-Ag-Cu三元子系統 29
2-8 Sn-Ag-Bi三元子系統 32
2-9 Sn-Bi-Cu三元子系統 35
2-10 Sn-Ag-Bi-Cu四元系統 38
第三章 研究方法 42
3-1 合金之製備 42
3-2 熱分析 42
3-2-1 同步式熱重熱示差分析儀(Simultaneous Thermal Analyzer, STA) 42
3-2-2 相變溫度量測 43
3-2-3 標記實驗 43
3-3 相圖計算 44
3-4 持溫-淬冷(Holding-quench)實驗 44
3-5 金相分析 44
第四章 結果與討論 46
4-1 純元素校正曲線 46
4-2 Bi-Sn合金 49
4-3 Ag-Sn合金 56
4-4 Cu-Sn合金 62
4-5 Sn-Ag-Cu合金 68
4-6 Sn-Ag-Bi合金 76
4-7 Sn-Ag-Cu-Bi合金 85
第五章 結論 89
第六章 參考文獻 91

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