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作者(外文):Chien, Ming-Chen
論文名稱(外文):Development of self-amplifying RNA (saRNA) system for Combination Cancer Therapy
指導教授(外文):Hu, Yu-Chen
口試委員(外文):Wang, Hui-Ching
Lin, Mei-Wei
外文關鍵詞:self-amplifying RNA (saRNA)OxaliplatinCancer therapy
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在新冠病毒大流行期間,mRNA疫苗的成功不僅讓人們認識到了mRNA應用的潛力,還加速了未來的普及。自我複製RNA(saRNA)是mRNA研究的一個新焦點。saRNA可以表達RNA複製酶,實現自我複製並大量表現攜帶目標基因的mRNA。這一特性延長了RNA的存在的時間,同時保持基因的表達。使用化療誘導免疫原性細胞死亡(ICD),然後引發抗癌免疫反應是一種治療癌症的方法。奧沙利鉑(oxaliplatin, OXA)是美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)批准用於大腸癌治療的藥物之一,可以觸發ICD。然而,OXA單獨治療大腸癌的療效可能受到腫瘤微環境免疫抑制的限制。為了解決這個問題,我們可以透過saRNA表達更多免疫促進蛋白如OX40L和IL-12,以加強免疫反應並改善癌症治療。在本研究中,我們開發了saRNA系統先表達螢光蛋白ZsGreen,並將該系統通過TT3脂質奈米粒子(TT3-LNP)遞送到CT26細胞中。我們確認螢光蛋白可以持續表現至少28天。隨後,將螢光基因替換成OX40L和IL-12的基因後,我們也觀察到蛋白的表現可持續至少21天,且表現的蛋白是具有功能的。最後通過動物實驗,我們驗證OXA與saRNA的整合療法的療效優於OXA或saRNA的單一療法。
During the strike of the COVID-19 pandemic, the success of the mRNA vaccine not only let people understand the potential of mRNA applications but also accelerated the popularization of it in the future. Self-amplifying RNA (saRNA) is a new focus of mRNA research. SaRNA can express RNA replicase to achieve self-amplification and
replicate mRNA of the target gene it carries. This feature extends the life of RNA, leading to sustain gene expression at the same time. Using chemotherapy to induce immunogenic cell death (ICD) and then anti-cancer immune responses is one of the cancer treatments. Oxaliplatin (OXA), an FDA-approved drug for colon cancer treatment, is one of the drugs that can trigger ICD. However, the efficacy of OXA
monotherapy for colon cancer is limited probably due to immunosuppression in tumor microenvironments. To solve this problem, we can express more immunostimulatory proteins, OX40L and IL-12, by saRNA to strengthen immune responses and improve cancer treatment. At the beginning of this research, we developed the saRNA system
expressing fluorescence protein, ZsGreen, and delivered the system into CT26 via TT3 lipid nanoparticles (TT3-LNP). We confirmed the fluorescence can be sustained for at least 28 days. Later, after replacing the fluorescence gene with the genes of OX40L and
IL-12, we also observed the maintenance of functional protein expression for at least 21 days. Finally, through the in vivo study, we validated the therapeutic efficacy of OXA/saRNA combination therapy was better than that of OXA or saRNA monotherapy.
摘要...... I
Abstract ...... II
誌謝辭...... III
目錄 .......V
圖目錄 ...... VII
表目錄 ......VIII
第一章 文獻回顧 ...... 1
1-1 自我複製RNA (self-amplifying RNA, saRNA)作為基因表現系統用於疾病預防及治療...... 1
1-2 脂質奈米粒子 (Lipid nanoparticle, LNP) ...... 2
1-3 奧沙利鉑 (Oxaliplatin, OXA)的大腸癌治療 ...... 3
1-4 免疫促進蛋白....... 4
1-4-1 OX40 和OX40L ....... 4
1-4-2 介白素12 (interleukin 12, IL-12) ...... 4
1-5 研究動機 ...... 5
第二章 實驗材料與方法 ...... 10
2-1 細胞培養...... 10
2-2 質體建構 ...... 10
2-2-1 建構在細胞內表現saRNA 的質體 ...... 10
2-2-2 建構體外轉錄saRNA 所需的質體 ...... 12
2-3 DNA 引子黏合反應 (primer annealing) ...... 13
2-4 聚合酶連鎖反應 (polymerase chain reaction, PCR) ...... 15
2-5 Gibson Assembly ...... 16
2-6 DNA 連接 (Ligation) ...... 16
2-7 瓊脂凝膠萃取 DNA 片段......17
2-8 熱休克轉型反應 (Heat-shock transformation) 及菌落接種...... 17
2-9 質體萃取 ...... 18
2-10 大量質體萃取...... 18
2-11 RNA 體外轉錄 ...... 19
2-12 LNP 的製備...... 20
2-12-1 DlinDMA-LNP 製備...... 20
2-12-2 TT3-LNP 製備...... 20
2-13 LNP 特性分析...... 21
2-14 轉染策略...... 22
2-14-1 質體轉染...... 22
2-14-2 saRNA 轉染...... 22
2-15 體外蛋白質表現及活性測試...... 24
2-16 流式細胞儀分析 ...... 24
2-17 腫瘤模型建立與動物實驗 ...... 25
2-18 統計分析...... 25
第三章 實驗結果 ...... 26
3-1 建立saRNA 系統...... 26
3-1-1 建立與測試以質體表現的saRNA 系統 ...... 26
3-1-2 建立並測試體外轉錄的saRNA 系統 ...... 27
3-2 利用saRNA 系統表現目標基因OX40L 及IL-12 ...... 28
3-2-1 建構表現OX40L 及IL-12 的saRNA 與分析saRNA 的LNP 包覆......28
3-2-2 體外驗證saRNA 表現OX40L 及IL-12 的效果及蛋白功能...... 28
3-3 於腫瘤模型中驗證OXA 結合sa-OX12 的整合療法之療效...... 29
第四章 討論...... 42
第五章 結論與未來工作...... 46
第六章 參考資料...... 47
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