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作者(外文):Chan, Yun-Chen
論文名稱(外文):Effect of silicon content on characteristics, mechanical properties and tribological behavior of (AlCrNbTiMoSix)N multicomponent nitride coatings fabricated by RF magnetron co-sputtering
指導教授(外文):Chen, Po-Yu
Duh, Jenq-Gong
口試委員(外文):Chang, Li-Chun
Wu, Fan-Bean
外文關鍵詞:Hard coatingSputterPhysical vapor depositionMechanical propertiesTribological behavior
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本研究乃透過反應射頻磁控濺鍍機研製多元合金氮化物薄膜,改變矽靶材的功率並固定鋁鉻鈮鈦鉬多元合金靶的功率,製備不同矽含量之多元合金氮化物薄膜。隨著矽含量的增加,薄膜硬度從原本的28.5 GPa提升到33.5 GPa,此強化效果歸因於固溶強化、晶粒細化以及氮化矽包圍金屬氮化物晶粒。
在室溫磨耗中,在矽含量為0, 3.3 與4.9 at. %的薄膜都具有優異的磨耗表現。此外,在薄膜矽含量為0 at.%時擁有最好的磨耗性質,此乃歸因於其較低的楊氏模數,使在磨耗時磨球的力量較能分散而不會應力集中。且其最高的殘留應力在磨耗時也可阻止破裂的情形發生,以至於其磨耗性質最為優異。
Nitride coatings characterize superior mechanical properties, anti-oxidation and anti-wear behavior, it has been applied widely in industry field. With ever-changing technology, the demand for hard protective coatings is growing. However, the tradi-tional binary and ternary nitride coatings could hardly satisfy the industrial require-ments. As a result, the industry is dedicating to developing the multicomponent ni-tride coatings.
In recent years, the concept of high-entropy was introduced into academia, and the larger number of elements in the system could enhance the strength and structure stability of the alloys. Furthermore, nanocomposite coatings could also benefit to the mechanical properties of the coatings owing to the solid solution strengthening, grain size refinement and phase separation of silicon nitride which could enhance the interfacial strength of the grain boundaries. However, the literature related to multicomponent nitride coatings with nanocomposite structures could hardly be found. As a result, this study is thus devoted to fabricating the new multicomponent nanocomposite nitride coatings with superior mechanical properties.
In this study, the multi-component (AlCrNbTiMoSix)N nitride coatings with different silicon contents were fabricated by RF magnetron co-sputtering. The coat-ings hardness increased from 28.5 to 33.5 GPa, which was attributed to several strengthening factors, such as grain size refinement, high residual stress induced by point defects owing to the peening effect in the sputter system. Furthermore, Si3¬N4 precipitated in the grain boundaries due to spinodal decomposition, forming the nanocomposite nc-(AlCrNbTiMo)N/a-Si3N4. Si3N4 in grain boundaries prevented dislocation movement and grain boundaries sliding, improving the cohesive strength of the grain and phase boundaries.
From the tribological test at room temperature, coatings with 0, 3.3 and 4.9 (at. %) silicon content exhibited low wear rate of 0.85, 2.27 and 3.28 (10-6mm3N-1m-1), respectively. The low coefficient of friction of the coatings is attributed to the for-mation of a self-subricating layer.
The high wear resistance was attributed to the high H3/E2 (above 0.5) and low coefficient of friction. It is demonstrated that (AlCrNbTiMoSix)N coatings could provide a potential candidate for anti-wear materials due to their favorable mechan-ical and lubricant properties.
2.2.1 Sputtering process 10
2.2.2 Magnetron sputtering 10
2.2.3 Radio-frequency (RF) sputtering 11
2.2.4 Structure-Zone model of thin-films 14
2.3.1 Binary nitride hard coating 20
2.3.2 Ternary nitride hard coating 21
2.3.3 High-entropy nitride hard coating 25
2.4.1 Chemical composition 28
2.4.2 Hardness of the coatings 29
2.4.3 Wear mechanism 36
3.3.1 Chemical composition Analysis 44
3.3.2 XRD Identification 44
3.3.3 Microstructure Analysis 44
3.3.4 Hardness and Elastic modulus 44
3.3.5 Residual stress 45
3.3.6 Tribological performance evaluation 45
3.3.7 Surface bonding characterization 46
3.3.8 Morphology observation 46
4.1.1 Chemical composition 47
4.1.2 XRD identification 49
4.1.3 Density of coatings 53
4.1.4 Microstructure 55

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