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作者(外文):Lin, Jing-Cyun
論文名稱(外文):Biotin-Derived Protein Switch for Signal-On Detection of Small Molecules on Cell Surface
指導教授(外文):Tan, Kui-Thong
口試委員(外文):Hsu, Hsin-Yun
Huang, Yu-Fen
外文關鍵詞:Protein SwitchBiotinylatedSemisynthetic
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  • 評分評分:*****
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With the development of medical resources, there are still no clear diagnostic schemes or quantifiable chemical biomarkers for brain disorders, which increase the difficulty of treatment. Researches have pointed out that most of them are affected by neurotransmitters. There are several excitatory, inhibitory, and modulatory neurotransmitters, such as Glu, GABA and ACh, respectively, will impact the change of signal by their concentration and distribution. Thus, determining the spatiotemporal relationship between these chemical signals and the brain is beneficial for biomedical development. Nowadays, numerous small-molecule based and genetically encoded sensors have been developed to track neural activity. Synthetic protein switch is one of the prospective methods in this field. Hence, we refer to these techniques to expand the applications. In this thesis, we introduce a series of tunable biotin-derived protein switch to detect small molecules on cell surface. The principle of this design is switching the fluorescent signal on and off by altering the steric hindrance of biotin. In the absence of analyte, the protein switch forms a closed conformation, and the biotin, meanwhile, will be trapped between the binding proteins causing it is unable to interact with streptavidin. While adding the analyte will let the analyte compete with the ligand of the probe, and lead the protein switch to form an open conformation activating the interaction between biotin and streptavidin. Consequently, the exposing biotin binds to streptavidin-Cy5 and generates the fluorescent turn-on signal. Based on the design, we expect these kinds of protein switch can be applied to detect different kinds of neurotransmitters, and be also expressed in vivo.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝辭 iii
目錄 iv
第一章、緒論 1
1-1 神經傳導物質 (Neurotransmitter) 1
1-1-1 合成與釋放 (Synthesis and Release) 1
1-1-2 生理作用 (Physiological Action) 2
1-2 神經傳導物質檢測方法 (Neurotransmitter Detection) 3
1-2-1 電化學 (Electrochemical Method) 3
1-2-2 微透析 (Microdialysis) 3
1-2-3 光學成像 (Fluorescence Imaging) 4
第二章、文獻回顧 5
2-1 基因編碼感測器 (Genetically Encoded Sensor) 5
2-2-1 Circular Permutation 5
2-2-2 GPCR-Based Sensor 6
2-2-3 PBP-Based Sensor 7
2-2 混合感測器 (Hybrid Sensor) 9
2-1-1 Glutamate Optical Sensor (EOS) 9
2-1-2 Fluorescin Arsenical Hairpin Binder (FlAsH) 9
2-1-3 Snifit 10
2-1-4 Target Probe 12
第三章、研究動機 13
3-1 探針設計與策略 (Probe Design and Strategy) 13
3-2 設計原理 (Design Principle) 16
3-3 反應端與配體端之蛋白選擇 (Protein Selection) 17
3-3-1 結合蛋白 (Binding Protein) 17
3-3-2 目標蛋白 (Target Protein) 18
3-4 螢光標記之選擇 (Fluorescent Labeling Selection) 20
第四章、實驗結果與討論 21
4-1 探針合成路徑 (Synthetic Routes) 21
4-1-1 Synthesis of HaloTag Reaction Site 21
4-1-2 Synthesis of LC-Glu 23
4-1-3 Synthesis of LC-HCA 24
4-1-4 Synthesis of LC-GABA 25
4-1-5 Synthesis of LC-DHFR 26
4-1-6 Synthesis of LC-SNAP 27
4-2 實驗結果 28
4-2-1 HaloTag Control Test 28
4-2-2 LC-HCA 29
4-2-3 LC-GABA 30
4-2-4 LC-DHFR 31
4-2-5 LC-SNAP 33
第五章、結論 36
第六章、實驗步驟 37
6-1 實驗器材與藥品 (Instruments and Chemicals) 37
6-2 細胞影像實驗 (Experiment for Cell Imaging) 39
6-3 有機合成與光譜資料 (Synthesis and Spectrum) 40
第七章、參考資料 61
附錄 68
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