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作者(外文):Chen, Yu-Heng
論文名稱(外文):Characterization of X pendulum for Q&A experiment
指導教授(外文):Wang, Li-Bang
口試委員(外文):Chen, Zi-Ling
Pan, Xiao-Xi
外文關鍵詞:Quantum Electrodynamics test and search for Axionsuspension systemattenuant vibration
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Q&A(Quantum Electrodynamics test and search for Axion)實驗是一個以探測真空雙折射(vacuum birefringence)效應為目標之實驗,其主要由懸吊8米的Fabry-Perot干涉儀與轉動永久磁鐵及一組偏振檢測儀組成,利用光在Fabry-Perot來回反射加大真空雙折射效應。除了加大真空雙折射效應外,降低環境噪音也是一個重要課題,它可以避免真空雙折射效應被環境背景值掩蓋。此篇論文主要講述地振噪音的消除-交叉擺減振系統,真空雙折射實驗是量測偏振的變化,鏡片如果受到地震的晃動,將對實驗造成很大的影響,因此減振系統非常需要。我們將講述交叉擺結構與原理計算,並在實驗中測到交叉擺兩個方向共振頻率分別為0.15 Hz及0.17 Hz。
The Q&A (Quantum Electrodynamics test and search for Axion) experiment aims to explore the vacuum birefringence effect. It mainly consists of an 8-meter suspended Fabry-Perot interferometer, a rotating permanent magnet, and a set of polarization detectors. The back-and-forth reflection of light in the Fabry-Perot enhances the vacuum birefringence effect. In addition to amplifying the vacuum birefringence effect, reducing environmental noise is also a crucial concern to prevent the effect from being masked by background values. This paper primarily discusses the elimination of ground vibration noise through an X pendulum damping system. The vacuum birefringence experiment measures changes in polarization. If the mirrors experience shaking due to ground vibration, it can significantly impact the experiment. Therefore, a damping system is essential. We will discuss the cross-pendulum structure and principle calculations.the resonance measured in this experiment are 0.15 Hz and 0.17 Hz respectively
摘要 1
1.1 Cotton-Mouton效應與其發展歷史 3
1.2 QED真空雙折射(vacuum birefringence) 4
1.3 (贗)純量場與軸子(Axion)理論 7
2.1 光源 10
2.2 共振腔模態(resonant cavity mode) 12
2.3 光學模態鈍化共振腔(optical mode cleaner) 17
2.4 模態匹配 18
2.5 Rezonator軟體模擬 22
3.1 單擺系統 28
3.2 交叉擺系統 32
4.1 外插式干涉儀(heterodyne optical interferometer) 41
4.2 交叉擺加雙重擺系統 45
4.3 渦電流阻尼減振系統(eddy current damping) 48
5.1 結論與展望 51
參考文獻 54
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