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作者(外文):Yang, Yuan-Je
論文名稱(中文):915MHz 固態波源與未來應用
論文名稱(外文):915 MHz Solid-State Source and future application
指導教授(外文):Chang, Tsun-Hsu
口試委員(外文):Yang, Jeng-Rern
Kou, Chwung-Shan
Wang, Chaoen
中文關鍵詞:固態波源放大器(Solid-state power amplifier)平面巴倫熱模擬功率融合及分配器加熱實驗
外文關鍵詞:Solid state power amplifier (SSPA)Planer BalunHeat stimulationPower combiner and dividerHeating experiment
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接下來,由於我們將來可能會設計一個新的平面巴倫和匹配電路,但在設計的過程中可能會造成微帶線溫度過高進而造成危險的情況。因此,學習如何使用熱模擬可以幫助我們檢查系統中是否存在溫度過高的情況,並在進行實驗之前針對其進行修改,減少材料損壞和時間成本。在熱模擬方面我們嘗試使用HFSS Icepak系統對巴倫進行熱模擬,並將結果與我們的915MHz巴倫和國家同步輻射中心的500MHz巴倫進行比較。
This article will continue the 915MHz solid-state power amplifier (SSPA) model in our lab. First, I tried to redo the SSPA based on the design from my senior and discovered oscillation in my SSPA. This caused instability in the phase, power, and temperature, making it difficult to predict. Therefore, we tried to solve this issue. Additionally, the power and efficiency did not reach the maximum 750W and 78.5% as stated in the chip datasheet and the theoretical efficiency of class AB. We attempted to provide methods to optimize it.
Next, because someday we will design a new planar Balun and matching circuit, we need to be cautious about the temperature in the microstrip to prevent any danger. Therefore, learning how to use thermal simulation can help us check if we have an over-temperature condition in our system and modify it before conducting the experiment, reducing material breakage and time costs. We attempted to use the HFSS Icepak system to perform thermal simulations on the Balun and compare the results with our 915MHz Balun and the NSRRC 500MHz Balun.
After finishing optimize on the SSPA and thermal simulation on Balun, We aim to solve the problems in our single SSPA. We try to obtain more power from our SSPA to enable us to conduct a higher quantity or higher temperature heating experiments. However, since the SSPA is made of semiconductors, it cannot withstand high temperatures, reaching its temperature limit when the input power reaches 750W. Furthermore, although it cannot achieve high power output for a single SSPA, it has the property of phase stability. This makes it easier for us to perform power combining using multiple SSPAs. Therefore, we attempted to design a 6-way power divider to ensure all SSPAs receive input power with the same phase and utilize the 6-way power divider to achieve higher power. For this, we referred to the power combiner and divider design at NSRRC in Hsinchu, Taiwan to design our own power combiner and divider. Finally, we promote the method of creating 3.6kW and 7.2kW sources using a power combiner and divider, as well as further applications such as cavity combining and phase control for future work.
考試委員審定書 #
誌謝 i
中文摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
Chapter 1 915MH固態波源簡介與其理論 1
1.1 915MHz固態波源放大器的源起 1
1.2 915MHz 放大器技術及特色 3
1.2.1 915MHz 放大器的基本結構介紹 3
1.2.2 推挽式放大器 4
1.2.3 平面巴倫 5
1.2.4 阻抗匹配 6
1.3 固態波源的組裝及測試平台介紹 7
Chapter 2 915MHz 波源模組與其改進 9
2.1 固態波源的起震問題及解決 9
2.2 其他固態波源的優化設計 11
Chapter 3巴倫熱模擬與其實驗結果 14
Chapter 4 915MHz 功率融合及分配器模擬 17
4.1 回顧國家同步輻射中心500MHz SSPA發展 17
4.2 功率分配器(Power divider)設計與模擬結果 18
4.3 功率融合器(Power Combiner)設計與模擬結果 21
Chapter 5未來應用 27
5.1 915MHz 3.2k及7.2k波源 27
5.2 915MHz 多點饋入共振腔及相位控制 29
Chapter 6 結論 30
參考文獻 31
附錄一 監控模組及輸出模組介紹 34
A. 1 監控模組介紹 34
A. 1.1 方向耦合器 34
A. 1.2 電流、電壓及溫度監控整合模組 35
A. 2 輸出模組介紹 37

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