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作者(外文):Jiang, Jun-Yan
論文名稱(外文):Study of Microwave Drying Technology in the Fields of Wastewater Treatment and Biomass Fuel
指導教授(外文):Chang, Tsun-Hsu
外文關鍵詞:Microwave drying technologywastewater treatmentbiofuelenvironmental issuesenergy transitiongreen energy
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  • 點閱點閱:154
  • 評分評分:*****
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Environmental issues have risen in prominence, notably in the fields of wastewater treatment and renewable energy, against the backdrop of a fast expanding global population and expanding industrial operations. The key to realizing the energy transition and lowering carbon emissions is biomass energy, which is acknowledged as a green and sustainable energy source. However, a number of technological obstacles still exist in the production and use of bioenergy, calling for creative solutions to improve the profitability of biomass resources.
The rise of bioenergy and genuine concern for environmental sustainability serve as the driving forces behind this study. Traditional wastewater treatment systems waste energy and pose possible emission issues, while current biofuel production technologies have yield and energy efficiency restrictions. This study focuses on microwave drying technology to overcome these problems, looking at its possible uses for both biofuel production and wastewater treatment.
Microwave drying technology has a great deal of potential for resource recovery and energy conversion due to its effective energy transfer and quick heating capabilities. Microwave drying, when used in the context of wastewater treatment, permits quick sludge drying while consuming less energy and posing a lower danger of secondary contamination, possibly changing current treatment methods. In addition, the use of microwave drying technology in the manufacture of biofuels may significantly improve the drying efficiency of biomass resources, resulting in higher fuel yields and less dependency on limited fossil fuels.
However, in order to make these applications a reality, it is important to carefully take environmental laws and sustainable development goals into account. In order to guarantee that the procedures do not cause further environmental harm, this study is devoted to verifying that the use of microwave drying technology in wastewater treatment and biofuel production complies with environmental protection requirements. We are certain that we can advance the development of environmentally friendly bioenergy technologies and help to realize the objectives of sustainable development via technical innovation and regulatory observance.
摘要 .................................................................... i
Abstract ................................................................... ii
誌謝 ................................................................... iv
圖目錄 .................................................................. vii
表目錄 ................................................................. viii
第 一 章 緒 論 .............................................................. 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 ........................................................ 1
1.1.1 環保意識抬頭—水資源 .................................................. 1
1.1.2 永續能源發展—生質燃料興起 ............................................ 2
1.2 研究目標 .............................................................. 3
1.3 微波乾燥技術 .......................................................... 4
1.3.1 歷史發展 .............................................................. 4
1.3.2 磁控管(Magnetron) ..................................................... 5
1.3.3 微波加熱原理 .......................................................... 6
1.3.4 常見的微波應用 ........................................................ 7
1.3.5 電磁模擬軟體 .......................................................... 7
第 二 章 微波噴霧乾燥—汙水處理 .............................................. 9
2.1 腔體設計概念 .......................................................... 9
2.2 腔體設備介紹 ......................................................... 10
2.3 腔體電磁場分析 ....................................................... 13
2.4 實驗方式與過程 ....................................................... 14
2.5 實驗數據與結果 ....................................................... 15
2.6 傳統與微波乾燥成本評估(以水為例) ................................... 17
2.7 小結 ................................................................. 17
第 三 章 微波乾燥—生質燃料 ................................................. 21
3.1 何謂綠色能源? ........................................................ 21
3.1.1 何謂綠色能源 ......................................................... 21
3.1.2 何謂淨零碳排放? ...................................................... 21
3.1.3 綠能和淨零碳排放的重要性 ............................................. 21
3.1.4 實踐綠能和達成淨零碳排放的方法 ....................................... 22
3.2 生質燃料製程困境 ..................................................... 22
3.3 微波乾燥的好處 ....................................................... 23
3.4 乾燥設備 ............................................................. 24
3.5 實驗方式與過程 ....................................................... 26
3.6 實驗數據與結果 ....................................................... 28
3.7 小結 ................................................................. 32
第 四 章 結論與未來展望 ..................................................... 35
4.1 微波乾燥技術在環保綠能領域的應用 ..................................... 35
4.2 未來展望 ............................................................. 35
參考資料 ................................................................... 37
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