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作者(外文):Lee, Song-Hong
論文名稱(外文):A Targeted Black-Box Poisoning Attack Against a Deep Learning-Based ECG Biometric Recognition System
指導教授(外文):Wu, Shun-Chi
口試委員(外文):Sheu, Rong-Jiun
Leou, Keh-Chyang
Wen, Hung-Pin
外文關鍵詞:biometric recognitionelectrocardiograms (ECGs)poisoning attacksecurity
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為了應對模板老化(template aging)的問題,具有模板或模型更新機制之自適應生物辨識系統(adaptive biometric recognition system)被提出作為應對資料中組內變化問題的解決方案。儘管這些更新機制解決了傳統系統中所面臨的問題,但卻也引入了潛在的漏洞。利用這些更新機制,攻擊者得以透過投毒攻擊(poisoning attack)來對儲存在系統中的模板或隱藏的模型進行間接破壞。本文針對一自適應心電辨識系統進行了安全性之研究。其中,目標系統為一修改自現有一最先進的基於深度學習之心電辨識系統。本研究中,我們提出了一種具有針對性之投毒攻擊框架。攻擊者目標對一選定之使用者進行冒充,從而獲得系統訪問權限,同時阻止該使用者訪問系統。為了評估本研究所提出的方法之有效性,我們同時考慮了白盒(white-box)與黑盒(black-box)兩種情境。這兩種情境取決於攻擊者對模型結果的了解程度。實驗結果表明,本研究之方法在白盒以及黑盒兩種情境下均取得了顯著的成果。其中兩情境中,57% 與34%的攻擊組合,能夠在維持系統中其他註冊者之完整性下,使攻擊者之FPIRa 超過50%,證明了本研究之攻擊框架具有高度針對性的特點。
Adaptive biometric recognition systems have been proposed as a solution to mitigate template aging issues by auto-updating templates or models to account for the intra-class variations of the data. While these updating mechanisms offer a promising solution to address the limitations of traditional systems, they also introduce a potential vulnerability, allowing adversaries to exploit them and initiate poisoning attacks to indirectly compromise the stored templates or the model hidden in the system. In this study, we investigate the security of an adaptive biometric recognition system based on electrocardiograms (ECGs), modified from a state-of-the-art deep learning-based system. We proposed a targeted black-box poisoning attack framework, wherein the adversary's objective was to impersonate a specific subject, thereby gaining access to the system while simultaneously preventing the target subject from accessing it. To comprehensively evaluate our proposed method’s effectiveness, we assess its performance in both white-box and black-box scenarios, depending on the adversary’s level of knowledge regarding the model structure. Our experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach achieved notable success in both white-box and black-box scenarios. While maintaining the integrity of the other subjects in the system, 57% and 34% of the attack pairs demonstrated FPIRas of the adversaries exceeding 50%, indicating the highly targeted nature of our attack framework.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
Contents iv
Table Captions v
Figure Captions vi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Adaptive ECG Recognition System 6
2.1 Deep Learning-Based ECG Recognition System 6
2.2 Adaptive System Modifications 7
Chapter 3 Poisoning Attack 9
3.1 Attack Assumptions 9
3.2 Poisoning Sample Generation 9
3.3 Poisoning Sample Injection 12
3.4 Black-Box Attack 16
Chapter 4 Experiments and Discussion 18
4.1 Dataset and Preprocessing 18
4.2 System and Attack Implementation 19
4.2.1 System Implementation 19
4.2.2 Poisoning Attack Implementation 19
4.2.3 Substitute Model Training 20
4.3 Attack Performance Evaluation 21
4.3.1 Open-Set Identification 21
4.3.2 The Effect of the Smoothness Factor 23
4.3.3 Influence Factors to the Attack Results 27
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Works 32
Reference 33

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