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作者(外文):Cheng, Yu-Chen
論文名稱(中文):視與不視之間 –鄭又禎插畫立體化陶藝創作論述
論文名稱(外文):Between seeing and imaginary —Yu-Chen Cheng’s ceramic art creation of illustration three-dimensionalization
指導教授(外文):Shih, Fu-Chi
口試委員(外文):Xiao, Ming-Tun
Liang, Jia-Haur
外文關鍵詞:between seeing and imaginaryturn illustrations into a three-dimensionalvisual associationsimilar to sprites
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「不視」為非視覺具體所見之物,即心眼所見和想像無限,舉凡天馬行空的夢境場景 ,豐富的畫面有如放映機,一幕幕呈現在眼前,是筆者創作的泉源。即便是「無中生有」虛構而成的物件,也可先用線稿描繪,再陶用土捏塑成形,彷彿創造了各種不同造形的時空旅者群聚,也成為幻想中無限的的「自我」。
總而言之,創作動機是筆者眼見和想像的組合呈現,目的是讓世人看見獨特的類精靈,創作內容是在周遭出現的類臉譜圖案,經過擷取成為插畫並彩繪的流程,方法是 把思想放空,運用直覺,捕捉瞬間的靈感,用陶土迅速確實的成形,把插畫立體化成為陶藝作品,結果是經過彩繪及高溫窯燒的歷程後,常會有意外驚喜的作品出現 。
"Seeing" is what the eye can see, for example, the mottled walls, trunks of old trees, landscape pictures, etc., which can be seen everywhere, can remind the author of the faces of all kinds of elves. The "elves" sometimes talk and play together in groups, always smiling and full of joy on their faces, bringing people a happy mood. When I stared at these many dancing elves, I seemed to see my inner self, and danced with it, which made me feel extremely happy.
"Imaginary" means what is not visually seen, but what the mind sees. The so-called "imagination is infinite", such as imaginary dream scenes, the time and space jumping through ancient and modern, rich pictures are like a projector, and the scenes are presented in front of my eyes and form the fountain of my creation. Even the fictitious objects "created out of nothing" can be first drawn with line drafts and then shaped with clay, as if a gathering of time-travelers of various shapes has been created, which has also become an infinite "self" in fantasy.
"Between seeing and imaginary" is the fermentation after the fusion of what the eyes see and what the mind thinks, the so-called "visual association". For example, after seeing an image or situation with feeling, add an extended imagination, rearrange, combine, and reproduce, which is the fusion of visual association and intuition, and the artistic conception to be expressed by inspiration and imagination. With time, ideas change like the uncertainty of water waves, forming many differences and various works.
All in all, the motivation for creation is the combined presentation of the author’s vision and imagination. The purpose is to let the world see the unique elves. The creative content is the face-like patterns that appear around me. After the process of capturing them and painting them, the method is to let the mind go, using intuition, capturing instant inspiration, and using clay to quickly and accurately shape the illustrations into three-dimensional pottery works, the result is that after the process of painting the work and high-temperature kiln firing, unexpected works often appear.
摘要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
謝誌 Ⅲ
目次 Ⅴ
圖目錄 Ⅶ
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 創作動機與目的 1
第二節 創作架構與流程 2
第三節 創作內容與方法 6
第四節 創作範圍與限制 7
第五節 重要名詞釋義 8
第二章 學理基礎 10
第一節 探討陶藝中的繪畫性表現 10
第二節「自由聯想」和「自動主義」與「直覺藝術觀」 12
第三節 泛靈論中的「萬物有靈」 15
第四節 相關碩博士創作論述 16
第五節 相關藝術家 18
第三章 創作理念與形式技法 33
第一節 創作理念 33
第二節 表現形式 41
第三節 媒材技法 46
第四章 作品解說 53
第一節 作品系列說明 53
第二節 插畫系列 55
第三節 非表象系列 69
第四節 想像凝形系列 80
第五節 任意變形系列 86
第五章 結論 98
第一節 成果與價值 98
第二節 檢討與展望 101
參考書目 104
附錄一 106
附錄二 107
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黎翠玉:《台灣現代陶藝家 60,李茂宗,走向國際抽象變異的前行者 》,〔藝術家出版社〕,〔藝術家出版社〕, 2019
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