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作者(外文):Lin, Pin-Wen
論文名稱(外文):The Intention of Decoration and Eclecticism in the Arts and Crafts Movement:the Case of Burne-Jones and Gaskin
指導教授(外文):Chang, Lin
外文關鍵詞:EclecticismDecorationArts and Crafts MovementBurne-JonesGaskinVictorian eraNineteenth Century
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  在英國維多利亞時期,從沉寂中崛起了前拉斐爾派,而後催生的藝術與工藝運動裡也誕生了許多重要藝術家,然而這些藝術家們的作品也在形式與風格上有所牽連。伯恩瓊斯與賈斯金為此時期的重要藝術家,並在這個時代背景下有所連結,但目前在國內,鮮少以藝術與工藝運動為背景脈絡,討論此時所發展的藝術作品究竟產生何種形式與風格,也較少有論文言及伯恩瓊斯對家鄉伯明罕藝術發展的影響。因此本研究試從歷史脈絡論述兩位藝術家,伯恩瓊斯和後輩藝術家賈斯金的藝術作品,並分析在各別作品,伯恩瓊斯的《三賢士朝拜》(The Adoration of the Magi)掛毯和賈斯金的《牧羊人月曆》(The Shepheardes Calendar)插圖,探討圖像中的「裝飾」與「折衷」意味。並提出伯恩瓊斯的裝飾性靈感來自於波堤切利的啟發,以及在伯恩瓊斯的影響下,賈斯金的圖像中發展出某種綜合式的折衷意味,梳理在藝術與工藝運動的藝術思潮下,藝術家們的發展樣貌。
  During the Victorian era in England, the Pre-Raphaelites emerged from silence, and the subsequent Arts and Crafts movement also produced many important artists. However, the works of these artists were also implicated in form and style. Burne-Jones and Gaskin were important artists of this period and were connected in the context of this era. However, there are currently few discussions in Taiwan on the background of the Arts and Crafts Movement to discuss what the artistic works developed at this time actually produced form and style. There are also few essays on Burne-Jones' influence on the artistic development of his hometown of Birmingham. Therefore, this study attempts to discuss the works of two artists, Burne-Jones and the later artist Gaskin, from a historical context, and analyze the respective works, Burne-Jones's The Adoration of the Magi tapestries and illustrations from Gaskin's The Shepheardes Calendar explore the meaning of "decoration" and " eclecticism " in images. He also proposed that Burne-Jones's decorative inspiration came from Botticelli's inspiration, and that under the influence of Burne-Jones, Gaskin's images developed a certain comprehensive eclectic meaning, sorting out the development of later artists under the artistic trends in the Arts and Crafts Movement.
第一章 導論------------------------------------1
 第一節 研究背景、動機與目的--------------------1
 第二節 研究問題與研究對象----------------------2
 第三節 研究方法、研究限制----------------------3
 第四節 名詞解釋-------------------------------5
 第五節 文獻回顧-------------------------------8
 第六節 章節安排-------------------------------12
第二章 伯恩瓊斯與賈斯金的藝術圈------------------14
 第一節 維多利亞時期的社會及前拉斐爾派-----------14
第二節 羅塞蒂和波堤切利對伯恩瓊斯的啟發---------16
第三節 藝術與工藝運動與其地方性(伯明罕)發展----19
 小 結----------------------------------------22
第三章 伯恩瓊斯《三賢士朝拜》掛毯的花卉裝飾-------24
第一節 掛毯製作過程---------------------------24
 第二節 《伯利恆之星》與《三賢士朝拜》的花卉意涵--27
 第三節 《三賢士朝拜》中的花卉:波堤切利的影響----39
 小 結----------------------------------------42
第四章 賈斯金的折衷插畫風格----------------------44
第一節 賈斯金藝術生平--------------------------44
 第二節 賈斯金的插畫發展------------------------46
 第三節 《牧羊人月曆》的風格與折衷---------------52
 小 結-----------------------------------------63
第五章 結論-------------------------------------65

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