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作者(外文):Chen, Ching-Wen
論文名稱(外文):Analysis of Historical Content in Taiwan’s Children’s Science Books
指導教授(外文):Wu, Chun-Ming
Lin, Yu-Ren
口試委員(外文):Tsai, Shuh-Wang
Su, Hung-Jen
外文關鍵詞:children’s science booksthe history of sciencecontent analysis
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  • 評分評分:*****
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This research aims to explore the historical content in Taiwan's children's science books. The study focuses on science-related children's books published in Taiwan over the past decade(2014-2023), employing content analysis to examine various aspects, including the "basic content and presentation methods presented in historical content ", "scientific methods presented in historical content ", "presentation of the childhood of scientists presented in historical content ", "personality traits, work attitudes, and motivations of scientists presented in historical content ", "external social and cultural influences on science presented in historical content ", "gender differences, regional distribution, and racial distribution presented in historical content ", "characteristics of Chinese history of science presented in historical content ", "characteristics of scientific knowledge presented in historical content " ,and "collaboration among scientists presented in historical content ". The results indicate:

1.Over the past decade, the basic content of historical content in Taiwan's children's science books mostly falls into the category of "biographies of multiple scientists in one book," with a decrease in content related to the "evolution and development of scientific theories" compared to pre-2001 children's books. However, the presentation methods have become more diverse, especially with a significant increase in the use of "picture books with minimal text," aligning with current market and educational demands.
2.The scientific methods presented in Taiwan's children's books over the past decade are similar to those analyzed by Fu (2001). Experimentation remains the primary method, but there is more diversity in categories compared to children's books before 2001, including "exercising creativity", "consulting literature", "field investigations", and "thought experiments", which were absent in the analysis of Fu (2001).
3.The presentation of the childhood of scientists in Taiwan's children's books over the past decade shares similarities with the analysis of Fu (2001), highlighting scientists' early achievements and depicting their childhood environment as either impoverished or different from that of typical children. However, the recent Taiwan's children's books present a more diverse range of traits, such as the scientists' ordinary side, varied interests and hobbies, and ambitious dreams, which were not found in the analysis of Fu (2001).
4.The personality traits of scientists presented in Taiwan's children's books over the past decade are generally similar to the findings of Fu (2001). However, traits such as "having leisure interests" or "pursuing/caring about fame and fortune" are portrayed in a more humane manner, showing scientists as more relatable and similar to ordinary people, a perspective not discussed in the analysis of Fu (2001).
5.External social and cultural influences on science presented in Taiwan's children's books over the past decade are generally similar to the findings of Fu (2001), including "political influences or relationships", "traditional gender stereotypes", "religious influences", and "influences or relationships with the elite". However, three aspects - "local customs, culture, public opinion, or environment", "availability/lack of research funding", and "race" - were not observed in the analysis of Fu (2001).
6.Gender differences, regional distribution, and racial distribution presented in Taiwan's children's books over the past decade are similar to those in science-related children's books before 2001. Male scientists significantly outnumber female scientists, scientists from western countries outnumber those from other regions, and white scientists outnumber those of other races. However, the proportion of "traditional female stereotypes" is noticeably lower than in the analysis of Fu (2001).
7.Only four scientists born in China are featured in Taiwan's children's books over the past decade, with one being an ancient Chinese scientist and the other three being modern Chinese scientists. This is a significant departure from children's books before 2001, which emphasized the characteristics of ancient Chinese history of science.
8.The characteristics of scientific knowledge presented in Taiwan's children's books over the past decade mainly include "scientific knowledge derived from/based on empirical evidence", "scientific knowledge is subject to change", and "scientific knowledge is subjective". These characteristics align with the views of the nature of science recognized by K-12 science curricula/standards worldwide.
9.The ways scientists interact with each other presented in Taiwan's children's books over the past decade are diverse. The proportion of "sharing knowledge, values, morals, etc.," "communicating, sharing information, and reviewing research results together", and "conducting research as a team" is relatively higher, while the proportion of "exchanging their discoveries" and "mutual communication and engaging in peer review work" is relatively lower.
Finally, the study provides several recommendations for editors, teachers, parents, and future research in selecting and creating children's books.
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與待答問題 4
第三節 名詞釋義 5
第四節 研究範圍與限制 6
第貳章 文獻探討 9
第一節 科學史與科學教育 9
第二節 科學類兒童讀物 22
第三節 內容分析法 38
第參章 研究方法 45
第一節 研究設計 45
第二節 研究流程 46
第三節 研究對象 48
第四節 內容分析的步驟 48
第五節 研究信度與效度 50
第六節 資料收集與分析 52
第肆章 結果與討論 57
第一節 近十年台灣科學類兒童讀物中科學史的基本內容與呈現方式 57
第二節 近十年台灣科學類兒童讀物中科學史內容呈現的科學方法 60
第三節 近十年台灣科學類兒童讀物中科學史內容呈現的科學家幼年 69
第四節 近十年台灣科學類兒童讀物中科學史內容呈現的科學家人格特質、工作態度和動機 83
第五節 近十年台灣科學類兒童讀物中科學史內容呈現的外在社會與文化對科學的影響
第六節 近十年台灣科學類兒童讀物中科學史內容呈現的性別差異、地域分佈與種族分佈 106
第七節 近十年台灣科學類兒童讀物中科學史內容呈現的中國科學史特質 111
第八節 近十年台灣科學類兒童讀物中科學史內容呈現的科學知識的特質 112
第九節 近十年台灣科學類兒童讀物中科學史內容呈現的科學家之間的合作 119
第伍章 結論與建議 129
第一節 結論 129
第二節 建議 130
一、對兒童讀物編者之建議 130
二、對教師之建議 131
三、對家長之建議 131
四、對未來研究之建議 132
參考文獻 133
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