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作者(中文):葉 欣
作者(外文):Yeh, Hsin
論文名稱(中文):身體隱喻在臺灣閩南語地名的體現 ——以新竹市為例
論文名稱(外文):Body Metaphors in Taiwanese Place Names: A Case Study on Hsinchu City
指導教授(外文):Cheng, Ying
口試委員(外文):Yeh, Mei-Li
Hsu, Ting-Ting
外文關鍵詞:Cognitive linguisticsMetaphorBody metaphorPlace namesTaiwanese Southern Min
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研究從政府資料開放平臺取得《臺灣地區地名資料_聚落類》資料,其中地名由來引用自《臺灣地名辭書(卷十八)新竹市》,篩選出含身體詞的地名後,藉新竹市清代至日本時代閩客族群分布圖確認為臺灣閩南語地名,透過Lakoff & Johnson「概念隱喻」理論、林清淵(2003)以身體隱喻映射至「物體、空間、時間、事件」域的概念及Heine(1997)提出隱喻基於「形體相似、位置相似、功能相似」的三種分類,分析地名內「頭、尾、腳、口」的不同語意。
Many place names in Taiwan are named with Taiwanese Southern Min pronunciation, and by analyzing the Taiwanese Southern Min place names in Taiwan, we can understand the naming methods of the Southern Min ethnic group. In this thesis, we discuss Taiwanese Southern Min names in Hsinchu City from the perspective of cognitive linguistics, first obtaining and filtering toponymic data, and then analyzing them with body metaphors to sort out the naming practices of the Southern Min ethnic group. The study found that Taiwanese Southern Min language has a high degree of systematization in place naming, and that body metaphors in place naming are mostly “positional similarity” mapping to objects and space, with “head, tail, and foot” indicating front and back, up and down orientation; “shape similarity” is based on“head”, which is a distinctive shape, and “tail”, which is an elongated pattern; and “functional similarity” is only found in the word “mouth”, which is regarded as a “container” metaphor for concepts such as “exterior, passageway”, etc. The study also found that “mouth”, which is regarded as a “container” metaphor for concepts such as “exterior, passageway”, is the only one that is functionally similar. The only character with similar functions is “mouth”, which is regarded as a container and a metaphor for the concepts of “exterior, passageway”. It is also found that although “尾” and “腳” both denote “end”, their use in place names is quite distinct. “尾” mostly corresponds to the character “頭” to denote “back, front” or “down, up” parallel to the ground, while “腳” corresponds to the character “頂” which is not regarded as a body word by the Taiwanese Southern Min language, but is used a great deal in place names, to denote “down, up” perpendicular to the name of a place.
摘要 i
致謝 iii
目 錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 ix

第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 5
1.3 研究範圍與方法 7
1.3.1 研究範圍 7
1.3.2 研究方法 9
1.4 新竹市人文地理 12
1.5 論文架構 13

第二章 文獻回顧 14
2.1 概念隱喻理論 14
2.1.1 隱喻 16
2.1.2 轉喻 22
2.2 身體部位隱喻 24
2.2.1 頭 26
2.2.2 尾 32
2.2.3 腳、跤 34
2.2.4 口、嘴、喙 35
2.3 空間指涉框架 37
2.4 地名研究 39
2.4.1 臺灣閩南語地名研究 40
2.4.2 認知角度地名研究 41

第三章 身體隱喻在新竹市臺灣閩南語地名中的體現 45
3.1. 頭 46
3.2. 尾 60
3.3. 腳 71
3.4. 口 85

第四章 結論 95
4.1. 研究結果 95
4.2. 待研究課題 97

參考文獻 99

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