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作者(外文):Chia-Yi Lin
論文名稱(外文):A case study of language communication skills between young children with autism spectrum disorders and their peers
指導教授(外文):Chiu, Chia-Hui
Hsieh, Ming-Fang
口試委員(外文):Tsao, Ya-Lun
Chen, Yu-Jyun
外文關鍵詞:language communication skillspeer relationshiphigh-functioning autismAsperger syndrome
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This study aims to explore the influence of the language ability of young children with HFA and AS on their peer relationship. There were two cases, one with HFA and one with AS, in this study. The CCC-2, PIPPS, Picture Sociometric Test, and behavioral observation were conducted. Based on the quantitative and qualitative data analysis, the results showed that although young children with HFA and AS got the lowest scores on CCC-2 test, they could have positive behaviors like sharing, leading and conducting dramatic play which facilitate their peer acceptances. On the other hand, the reasons for the child with HFA being rejected by their peers were his poor semantic and nonverbal communication skills which led to bad interaction with peers. Because of his language impairment, the child with AS had lots of aggressive behaviors that led his peers to play with him reluctantly to avoid being attacked. In conclusion, young children with HFA and AS had bad communication skills and low peer acceptance analyzed from quantitative data. However, the qualitative data revealed they had good communication skills and peer acceptance with the right peers, such as the children with lower language ability. In other words, the communication skills of the children with HFA and AS were underestimated. Some suggestions for young children with special needs in inclusive education were discussed.

第一章 緒論-------------------------------------------------------------------1
第一節 研究動機-------------------------------------------------------------1
第二節 研究目的-------------------------------------------------------------3
第三節 研究問題-------------------------------------------------------------3
第四節 名詞釋義-------------------------------------------------------------4
第二章 文獻探討--------------------------------------------------------------6
第一節 幼兒同儕關係相關研究------------------------------------------------6
第二節 幼兒同儕關係與語言溝通能力------------------------------------------10
第三節 自閉症幼兒同儕關係相關研究------------------------------------------11
第四節 自閉症幼兒同儕關係與語言溝通能力------------------------------------16
第三章 研究方法--------------------------------------------------------------23
第一節 研究架構------------------------------------------------------------23
第二節 研究對象------------------------------------------------------------24
第三節 研究工具------------------------------------------------------------27
第四節 研究程序------------------------------------------------------------30
第五節 資料蒐集與分析------------------------------------------------------31
第四章 研究結果--------------------------------------------------------------35
第一節 高功能自閉症與亞斯伯格症個案幼兒的語言溝通能力----------------------35
第二節 高功能自閉症與亞斯伯格症個案幼兒受同儕接納的情形--------------------39
第三節 高功能自閉症及亞斯伯格症個案幼兒的同儕互動行為表現------------------42
第四節 高功能自閉症及亞斯伯格症個案幼兒的語言溝通能力與同儕關係------------53
第五節 綜合結果------------------------------------------------------------62
第五章 結論與建議------------------------------------------------------------65
第一節 結論----------------------------------------------------------------65
第二節 建議----------------------------------------------------------------68


表2-3-1 自閉症幼兒同儕關係相關研究整理---------------------------------------11
表2-4-1 高功能自閉症及亞斯伯格症幼兒的社會行為特徵比較-----------------------20
表2-4-2 高功能自閉症及亞斯伯格症幼兒的語言表現特徵比較-----------------------21
表3-2-1 一般同儕之幼兒代號對照表---------------------------------------------26
表3-5-1 資料編碼與說明-------------------------------------------------------33
表4-1-1 溝通能力檢核表量尺分數得分結果---------------------------------------36
表4-2-1 照片式社交評量法全班施測之得分結果-----------------------------------39
表4-2-2 社交評量訪問紀錄之同儕提名原因---------------------------------------41
表4-3-1 同儕遊戲互動評定量表得分結果-----------------------------------------43
表4-3-2 個案幼兒與同儕互動的行為表現-----------------------------------------51
表4-4-1 個案幼兒的溝通技巧對應其受同儕偏好之原因-----------------------------58
表4-4-2 個案幼兒的語言溝通技巧與其同儕互動行為表現---------------------------61
表4-5-1 高功能自閉症個案幼兒之綜合結果---------------------------------------63
表4-5-2 亞斯伯格症個案幼兒之綜合結果-----------------------------------------64




附錄一 家長同意書-------------------------------------------------------------87
附錄二 兒童溝通能力檢核表第二版分數統計---------------------------------------89
附錄三 照片式社交評量統計-----------------------------------------------------90
附錄四 同儕遊戲互動評定量表---------------------------------------------------92
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