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作者(外文):Chang, Chung-Chi.
論文名稱(外文):An Empirical Analysis of Death by Drunk Driving–Take the traffic accident data in Taoyuan City from 2019 to 2021 as an example
指導教授(外文):Lee, Yi
外文關鍵詞:DUI policyDUI accidentsDUI deaths
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Whenever a case of drunk driving death occurs, it always becomes the focus of the news media and the public. Although the proportion of drunk driving accidents in the overall traffic accidents is very small, research shows that from 2009 to 2016, the proportion of death car accidents caused by drunk driving in the country accounts for more than 20%, that is, a small proportion of drunk driving accidents is more likely to cause serious consequences than ordinary road traffic accidents, and the social costs derived from them are far beyond imagination. It has been a topic of concern for a long time.
Studies have shown that police enforcement is the most direct and effective measure to prevent drunk driving accidents. Strengthening police enforcement will have a considerable preventive effect on drunk driving. However, administrative resources and police manpower are not unlimited. We hope to provide the police with reference to adjust the time and location of law enforcement and select suitable targets, so as to properly use limited resources to achieve the goal of reducing deaths caused by drunk driving.
Through empirical analysis based on the traffic accident data in Taoyuan City from 2019 to 2021 , it was found that the days of the week had no significant effects on the deaths caused by drunk driving. Light, some months, and administrative regions are also related. Therefore, it is recommended that when the police plan their duty to ban drunk driving, the enforcement time can refer to the months of August to October, when the most fatal incidents of drunk driving occur each year. Moreover, the police can pay more attention when the lighting conditions are poor. The location choices should be far away from large hospitals and administrative areas where there are relatively few choices of public transportation. In fact, during the on-site inspection, more attention should be paid to whether the locomotive driver is drinking.
摘要 I
Summary II
誌謝 IV
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻回顧 4
第一節 酒後駕車與交通事故之關聯性 4
第二節 警察執法與酒駕事故之關聯性 5
第三節 死亡率與醫療可近性之關聯性 7
第三章 資料來源、變數、敘述統計與建立迴歸模型 9
第一節 資料來源 9
第二節 變數說明 11
第三節 敘述統計 12
第四節 迴歸模型設定 14
第四章 實證分析與討論 16
第一節 酒駕致死事件對於時間之影響性 16
第二節 酒駕致死事件對於地區與車種之影響性 18
第五章 結論與建議 20
參考文獻 21


表1:道路交通事故調查報告表之飲酒情形代碼對照 24
表2:相關變數說明 25
表3:桃園市政府警察局道路交通事故調查報告表地區代碼對照 26
表4:道路交通事故調查報告表天氣代碼對照 27
表5:道路交通事故調查報告表光線情形代碼對照 28
表6:車輛種類及飲酒情形 29
表7:各解釋變數加入酒駕交乘項的迴歸結果 30
表7-1 酒駕致死事件與月份的迴歸結果 30
表7-2 酒駕致死事件與星期的迴歸結果 31
表7-3 酒駕致死事件與天候狀況的迴歸結果 32
表7-4 酒駕致死事件與光線狀況的迴歸結果 33
表7-5 酒駕致死事件與地區的迴歸結果 34
表7-6 酒駕致死事件與車輛種類的迴歸結果 35


圖1:地區變數對於酒駕件數(比例)之差異 36
圖2:月份變數對於酒駕件數(比例)之差異 37
圖3:星期變數對於酒駕件數(比例)之差異 38
圖4:天氣變數對於酒駕件數(比例)之差異 39
圖5:光線變數對於酒駕件數(比例)之差異 40

一、 中文文獻

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二、 英文文獻

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