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作者(外文):Kuo, Tzu-Chia
論文名稱(中文):英文寫作改錯工具表現之評估: Linggle Write個案研究
論文名稱(外文):Evaluating the Performance of an English Writing Correction Tool: A Case Study of Linggle Write
指導教授(外文):Huang, Han-Chun
口試委員(外文):Chien, Chin-Wen
Hsu, Ting-Ting
中文關鍵詞:Linggle Write內容分析法錯誤分析
外文關鍵詞:Linggle WriteContent AnalysisError Analysis
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本研究旨在探討一線上英文改錯軟體Linggle Write的改錯表現。為回答研究問題,本研究採內容分析法,資料來源為十一篇大考中心公布的英文作文佳作。十一篇佳作在經由Linggle Write修改後,其被偵測的錯誤及改錯內容被歸類於六種錯誤類型(拼字錯誤、標點符號錯誤、詞彙錯誤、文法錯誤、連貫性錯誤,與語用錯誤)與四種改錯表現類型(有效修改、繁冗修改、錯誤修改,與系統錯誤)。

在資料分析後,本研究的主要發現如下:首先,Linggle Write能夠偵測並改正拼字錯誤、標點符號錯誤、詞彙錯誤與文法錯誤,其中以改正文法錯誤表現最佳,約91%的文法錯誤改正為有效修改。第二,Linggle Write目前的些微挑戰為未標記化、無異修改和過嚴修改。雖未臻完美,但Linggle Write 仍是一個能更正拼符階層和文字階層錯誤的有效工具。
This case study aims to investigate the performance of Linggle Write, an English writing correction tool. To address the research questions, this study uses content analysis. Eleven English writings were corrected via Linggle Write for data collection. The corrections were categorized into six error types (misspelling error, mechanic error, lexical error, grammar error, coherence error, and pragmatic error) and four kinds of performances (effective correction, redundant correction, miscorrection, and system bug).

After data analysis, this study identified the following major findings. First, Linggle Write can correct misspelling, mechanic, lexical, and grammar errors. Linggle Write performs best in grammar error corrections. Ninety-one percent of grammar corrections are effective corrections. Second, the minor challenges of Linggle Write are untokenization, identical corrections, and rigorous corrections. Despite these minor shortcomings, Linggle Write is an effective tool to correct errors at substance and text levels.
Chapter 1 Introduction---1
1.1 Background---1
1.2 Significance of the study---8
1.3 Purpose of the study and research questions---9
Chapter 2 Literature Review---12
2.1 Levels of errors---12
2.2 Corrective feedback---19
2.3 Correctability of certain error types---20
2.4 The popularity of automated writing evaluation tools---21
2.5 Empirical studies in Linggle Write---25
2.6 Evaluation of effectiveness performance of correction tools---27
Chapter 3 Methodology---32
3.1 Data collection---32
3.2 Procedure---34
3.3 Data Analysis---34
3.3.1 Error types analysis---35
3.3.2 Evaluation of the performance of Linggle Write---36
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion---43
4.1 Misspelling errors---45
4.1.1 Effective correction---47
4.1.2 Redundant correction---48
4.1.3 Miscorrection---49
4.2 Mechanic errors---50
4.2.1 Effective correction---51
4.2.2 Redundant correction---52
4.2.3 Miscorrection---53
4.2.4 System bug---54
4.3 Lexical errors---55
4.3.1 Effective correction---56
4.3.2 Redundant correction---58
4.3.3 Miscorrection---59
4.3.4 System bug---60
4.4 Grammar errors---61
4.4.1 Effective correction---62
4.4.2 Redundant correction---63
4.4.3 Miscorrection---65
Chapter 5 Conclusion---68
5.1 Summary of major findings---68
5.2 Some thoughts on the future of Linggle Write---71
5.3 Limitations and further studies---73

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