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作者(外文):Chen, Yi-Ting
論文名稱(外文):A closer look at the relationship between different aspects of self-compassion and symptoms of anxiety and depression
指導教授(外文):Chang, Yen-Ping
口試委員(外文):Li, Kun-Hua
Wu, Rong-Lin
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自我疼惜(self-compassion)是由自我仁慈 (self-kindness)、共同苦境(common humanity)及正念(mindfulness)所組成的集合構念。雖然過往研究已將這些組成面向「分別」連結至焦慮及憂鬱的症狀,指出自我疼惜各面向緩解焦慮及憂鬱的可能性。然而這些文獻中依然缺少對自我疼惜各面向的「整合」分析,僅有些許研究(Elizabeth,2013)暗示各面向可能對焦慮及憂鬱症狀有不同的預測力。因此,本研究之目的即是藉由同時分析自我疼惜之各面向與焦慮、憂慮症狀的關係,一來向外找尋自我疼惜影響此二症狀的關鍵面向,二來向內澄清自我疼惜作為一組合構念的內部結構。
方法上,本研究分兩階段進行分析討論,以自我評估的問卷形式分別以橫斷面取樣法以及縱貫面經驗取樣法了解美國及台灣成人之自我疼惜(包含各組成面向)與焦慮與憂鬱症狀之關聯。結果指出,自我仁慈與正念對憂鬱與焦慮皆有負向預測力(自我仁慈/正念越高,憂鬱/焦慮越低),並且兩者對於症狀並沒有差異化效果。其中,研究一的分析結果雖然暗示一調節中介模型(moderated mediation):自我疼惜中的正念可能藉由增加自我仁慈已達成緩解憂鬱及焦慮的效果,但在研究二未得到證實,提供一證據澄清自我疼惜之內部組成關聯以及對於症狀之影響。
Self-compassion is a concept that consists of three elements: self-kindness, common humanity, and mindfulness. Previous research has linked these components separately to anxiety and depression symptoms and suggested that self-compassion could relieve these symptoms. However, there has been a lack of analysis that integrates the different aspects of self-compassion. Only a few studies have hinted at the possibility that different aspects of self-compassion may predict anxiety and depression symptoms differently(Elizabeth,2013). Therefore, the purpose of this study is to simultaneously analyze the relationship between the different aspects of self-compassion and anxiety and depression symptoms. The study aims to identify the key aspects of self-compassion that affect these symptoms and clarify the internal structure of self-compassion as a composite concept.
The study was conducted in two phases using self-assessment questionnaires in both a cross-sectional and longitudinal design, sampling adults from the United States and Taiwan. The results indicated that self-kindness and mindfulness had negative predictive power for depression and anxiety (the higher the self-kindness/mindfulness, the lower the depression/anxiety). There was no difference between the two in terms of their effects on the symptoms. Although the results of the first analysis suggested a moderated mediation model, where mindfulness in self-compassion may alleviate depression and anxiety by increasing self-kindness, this was not confirmed in the second analysis. This study provides evidence to clarify the internal composition and impact of self-compassion on symptoms.
謝誌 I
中文摘要 II
Abstract III
目 錄 IV
表 目 錄 V
圖 目 錄 VI
第一章、 緒論 1
第二章、 文獻探討 2
第一節、 自我疼惜(self-compassion) 2
第三章、 研究一 13
第一節、 研究方法 13
第二節、 研究結果 16
第四章、 研究二 20
第一節、 研究方法 20
第二節、 研究結果 23
第五章、 研究結論 27
第一節、 綜合討論 27
第二節、 研究影響 27
參考文獻 30
附錄 41
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