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作者(外文):Chang, Chia-En
論文名稱(外文):The Influence of Club Participation on Job Satisfaction: The Mediating Roles of Workplace Friendship and Organization Support
指導教授(外文):Chang, Wan-Jing
口試委員(外文):Chen, Yin-Che
Pai, Ching-Wen
外文關鍵詞:Club ParticipationJob SatisfactionWorkplace FriendshipOrganization Support
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Participating in workplace clubs is an active leisure activity that companies encourage employees to engage in. In response to the high work pressure of most people in the society, they have begun to adjust their lives through leisure activities. Also the enterprise pay more and more attention to plan employees' leisure activities. Through the promotion of club activities, employees can relieve stress and relax, which will become an effective way to improve employees' physical and mental health, job satisfaction, corporate image and competitive advantage. Therefore, this study uses interpersonal and organizational perspectives to understand the impact of workplace mental health, and to explore the relationship between club participation in workplace, job satisfaction, workplace friendship, and organizational support.

This research used the questionnaire survey method, and the research object was the in-service employees who participated in the workplace clubs at large enterprises in Taiwan. Total of 297 valid questionnaires were obtained by online questionnaires. Using the path analysis method and the bootstrap method of the structural equation modeling, the research hypotheses were verified for the frequency and time of the participation of the workplace clubs. The analysis results verify that the frequency and time of workplace clubs participation have no significant positive impact on job satisfaction; workplace friendship has a complete mediating effect between the frequency and time participation of workplace clubs participation on job satisfaction; organizational support has a complete mediation effect on the frequency participation of workplace clubs, and the organizational support has no mediation effect at time participation of workplace clubs on job satisfaction. This study expounds the impact of workplace clubs participation on job satisfaction, as well as the mediating effects of workplace friendship and organizational support to fill the gaps in past research. And based on the empirical results, puts forward theoretical implications, and from two aspects of corporate management and employee standpoints. Conduct discussions to help corporate managers set up workplace clubs, and encourage employees to pay attention to their physical and mental health.
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