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作者(外文):Sung, Yu-Hsien
論文名稱(外文):Autophagy which is aroused by Vps34 causes neurodegenerative disease in the Drosophila animal model
指導教授(外文):Chang, Hui-Yun
口試委員(外文):Lo, Chung-Chuan
Chen, Chun-Hong
外文關鍵詞:Vps34autophagyAlzheimer's diseasehyperphosphorylated tau protein
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Alzheimer’s disease is the most common neurodegenerative disease. It relates to the tau protein hyperphosphorylation and β-amyloid accumulation. However, its detailed mechanism still has so many unknown possibilities. One possible protein to the manipulating mechanism of tau and autophagy is Vps34, which is a phosphatidylinositol lipid kinase. The Vps34 gene knockdown can make phosphorylated tau protein merely accumulate around the brain and be unable to attack the brain or even enter neuron cells. The dysfunctional mitochondria would be unable to consume oxygen, and thus, it causes the ROS to rise. Under disease conditions, the ROS rising would make the cell conduct apoptosis. However, when Vps34 is knockdown, we observed that the tau-induced apoptosis process is abnegation. Based on the result, it must be a mechanism protecting the brain from phosphorylated tau protein accumulating when knockdown Vps34. Besides, the life span of the Gmrgltau > Vps34-RNAi Drosophila is only one week shorter than the WT group.
Materials & Methods.................................................12
1.Vps34 knockdown makes Drosophila’s eyes and lives recover to WT...15
2.Vps34 knockdown causes P-tau to be exclusive of the brain.........16
3.Vps34 is more effective on GmrGal4Tau4............................17
Figure 1. Vps34 knockdown potential pathway.........................22
Figure 2. SEM photo of Drosophila’s eyes............................23
Figure 3. Drosophila lifespan.......................................24
Figure 4. Confocal microscopy photo under different genotype........25
Figure 5. The ROS change with Vps34 knockdown.......................27
Figure 6. Possible mechanism of Vps34 knockdown in Drosophila.......29
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