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作者(外文):Hsieh, Yi-Wen
論文名稱(中文):房價與CAMELS 指標變化之關聯性:以A 銀行為例
論文名稱(外文):The Relationship between Housing Price and CAMELS Rating of Bank A in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Lin, Che-Chun
口試委員(外文):Tsay, Jing-Tang
Yang, Jerry T
外文關鍵詞:bankCAMELS ratinghousing price indexpresold housenew housepre-owned house
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本文主要針對預售屋及新成屋、中古屋房價與 A 銀行 CAMELS 指標變化之關聯性研究,資料期間為 2007 年 3 月至 2021 年 12 月,共 60 季。首先,挑選於 2021 年 9 月底尚有購置住宅貸款餘額之 35 家銀行,並針對不動產放款市占率較高之 A 銀行作探討;再者,以 A 銀行 CAMELS 指標評分為被解釋變數,而以預售屋及新成屋價格指數、中古屋房價指數為解釋變數,控制變數含括貨幣總計數年增率、房價所得比、人口成長率、實質經濟成長率、通貨膨脹率、大盤加權指數、匯率及五大銀行新承做放款利率。透過實證結果發現,預售屋及新成屋房價與 A 銀行資產品質、獲利能力及流動性均具顯著負相關;中古屋房價與資本適足性及經營品質變化均具顯著正相關。其中,預售屋及新成屋房價與 A 銀行 CAMELS 指標變化具顯著負相關,中古屋房價則與 CAMELS 指標變化具顯著正相關。因此,本文認為當房價變化時,恐對 A 銀行 CAMELS 指標造成重大影響,若能及早採取因應措施,如調整授信配置等,將可減緩其對 A 銀行 CAMELS 指標之衝擊。

This paper assesses the performance of Bank A using the CAMELS model, for a period between the first quarter of 2007 to the fourth quarter of 2021 and explores the relationship between housing price and the CAMELS rating of Bank A in Taiwan. The present study uses a sample of 35 banks that have mortgage balance in Taiwan and have picked Bank A, which has the highest proportion of mortgage and construction loans. The CAMELS rating is used as the response variable; whereas, the housing price index acts as the explanatory variable. Other control variables include: money supply growth, ratio of house price to income, population growth rate, real GDP growth rate, and inflation. The results show a significant negative correlation between pre-sold house (including new house) and capital adequacy as well as earnings and liquidity, and a significant positive correlation between pre-owned house and capital adequacy, and management, and pre-owned house and the CAMELS rating system of Bank A. Therefore, the CAMELS rating of Bank A could be significantly hampered by a sharp fall in housing price; thus, it is necessary to taking action to avoid this problem.
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