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作者(外文):Wu, Chia-Lin
論文名稱(中文):消費者在超市中的永續行為及其背後的驅動力:以 City'Super 為例
論文名稱(外文):Consumers' Sustainability Behaviors in Supermarkets and Underlying Drives - The Case of City'Super
指導教授(外文):Tseng, Yuan-Chi
口試委員(外文):Tung, Fang-Wu
Yuan, Chien-Wen
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City’Super 的永續表現的態度,以及在商場內進行永續相關行為的意向。研究流
程參考 Steg(2009)的研究議程為基礎,分為兩階段的質化研究,包括員工焦點
費者端的半結構化訪談,以探索消費者目前的永續行為和對City’Super 的觀感。
結果以主題式分析,歸納出 City’Super 的一般洞察以及四個主題洞察,包
Retailers actively contribute not only to promoting sustainable business practices but
also to shaping and influencing consumer behavior. Therefore, it is crucial for
environmentally sustainable businesses to fully understand consumers' sustainable
behavior. This study aimed to gain insight and understanding into the customers’
perception of City’Super sustainability performance and their sustainable-related behavior.
This study's procedure is partially based on Steg's systematic research agenda (2009). This
two-phase qualitative study included employees' focus group interviews (N=4) and indepth
customer interviews (N=9). In the first phase, the study synthesizes suitable themes
based on employees' work experiences and ongoing ESG projects. In the second phase,
semi-structured interviews are conducted to explore customers' current behavior and
perception of City’Super. A thematic analysis was conducted based on both inductive and
theoretical considerations as well as general insights of City’Super to drive four themes:cognitive attitude (weighing cost and benefits, knowledge), affective attitude (positive,
negative), normative concern, and external context factor (product appearance, interior,
policy). The interesting findings are 1) Consumers often struggle to connect sustainability
with their dietary purchasing behavior due to a lack of knowledge about ingredients and
the production chain. 2) Merely raising individuals' awareness of their role as part of the
environment can potentially foster sustainable behavior. 3) It is important to consider
external environmental factors within the context of supermarkets. 4) Finally, the design
implications are given to support City’Super in pushing forward sustainability plans.
Abstract .............................................................................................................................. 3
List of Figures .................................................................................................................... 5
Table of Content ................................................................................................................ 5
Chapter 1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 6
Chapter 2 Literature Review ............................................................................................ 9
Chapter 3 Methodology ................................................................................................... 15
3.1 Interview with Staff ......................................................................................... 15
3.2 The Customers’ Participation .......................................................................... 16
3.3 Semi-structured Interview ............................................................................... 17
Chapter 4 Results ............................................................................................................. 19
4.1 General Insights on City’Super Sustainability Performance ........................... 19
4.1.1 The Physical Space in the Supermarket Linked to Sustainability
Performance ..................................................................................................... 19
4.1.2 The Way to Evaluate Sustainability ....................................................... 20
4.1.3 The Dilemma of City’Super’s Position and Sustainability .................... 22
4.2 Cognitive Attitudes to Sustainable Action in City’Super ................................ 22
4.2.1 Costs and Benefits .................................................................................. 22
4.2.2 Knowledge .............................................................................................. 23
4.3 Affective Attitudes to Sustainable Action in City’Super ................................ 25
4.4 Normative Concern .......................................................................................... 27
4.5 External Context Factor ................................................................................... 28
4.5.1 Appearance ............................................................................................. 28
4.5.2 Interior and display ................................................................................. 29
4.5.3 Government Regulations ........................................................................ 30
Chapter 5 Discussion ....................................................................................................... 30
5.1 Consumer perception of sustainability ............................................................ 31
5.2 Cognitive attitude drives customers of sustainability behavior ....................... 32
5.3 Affective attitude drives customers of sustainability behavior ....................... 33
5.4 External context factor drives customers of sustainability behavior ............... 34
5.5 Implication ....................................................................................................... 35
5.6 Limitation ........................................................................................................ 36
Chapter 6 Conclusion ...................................................................................................... 37
Reference .......................................................................................................................... 37
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