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作者(中文):楊 勛
作者(外文):Yang, Hsun
論文名稱(外文):Applying in-depth interviews to explore the key factors for financial holding companies to drive digital innovation transformation of the subsidiaries: Taking Cathay Financial Holdings as an example
指導教授(外文):Chiu, Hung-Chang
口試委員(外文):Hsieh, Yi-Ching
Tang, Yun-Chia
外文關鍵詞:Digital Innovation TransformationFinancial Holding CompaniesSubsidiariesIn-depth InterviewsInnovation CultureStrategic PartnershipValue of Partnership
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:138
  • 評分評分:*****
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首先,金融控股公司應當重視內部文化的轉型,建立開放、創新的企業文化,給予員工進行數位轉型的嘗試空間 ; 接著,轉型不能單憑一己之力,更應建立策略合作夥伴,導入外部資源與知識以得出適當之解決方案 ; 最後,金控應與子公司維持良好互動,主動挖掘其潛在數位轉型需求並創造合作價值。

In recent years, digital innovation transformation has become a critical trend, and financial holding companies are no exception. However, the subsidiaries of financial holding companies are often large in size and complex in organization, making digital innovation transformation difficult. Therefore, this thesis aims to investigate the key factors that drive the digital innovation transformation of subsidiaries from the perspectives of financial holding companies.

To achieve the objective, the thesis used in-depth interviews to conduct a qualitative study, and using Cathay Financial Holdings, the largest financial holding company in Taiwan in terms of asset size, as a case study to investigate the key factors which help drive digital innovation transformations. The results are shown as follows.

First, financial holding companies should emphasize internal cultural transformation. Second, transformation cannot be simply driven by the company itself, but rather by establishing strategic partnership and importing external resources and knowledge to come up with appropriate solutions. Finally, financial holding companies should maintain good interactions with the subsidiaries to proactively explore their potential digital transformation needs and create value of partnership.
摘要---------------------------------------------------------------- i
Table of Content---------------------------------------------------iii
Lists of Figures----------------------------------------------------iv
Chapter 1 Introduction-----------------------------------------------1
1.1 Research background----------------------------------------------1
1.2 Research objectives----------------------------------------------2
Chapter 2 Literature Review------------------------------------------4
2.1 The concept of financial holding companies-----------------------4
2.2 Financial holding companies in Taiwan----------------------------5
2.3 Digital innovation transformation--------------------------------7
2.4 Digital innovation transformation in Taiwan’s financial industry-9
Chapter 3 Research Methodology--------------------------------------12
3.1 In-depth interviews---------------------------------------------12
3.2 Interview design------------------------------------------------13
Chapter 4 Case Study------------------------------------------------17
4.1 Cathay Financial Holdings introduction--------------------------17
4.2 Cathay Digital data & Technology (DDT)--------------------------20
4.3 Cathay Financial Innovation Lab---------------------------------21
Chapter 5 Results and Conclusions-----------------------------------23
5.1 Interview results-----------------------------------------------23
5.2 Potential challenges--------------------------------------------27
5.3 Practical suggestions-------------------------------------------28
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