The literal translation of the term psychological counseling is psychological assistance and guidance. The word was first used to refer to vocational counseling or school counseling work. With the development of the counseling profession, counseling or counseling psychology, refers to the application of mental health, psychology or human development theories and principles, etc., through cognitive, emotional, behavioral or systematic interventions to help clients develop their personal value, to enhance personal growth and development, and to relieve psychological distress. In short, counseling is a professional relationship that achieves mental health through counseling individuals, families and groups. When counseling work is adopted by the military, what is its function? What is the effect? The size of the national military organization, comparable to large enterprises, makes management of officers and soldiers difficult, especially on long-term military training or operations. helping officers and soldiers adapt to the environment and pressure is important. To that purpose, the ROC Army established the National Army Mental Health Center in 1999, and counselor officers, associate counselors and counselors are responsible for various services of mental health. but the selection and training system for the counseling personnel left much to be improved. Specifically, counselor officers are multitasking and hard to concentrate on the work of counseling. Interviews and consultation work are conducted by counselors who has little knowledge or relevant experiences. Thus, the professionalism is often questioned. In terms of training, while the National Army has been emphasizing the importance of mental health, the decrease of troops has led to manpower shortage, resulting in a gradual decline in the size of counseling staff and increasing workload. Under such severe conditions, can the mental health staff help the members of military to adjust their body and mind, relieve stress, and improve psychological heath through counseling and other methods?