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作者(外文):Lee, Wen-Lan
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Influence of Mandated Corporate Governance Officers on Corporate Governance Practices in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Tsai, Chang-Hsien
口試委員(外文):Huang, Chao-Tsung
Lin, Ching-Fu
中文關鍵詞:公司治理公司秘書公司治理主管金管會董事會董事會職能董事會成員新版公司治理藍圖(2018~2020)公司治理 3.0 -永續發展藍圖法令遵循內控制度
外文關鍵詞:corporate governancecompany secretarycorporate governance officerFinancial Supervisory Commission (FSC)he board of directorsthe functions of boards of directorsboard memberscorporate governance roadmap(2018~2020)corporate governance 3.0-sustainable development roadmaplegal complianceinternal control system
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自從美國安隆公司Enron( 2001 年)、世界通訊公司WorldCom( 2002 年)、臺灣博達掏空案( 2004 年)及力霸集團掏空案( 2006 年)等大型公司接連集體舞弊潰堤之後,引發國際社會之關注,這些公司名稱都成了最崩壞公司治理的代名詞。舉凡違反公司治理之內控制度、法令遵循、風險管理等內部自律機制失靈一再重演,公司治理(Corporate Governance)之議題就不曾間斷過。
臺灣於 2018 年 12 月 27 日,賦予「公司治理主管」正式名稱,董事會是公司治理運作之核心,金管會於「公司治理 3.0 –永續發展藍圖」強調推動五大主軸之一「強制設置公司治理主管強化董事會職能」,公司治理主管成為公司管理階層與董事會及各功能委員會資訊與溝通之重要橋樑。
The Frauds perpetrated by Enron (2001) and WorldCom (2002) in the US, and the embezzlements by Procomp (2004) and Rebar (2006) in Taiwan, were central and spotlighted in international society. These once-large companies became synonyms of the worst possible corporate governance. These failures of governance and internal disciplinary mechanisms including breaches of internal control, legal compliance, and risk management keep on being repeated over and over and bad corporate governance has now become a recurrent issue.
On December 27, 2018, the post of “Corporate Governance Officer” has been mandated in Taiwan. The board of directors of a company is the center of corporate governance and in the “Corporate Governance 3.0-Sustainable Development Roadmap”, the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) includes and emphasizes the “mandatory establishment of the Corporate Governance Officer as well as the strengthening of the duties and functions of company boards” as part of a five action plan. In this context, the Corporate Governance Officer bridges information transfer and communication within management, the board, and functional committees.
Does the mandatory establishment of the Corporate Governance Officer regulate the functioning of the board and shareholders’ meetings and prevent fraud? Does this ensure the effective delivery of comprehensive and transparent information and the two-directional communication with directors on an equal footing? Does it exercise substantial influence on corporate governance in Taiwan? Or is it just for show?
In a qualitative analysis conducted by the author, semi-structured and in-depth interviews were held and a survey with questionnaires was carried out. Corporate Governance Officers from five TWSE/TPEx listed companies were interviewed to gain practical insight and perspective across five dimensions. Most were found to have a positive opinion about the FSC’s requirement for the establishment of Corporate Governance Officers. However, there were many teething problems in practice and implementation and the outcomes have not been significant. This is mainly because the Corporate Governance Officer is “concurrent” to their roles; the standards are loose concerning the background, experience, qualifications, and education; and there are no supporting measures for a certification mechanism. Furthermore, “the hierarchical titles and the responsibilities” are not aligned. “Remuneration” and incentive are also an issue. As a result, the “mandatory establishment of Corporate Governance Officer” does not have a meaningful impact on the function of corporate governance nor does it enhance the function of the board.
The author hopes the following practical suggestions will help with the “mandatory establishment of Corporate Governance Officer” who will actually have substantial influence, and hereby proposes the suggestions as follows. First, as a “concurrent” officer who will not be able to ensure the quality of work due to time and capability constraints, it is necessary to appoint “the dedicated and the professional” and also to develop the necessary professionalism to improve the effectiveness of corporate governance. Second, the Corporate Governance Officer should be assumed by the management at the vice-president level or the equivalent in terms of “the hierarchical titles and responsibilities”. A certain level of qualification and experience empowers a top-down approach in driving corporate governance and the officer should have an equal footing with board directors for smooth two-directional information transfer and communication. Third, “remuneration” becomes a problem for a person serving in more than one position in a “concurrent” capacity. Insufficient incentive is likely to make the extra position unattractive and undermine the willingness of staff members to assume the position. “Dedication and professionalism” and “positive incentives” are advised. The Corporate Governance Officer should be recognized for their expertise and encouraged to obtain international qualifications. A reasonable remuneration and incentive mechanism should also be put in place.
Hopefully, these discussions and suggestions can assist the FSC, the competent authorities, and companies to make the “mandatory establishment of Corporate Governance Officer” effective and allow them to influence and enhance board function to achieve good corporate governance.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 4
第三節 研究目的 7
第四節 研究架構 8
第二章 文獻探討 10
第一節 各國公司治理主管之沿革 11
第二節 各國公司治理主管之定位 13
第三節 各國公司治理主管之設置義務 15
第四節 各國公司治理主管資格 17
第五節 各國公司治理主管功能或職權 19
第六節 各國公司治理主管選任及解任程序 21
第七節 臺灣公司治理主管強化董事會職能之重要性 25
第八節 臺灣公司治理主管於ESG永續重要性 33
第九節 小結 35
第三章 研究方法 37
第一節 研究流程 37
第二節 研究方法與工具 39
第三節 研究對象 41
第四節 小結 42
第四章 研究結果與討論 43
第一節 個案分析 43
第二節 綜合整理與討論 50
第三節 小結 56
第五章 結論與建議 61
第一節 研究貢獻 61
第二節 研究發現 62
第三節 研究限制 64
第四節 研究建議 65
第五節 結論 70
參考文獻 72
附錄一 81
附錄二 85
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