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作者(外文):Yang, Ting-Xuan
論文名稱(外文):The effect of emotions embedded in customers' online reviews on the usefulness of OCR: an example of restaurant reviews on Yelp
指導教授(外文):Chien, Pei-Yu
口試委員(外文):Liu, Yu-Wen
Wu, Chi-Cheng
外文關鍵詞:E-commercecustomer decision makingonline customer reviewsonline review usefulnessLIWCYelp.com
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顧客的購買決策模式已隨著線上購物的興起發生了變化。具體來說,顧客在做出購買決策前會閱讀其他客人在進行消費體驗後所留下的顧客線上評論(Online Costumer Review, 下文簡稱OCR),而其中被評為「OCR有用性」高的線上評論,很有可能加速顧客的購買決策。因此許多學者和實務專家對於了解顧客線上OCR有用性的決定因素相當感興趣。大多研究著重於探討非情緒因素對顧客線上OCR有用性的影響;鮮少有研究探討在OCR中所嵌入的特定情緒(例如,憤怒、悲傷、焦慮)對於顧客線上OCR有用性的影響。此外,過去研究在探討特定情緒對OCR有用性的影響有不一致的結果。本研究認為此不一致結果,可能是受到評論長度的調節效果所影響。為補足顧客線上OCR有用性的文獻缺口,本研究探討以下兩個研究問題:1) OCR中所嵌入的特定情緒(例如,憤怒、悲傷、焦慮)對於顧客線上OCR有用性的影響; 2) 評論長度如何調節OCR中所嵌入的特定情緒對顧客線上OCR有用性的影響。此研究結果可供線上評論平台瞭解如何選擇有用的評論以加速顧客購買,及幫助顧客或是評論家瞭解如何撰寫有用的評論。
The purchase decision pattern of customers has changed with the rise of online shopping. Specifically, customers read Online Costumer Reviews (OCR) left by other customers after their shopping experience before making a purchase decision. Online reviews rated as " useful OCR " are likely to accelerate customers' purchase decisions. Therefore, many scholars and practitioners are interested in understanding the determinants of the OCR usefulness. Many studies have focused on the effect of non-emotional factors on customer online OCR usefulness; however, very few studies have examined the impact of specific emotions embedded in OCR (e.g., anger, sadness, anxiety) on OCR usefulness. In addition, there are some inconsistencies in the relationship between the specific emotions and OCR usefulness in previous studies. We conjecture that comment length can be a potential reason to result in the inconsistent findings. Thus, this study aims to contribute to the literature on customers' online OCR usefulness by exploring: 1) how do the specific motions affect OCR usefulness; and 2) how does the comment length moderate the relationship between the specific motions and OCR usefulness. We collect restaurant reviews from Yelp.com to examines these research questions. The findings will help customer online review platforms understand how to select valuable reviews to accelerate customer purchases and guide customers to write helpful reviews.
Abstract 3
I. Introduction 10
II. Literature Review 18
2.1. OCR usefulness 18
2.2 Determinants of OCR usefulness 20
2.2.1. Effect of non-emotional factors on the usefulness of OCR 21
2.2.2 Effect of emotional factors on the usefulness of OCR 23
2.2.3. Impact of embedded swear words on the usefulness of OCR 34
III. Research Methodology 36
3.1. Hypothesis Development 36
3.2. Research Framework 42
3.3 Analysis Tools 43
3.4 Methodologies 46
3.4.1 Sample Descriptions 46
3.4.2 Measurement of OCR Usefulness 46
3.4.3 Definition and Classification of Emotions 47
3.4.4 Independent Variables (Emotions)’ Measurements 49
3.4.5 Moderator Measurement 50
IV. Empirical Results 50
Ⅴ. Discission: 54
Ⅵ. Conclusion 58
6.1 Theoretical Contributions and Managerial implication 58
6.2 Managerial implication 60
6.3 Study limitations. 61
References 65

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