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作者(外文):Lin, Run-Qi
論文名稱(外文):Corporate Pollution and Operating Risks
指導教授(外文):Hsieh, Pei-Fang
口試委員(外文):Pan, Hong-Hua
Wang, Yan-Zhi
Liang, Woan-Lih
外文關鍵詞:operating riskpollution emissionsystematic riskcash flow volatility
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  • 點閱點閱:39
  • 評分評分:*****
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This study investigates the empirical question of whether Taiwanese corporations' pollution emissions have an impact on their operating risk. I collect the air, water, waste, and toxic pollution emission of firms provided by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in Taiwan. I discover that companies with greater overall pollution emissions will have higher operating risks, raising the required rate of returns from capital suppliers. Firms with high pollution emissions that have less cash holding and faster asset growth rates have a greater influence on operating risk. The empirical evidence shows a strong correlation between foundational risk and the firm's pollution emissions.
摘要 -------II
1. Introduction-------1
2. Literature-------5
2.1 Environmental Performance and Operating Risk-------5
2.2 Environmental Performance and Capital Suppliers’ Risk-------6
3. Methodology-------8
4. Hypothesis-------8
5. Data-------10
6. Empirical Result-------14
6.1 Baseline Result-------14
6.2 Channels-------16
6.3 Robustness Test-------18
7. Conclusion-------21
8. Reference-------23
9. Figure-------26
Figure 1-------26
Figure 2-------27
10. Table-------28
Table 1: Summary Statistic-------28
Table 2: Regression of Operating Risk and Total Pollution-------29
Table 3: Channel Results-------30
Table 4: Each Type of Pollution and Operating Risk-------32
Table 5: Each Type of Pollution and Equity Risk-------34
11. Appendix Table-------36
Table A-------36

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