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論文名稱(外文):Research of Micro-Measurement of Double-Gate Ion-Sensitive Field-Effect Transistor with WS2 as the Channel
指導教授(外文):Chiu, Po-Wen
口試委員(外文):Lee, Kuei-Yi
Chen, Sun-Zen
外文關鍵詞:Double-gateMicro-measurementISFETTiny reference electrode
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過渡金屬二硫族化物 (Transition-metal dichalcogenides,TMDCs) 其結構為二維層狀之材料,具有多樣的電性,如絕緣體、半導體、金屬態。其中 n 型半導體特性的二硫化鎢具有非常高的電流開關比,非常適合做為離子感測電晶體之通道材料,進而可以減少感測器之誤判率。本論文研究以二硫化鎢為通道的雙閘極離子感測電晶體,量測WS2之基礎電性發現其具有約 7個電流開關比,以及其最大電流0.402μA/μm,且利用上下閘極間的電容耦合效應,使感測靈敏度得以大幅提升,其靈敏度突破能斯特(Nernst)極限 59.6 mV/pH,靈敏度值高達 153.1 mV/pH。與上閘極之離子液體接觸的銀-氯化銀之微小參考電極是以電解法自行製造,其電極在不同的pH值緩衝液所呈現的氧化還原電位之趨勢與商用的銀-氯化銀參考電極表現出高度線性,其表示自行電解之銀-氯化銀參考電極有著極高的品質與穩定性,其優點可進行微量量測。透過 Keithley4200機台控制參考電極與pH緩衝液間的距離,排除不必要的實驗變因,不需要將整個元件浸泡至離子緩衝液中。結論而言,以二硫化鎢為通道的離子感測電晶體,具優異的感測特性,可望未來應用在生物感測領域。
Transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) are two-dimensional layered materials, which have a diversity of electrical properties, such as insulators, semiconductors, and metallic states. Among them,Among them, character- ization of n-type semiconducting tungsten disulfide (WS2) has extremely high on-off ratio, which is suitable for being the channel material of ISFET. It can reduce the misjudgement rate of the sensor. In this paper, we demon- strate a double-gate ion-sensitive FET with WS2 as a channel. Measuring the fundamental electrical properties of WS2, we found out that it has about 7 order on-off ratio, and the maximum on current is 0.402uA/um.Using ca- pacitive coupling between the top and back gate to improve the sensitivity substantially. The sensitivity of our device reaches up to 153.1 mV/pH, which is capable of surpassing the maximum achievable voltage sensitivity for pH sensing of value 59.6 mV/pH. The hand-made Ag/AgCl reference electrode contacted with electrolyte on the top gate is fabricated with the electrochemical method. The hand-made electrode performs high linear- ity on the Shifted Voltage as well as the commercial reference electrode in buffer solution of different pH values, which indicates that the hand-made Ag/AgCl electrode has high quality and stability that is advantageous for micro-measurement. By controlling the pin of Keithley4200, we can mod- ulate the distance between the pH buffer solution and the reference elec- trode to eliminate unnecessary experimental variables. It is not necessary to immerse the entire component in the buffer solution. In conclusion, the ion-sensitive transistor using WS2 as the channel has excellent sensing prop- erties, which is hopefully applied in the field of biosensing in the future.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
目錄 vi
第1章 序論1
1.1 半導體技術之演進 1
1.2 傳統離子感測電晶體 4
1.3 論文架構 8
第2章 二維材料介紹 9
2.1 二維材料之發展 9
2.2 二硫化鎢之介紹11
2.2.1 晶體結構 11
2.2.2 電學性質 14
第3章 二硫化鎢成長與檢測 17
3.1 二硫化鎢成長 17
3.1.1 化學氣相沈積 17
3.1.2 成長流程與成長參數 19
3.1.3 二硫化鎢之拉曼光譜檢測 23
3.2 二硫化鎢之光致螢光光譜檢測 26
第4章 離子感測電晶體理論與銀-氯化銀參考電極 28
4.1 EIS與MIS結構相關理論介紹 28
4.2 ISFETs相關理論介紹 33
4.2.1 ISFETs與MOSFETs之電流特性 33
4.2.2 氫離子吸附模型 36
4.2.3 雙閘極離子感應電晶體之工作模式 39
4.3 銀-氯化銀參考電極 40
4.3.1 電解法之原理 42
4.3.2 銀-氯化銀參考電極之電位穩定原理 43
第5章 實驗流程與量測結果分析 45
5.1 銀-氯化銀參考電極 45
5.1.1 參考電極之製作流程 45
5.1.2 參考電極之驗證方法 49
5.2 離子感測電晶體 54
5.2.1 元件製作流程 54
5.2.2 量測系統與元件量測方法 63
5.2.3 元件電性量測結果分析 65
第6章 Future works 76
參考文獻 77
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