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作者(外文):Chang, I-Peng
論文名稱(外文):Annealing effect on optical and mechanical properties of the silica-like Silicon oxynitride thin films fabricated by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition
指導教授(外文):Chao, Shiuh
口試委員(外文):Wang, Tsz-King
Yuki, lnoue
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:38
  • 評分評分:*****
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雷射干涉重力波觀測站(Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory, LIGO)利用大型麥克森干涉儀應用於重力波的偵測。由於重力波訊號非常微弱又容易受到各種雜訊影響,因此必須降雜訊以提升重力波偵測系統的靈敏度。本實驗室主要的研究方向為優化重力波干涉儀中高反射鏡上的薄膜材料,在各式雜訊中反射鏡薄膜材料的熱擾動雜訊為影響系統的雜訊來源之一,根據fluctuation-dissipation theorem得知此雜訊與薄膜材料的機械損耗成正比,且作為光學應用之高反射鏡也需擁有優秀的光學性質,因此本實驗室致力於研究低機械損耗與優秀光學特性之薄膜材料。
The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) uses the large Michelson interferometer for gravitational wave detection. Since the gravitational wave signal is feeble and easily affected by various kinds of noise, it is necessary to reduce the noise to improve the sensitivity of the gravitational wave detection system. The main research direction of this laboratory is to optimize the thin-film material on the high-refractive mirror in the gravitational wave interferometer, among all kinds of noises, the coating Brownian noise of the mirror film material is one of the noise sources affecting the system. According to the fluctuation-dissipation theorem, this noise is proportional to the mechanical loss of the thin film material, and as a high-refractive mirror for optical applications having excellent optical properties is also important. Therefore, our laboratory has been dedicated to developing thin-film materials with low mechanical loss and outstanding optical properties.
In previous research on high refractive index material in our laboratory, we used PECVD to deposition silicon nitride film,SiN033H0.58, which had a low mechanical loss and use LPCVD to deposition silicon nitride film,SiN0.91H0.02, which had a lower optical absorption. On the other hand,for the low-index material’s research we used PECVD to deposition silicon oxynitride films, and the characteristics of the films are adjusted by changing the flow ratio of the reactive gases N2O and SiH4. According to the elemental composition of the film, it can be divided into high oxygen content (silica-like) and high nitrogen content (nitride-like). Although the part of the silica-like silicon oxynitride film has a relatively low optical absorption, it is not enough to meet the standard of LIGO, and the mechanical loss of the film is relatively high. Therefore, this study is optimized for this film, hoping to reduce the optical absorption and mechanical loss at the same time. On the other hand, the nitride-like silicon oxynitride film had low mechanical loss but high optical absorption. For the optimization of this film, please refer to the thesis by Qian-Yi Hong. In previous studies in our laboratory, it was found that annealing can reduce optical absorption and mechanical loss, so this research attempted to use annealing to optimize the film.
The results show that the optimum film parameters are obtained after pure nitrogen annealing at 900°C for 6 hours, after high temperature annealing, N-H bonds that affect optical absorption was broken, resulting in a decrease in absorption. The optical absorption at 1064nm decreases from 1.43×10^(-6) to 3.3×10^(-7); the optical absorption at 1550nm decreases from 5.8×10^(-6) to 5.8×10^(-7); the optical absorption at 1950nm decreased from 1.5×10^(-5) to 2.6×10^(-6), this data is the first time that the optical absorption of the laboratory has been reduced to 10^(-7), which is a major advance in the research in this laboratory. In terms of mechanical loss, there is a significant reduction after annealing and is even lower than low-refractive-index SiO2 thin-film currently used in LIGO.
So far, this experiment has achieved superb results with the goal of optimizing optical and mechanical properties. However, the use of high temperature annealing leads to a disadvantage of material properties, that is the thin film thinning by 5~6% due to annealing because the concentration of N-H bonds is reduced during annealing. This result is unfavorable for the application of the film to high-refractive mirrors, so it is expected that other methods of deposition can make the film more perfect in the future.
Abstract i
摘要 iii
致謝 v
目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xi
第一章、導論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 研究動機 4
第二章、純氮退火後高含氧量氮氧化矽薄膜材料特性分析 7
2-1 氮氧化矽薄膜製程 7
2-2 純氮退火之製程與使用動機 8
2-3 不同溫度下退火後薄膜材料特性分析 10
2-3.1 氫相關之鍵結與懸鍵分析 10
2-3.2 折射係數與能隙分析 14
2-3.3 厚度分析 15
2-4 不同時間下退火後薄膜材料特性分析 17
2-4.1氫相關之鍵結與懸鍵分析 18
2-4.2 折射係數與能隙分析 21
2-4.3 厚度分析 22
2-5 最佳退火參數薄膜材料特性分析 22
2-5.1 結晶分析 23
2-5.2 元素組成與鍵結密度分析 26
第三章、純氮退火後高含氧量氮氧化矽薄膜光學吸收分析 32
3-1 光學吸收之原理與架構 32
3-2 薄膜材料鍵結對光學吸收影響之理論 35
3-3退火後薄膜材料之光學吸收 42
第四章、純氮退火後高含氧量氮氧化矽薄膜機械特性分析 46
4-1 機械損耗系統之原理與架構 46
4-1.1 單晶矽懸臂製程 46
4-1.2 量測機械損耗之基本原理與系統架構 49
4-2 最佳退火參數薄膜之楊氏模數與應力分析 53
4-3 最佳退火參數薄膜低溫機械損耗分析 55
第五章、總結與未來展望 61
5-1 總結 61
5-2 未來展望 62
參考文獻 63

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1. 以電漿輔助化學氣相沉積法鍍製之低氮氮化矽薄膜經熱退火後光學特性及室溫機械損耗之研究
2. 以電漿輔助化學氣相沈積法於矽懸臂沈積之氮化矽薄膜應力對機械損耗之影響暨機械損耗量測系統改善
3. 以電漿輔助化學氣相沉積法沉積氮化矽薄膜及其與二氧化矽之堆疊膜之低溫機械損耗
4. 使用 LPCVD 方法沉積 SiN 在矽懸臂基板量測其機械損耗,並開發用於量測機械損耗的 GNS
5. 砷化鎵上穿膜離子佈植的研究
6. Ta金屬矽化物在GaAs上的穿膜離子佈植
7. Ti變量對TixFeCoNi合金氧化物薄膜的微結構、電阻及磁性的影響
8. 以電漿輔助化學氣相沉積法鍍製之氮化矽薄膜其熱退火後光學特性以及無氨氣製程其光學及機械特性之探討
9. 以電漿輔助化學氣相沉積法鍍製氮氧化矽薄膜其光學特性與機械特性之探討
10. 利用電漿輔助化學氣相沉積法鍍製四分之一光學厚度氮氧化矽與氮化矽堆疊膜應用於雷射干涉重力波偵測器反射鏡之研究
11. 以電漿輔助化學氣相沉積法鍍製於矽懸臂之氮化矽其熱退火後對於室溫機械損耗之影響
12. 利用離子束濺鍍法鍍製奈米多層膜其低溫機械損耗抑制效應與退火效應之研究
13. 鍺離子佈植SiO2薄膜之非線性通道波導之研究
14. 在五氧化二鉭與二氧化矽混合膜平面波導上施以熱極化之研究
15. 週期結構應用於發光二極體以提升光汲取效率之研究
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