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作者(外文):Chang, Yi-Chen
論文名稱(外文):Harnessing the Power of Pre-Trained Language Models for Automated Essay Trait Scoring
指導教授(外文):Chang, Jason S.
Kuo, Po-Chih
口試委員(外文):Kao, Hung-Yu
Yen, An-Zi
外文關鍵詞:Automated essay scoringText analysisFeature engineeringTransformer-based Pre-trained language models
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現有的文章自動評分系統主要側重在文章的整體分數,鮮少有對寫作的不同面向之評估。為了提供更全面的寫作分析,我們提出了針對特定特徵的文章評分模型,例如:組織和句子流暢性。我們的研究涉及利用基於 Transformer 的預訓練語言模型和擷取並加入各種人工之特徵。此外,我們還研究了在單個模型中對多個面向進行分級的可行性。根據實驗結果,使用預訓練的語言模型可以改善單一特徵和多特徵的評分結果。總體而言,雖然包含額外的手動設計的特徵並不能顯著提高結果,但是採用多任務學習可以在特徵評分方面產生優異的性能。
Existing automated essay scoring systems predominantly focus on holistic scores, thereby limiting the thorough evaluation of writing. To provide a more comprehensive analysis of writings, we present essay grading models that emphasize specific traits such as organization and sentence fluency. Our research involves the utilization of transformer-based pre-trained language models while integrating various number of handcrafted features. Additionally, we investigate the feasibility of grading multiple traits within a single model. Based on the experimental results, using a pre-trained language model improves both single trait and multiple traits scoring outcomes. Overall, employing multi-task learning yields superior performance for trait scoring, while the inclusion of additional manually crafted features does not significantly enhance the results.
Abstract ---------------- i
摘要 --------------------- ii
致謝 --------------------- iii
Contents ---------------- iv
List of Figures --------- vii
List of Tables ---------- viii
1 Introduction ---------- 1
2 Related Work ---------- 3
3 Methodology ----------- 6
4 Experiments ----------- 12
5 Results --------------- 16
6 Discussion ------------ 22
7 Human Study ----------- 26
8 Conclusion ------------ 29
References -------------- 30
Appendices ------------- 37
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