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作者(外文):Lee, Shu-Hui
論文名稱(外文):WritingProfile: Learning to Predict Trait-Specific Scores for Learner Essays
指導教授(外文):Chang, Jason S.
外文關鍵詞:Automated Essay ScoringDeep Learning
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  • 評分評分:*****
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本論文提出一個英文寫作多面向評分的方法,自動提供文章不同面向之 CEFR 等級,以利使用者更有效的修改文章並提高寫作等級。此研究從句法層面切 入,針對文法句構及字彙選擇進行評分。我們採用深度學習 (Deep Learning) 之 研究路線,先將個別句子轉換成能更充分反映各面向之型態,再訓練多個分類 器預測句子在不同面向的寫作等級。我們將上述方法應用於註釋語料庫及學習 者的文章,提出一個雛形寫作評分系統 WritingProfile,以協助使用者提昇寫作 能力。根據實驗結果顯示,我們在此研究中提出的方法能得到與基準 (baseline) 相比更佳的結果,為英語學習者提供了更全面的寫作反饋系統。
We introduce a method for learning to predict the holistic score as well as a num- ber of specific trait scores of a given essay. In our approach, essays are transformed into new sequences aimed at highlighting the characteristics of the various target writing traits. The method involves automatically learning the textual features of different writing traits from a training set of learner sentences, and automatically training a classifier to generate sentence-level scores. At run-time, essays are bro- ken down into sentences, and the predicted sentence level scores are aggregated to calculate the essay level scores. We present a prototype analytic automated essay scoring system, WritingProfile, that applies the method to a learner corpus. Blind evaluation on a set of real learner essays shows that the method signifi- cantly outperforms a baseline model trained on the original untransformed text, and outperforms several existing AES models. Our methodology clearly supports combining scores based on different writing traits, resulting in a more comprehen- sive writing feedback system for English language learners.
Abstract i
摘要 ii
致謝 iii
Contents iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vii
1 Introduction 1
2 Related Work 5
3 Methodology 9
3.1 Problem Statement 9
3.2 Learning to Model Writing Traits in a Sentence 10
3.2.1 Transforming Sentences for the Vocabulary Model 11
3.2.2 Transforming Sentences for the Grammar Model 12
3.2.3 Generating Sentence Scores 14
3.3 Run-time Analytic Scoring 14
4 Experimental Setting 17
4.1 Datasets and Toolkits 18
4.2 Training WritingProfile 21
4.3 Evaluation Metrics 22
4.4 Evaluation Sentences and Essays 23
5 Results and Discussion 26
5.1 Results from the Sentence-Level Evaluation 26
5.2 Results from the Essay-Level Evaluation 27
6 Conclusion and Future Work 29
References 31
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