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作者(外文):Lai, Jing-Lin
論文名稱(外文):Performance enhancement by using Space-Frequency Coded Index Modulation on 5G MMW NOMA Downlink System
指導教授(外文):Feng, Kai-Ming
口試委員(外文):Yan, Jhih-Heng
Peng, Peng-Chun
外文關鍵詞:NOMAIndex-ModulationSpace-Frequency Coded Index ModulationSpectral-EfficiencyOFDM
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眾所皆知,隨著5G行動網路的快速發展,甚至是未來面對的6G的發展,推動了數據流量的迅速增長。頻譜效率成為了處理爆炸性數據流量的重要挑戰之一。同時,近幾年來,非正交多重存取 (NOMA) 被認為是一個具有前景的技術並且可能會被下一代的多重存取技術採用,但是在 NOMA 中為了區分不同的用戶,用戶之間必須維持著特定的功率比,這個條件可能在某些通道條件下難以達到,所以此時,透過索引調變(Index-modulation, IM)技術加以整合NOMA的方法 (NOMA-IM),可以提供更多具有彈性的功率比,並加入 multiple-input multiple-output(MIMO)技術,相較於單天線的NOMA(SISO NOMA),MIMO NOMA可藉由多天線數來增加傳輸的數據量或是藉由傳輸訊號的多樣性(Diversity)來降低錯誤率。
在本篇論文中,兩種新穎的 NOMA-MIMO-SFCIM 系統方案在毫米波多用戶無線電存取系統中進行實驗展示,並在接收端中使用連續干擾消除法(SIC)用於區分不同用戶,實驗與模擬結果顯示了在以適合功率域多工的功率比範圍而言, 其中一種 NOMA-MIMO-SFCIM 方案可以比傳統的單天線 NOMA 增加頻譜效益及降低錯誤率,並於功率域做疊加更多用戶以增加每個用戶的傳輸資料量時,可以更小的功率進行疊加,另一種方案則是與NOMA-MIMO使用SFBC code(Space Frequency Block Code)在錯誤率相差不大的情況下相比,也能夠增加頻譜效益的目的。 此外,SFC-IM 因為其技術的特性還可以彌補傳統的子載波OFDM-IM 因為索引的關係而降低頻譜效益的問題,在應用於 NOMA 系統上相比於 NOMA-IM,不僅沒有犧牲掉任何頻譜,反而額外提升了頻譜效率。
It is well known that with the rapid development of the 5G network and even 6G in the future, it has promoted the rapid growth of data traffic. The spectrum efficiency has become one of the important challenges to handle such explosive data traffic. In recent years, non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) has been treated as a promising technology and may be adopted by multiple access technology in next generation. However, to differentiate different users by maintaining a specific power ratio may be difficult to achieve under certain channel conditions. So, the NOMA-IM of integrating NOMA with index modulation (IM) technology and Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) can provide flexibility in power ratio. Compared with the NOMA (SISO), NOMA MIMO can increase the amount of data transmitted by multiple antennas or reduce the bit error rate (BER) through signaling diversity.
In this paper, two new NOMA-MIMO-SFCIM cases are demonstrated in a multi-users millimeter wave radio access system, and successive interference cancellation (SIC) is used to separate different users in receivers. Experiments and simulation results show that in terms of appropriate power ratio range for power domain multiple access, one of the scenarios(sec. 4.2) here provides smaller power ratio and enhance spectral efficiency than conventional NOMA, and the other one(sec. 4.3) can enhance spectral efficiency though BER performance is slightly worse than NOMA-SFBC. In addition, due to SFC-IM characters, it can compensate the reduced spectrum efficiency resulting from the traditional OFDM-IM. In NOMA-SFCIM application, compared with NOMA-IM, it does not reduce any spectrum, but increase the spectrum efficiency.
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
致謝 iv
圖目錄 v
表目錄 viii
第 1 章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究目的與動機 5
1.3 論文架構 7
第 2 章 訊號系統介紹與原理 8
2.1 正交分頻多工(Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing, OFDM) 8
2.2 非正交多重存取(Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access, NOMA) 13
2.2.1 疊加編碼與連續干擾消除 16
2.2.2 上行鏈路(Uplink) 19
2.2.3 下行鏈路(Downlink) 22
2.3 空頻編碼索引調變(Space-Frequency Coded Index Modulation) 25
2.3-1 OFDM-IM技術(OFDM with index modulation) 25
2.3-2 SFC-IM訊號產生與接收 29
2.3-3 Linear-Complexity ML 接收器 31
2.3-4 SFC-IM 角度參數的優化 36
2.3-5頻譜使用效益與位元錯誤率表現 37
第 3 章 空頻編碼索引調變整合非正交多重存取 41
3.1 SFBC Encoder 41
3.2 SFBC MIMO Decoder 43
3.3 所提出的NOMA-SFCIM應用 45
3.3-1 FU:SFBC, NU:SFC-IM 46
3.3-2 FU:SFC-IM, NU:OFDM 51
第 4 章 模擬與實驗設置及結果 55
4.1 實驗設置與參數 56
4.2 FU:SFBC, NU:SFC-IM 模擬與實驗結果 58
4.3 FU:SFC-IM, NU:OFDM 模擬與實驗結果 66
第 5 章 結論 73
參考文獻 74

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