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作者(外文):Lin, Hung-Ching
論文名稱(外文):Using machine learning methods for link prediction of mobile users in wireless networks
指導教授(外文):Chang, Cheng-Shang
口試委員(外文):Lee, Duan-Shin
Lin, Hwa-Chun
Chen, Jen-Yeu
外文關鍵詞:link prediction of mobile usersnetwork embeddingPCALSTM
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  • 評分評分:*****
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這篇論文中,我們使用三種機器學習的方法去預測行動用戶和哪些基地台連線:分別為網路嵌入方法、Principal Components Analysis (PCA)及Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)。論文中的實驗僅使用參考訊號接收功率 (Reference Signal Received Power, RSRP)作為訓練資料。為了使實驗更貼近真實狀況,我們實際在清華大學附近的社區收集訊號資訊,一共收集24344筆RSRP值。
使用Simulation of Urban Mobility (SUMO) 軟體生成行動用戶的移動軌跡。我們將行動用戶前30秒的RSRP資訊當成訓練集 (training set),第31秒的RSRP資訊當成測試集 (testing set)。根據實驗結果,在所有的機器學習方法之中,LSTM的方法表現最好。
In this thesis, we consider the link prediction problem that predicts the connections between mobile users
and base stations. For such a problem, we use three machine learning methods: network embedding approach, Principal Components Analysis (PCA), and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM). Only the Reference Signal Received Power (RSRP) is used as the training data. In order to make the experiment closer to the real situation, we collected signal information in a community near the National Tsing Hua University. The dataset consists of a total of 24344 RSRP values. The traffic pattern of mobile users is generated by using the Simulation of Urban Mobility (SUMO) software. We regard the RSRP information of the mobile users in the first 30 seconds as the training set and the RSRP information in the 31st second as the testing set. According to the experimental results, the LSTM method performs the best among all the three machine learning methods.
Contents 1
List of Figures 3
1 Introduction 4
2 Data Collection 8
3 Machine Learning Approaches 16
3.1 Network Embedding Approach 16
3.1.1 Construction of a similarity matrix 16
3.1.2 The CAFE algorithm 20
3.1.3 Using the embedding vectors for the link prediction problem 23
3.2 Principal Components Analysis (PCA) 24
3.3 Long Short-term Memory (LSTM) 25
4 Experiments 27
4.1 Last RSRP 28
4.2 Ridge (L=2) 28
4.3 Distance CAFE (L=2, 3) 28
4.4 Jaccard CAFE (L=2, 3) 29
4.5 Distance PCA (6, L=2) and Jaccard PCA (6, L=2) 29
4.6 LSTM 30
4.7 Performance Metrics 30
5 Conclusion 35
A RSRP distributions for each PCI with each ARFCN 39
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