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作者(外文):Chang, En-Chia
論文名稱(外文):Development of a One-Dimensional CMOS-Integrated Electromagnetic Scanning Micromirror with Closed-Loop Control
指導教授(外文):Lu, Shiang-Cheng
口試委員(外文):Huang, Chih-Fang
Cheng, Yu-Ting
外文關鍵詞:MEMS LiDARElectromagnetic Scanning MirrorPiezoresistive SensingAmplitude Control
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  • 評分評分:*****
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本研究使用台積電0.35μm 2P4M CMOS製程,實際晶片大小為10mm × 7mm,搭配專屬的後製程,來實現CMOS MEMS掃描鏡系統,達成製程的高整合度。經量測後,該晶片操作的頻率為1266 Hz。最大輸入4.81mApp時,位於共振頻率的光學轉角可到達32.55度。轉角感測的部分,45度擺放的N-well的感測度相較多晶矽電阻有更佳的感測度,其感測度可達到16.1027 mVpp/deg。閉迴路系統的PI控制器能使穩定控制感測輸出振幅,使振幅偏移約為1.512ppb/min。此微掃描鏡規格已達到光雷達中多數裝置的基本要求,並且可以藉由內部的壓阻來進行回授控制。
A 1D electromagnetic driven MEMS scanning mirror with integrated piezoresistive sensing is presented in this thesis. N-well and polysilicon are the piezoresistive materials which can sense the scanning angle. Changing of resistivity can convert to be the sensing signal, and the sensing signal can be used for amplitude and frequency control to stabilize the whole system. Closed-loop control of amplitude and frequency can be implemented by phase-lock loop (PLL) with automated gain control (AGC).
In this study, chip is implemented by TSMC 0.35μm 2P4M CMOS process, with a series of MEMS post-fabrication process, and total chip area is 10mm × 7mm. The resonant frequency is 1266Hz, and the maximum optical scanning angle is 32.55° in 4.81mApp driving current. Sensitivity of 45°-placed N-well piezoresistor is 16.1027 mVpp/deg, which is much higher than the sensitivity of polysilicon. Closed-loop control is implemented by both PI controller and PLL within a lock-in amplifier. PI controller can substantially enhance the stability of the scanning mirror system, and sensing amplitude drifting is as small as 1.512ppb/min. The measurement result shows the compatibility of most LiDAR applications, and the significant improvement of stability by PI controller.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 光雷達(LiDAR)技術 2
1-3 文獻回顧 4
1-4 研究動機 9
1-5 微掃描系統架構說明 10
第二章 掃描鏡結構設計與模擬 12
2-1 解析度考量 12
2-2 勞倫茲力致動原理 15
2-3 磁場模擬 17
2-4 結構分析與設計 20
2-5 結構模擬 24
2-5-1共振模態模擬 24
2-5-2光學轉角模擬 26
2-5-3鏡面動態形變量模擬 28
第三章 控制系統設計與模擬 31
3-1 壓阻感測設計 31
3-2 感測電路設計 35
3-3 控制系統設計 40
第四章 微掃描鏡系統實現 47
4-1 佈局考量 47
4-2 後製程施作 52
4-3 電路板設計 59
4-4 量測支撐架設計 60
第五章 量測結果與討論 62
5-1 結構模態量測 62
5-2 光學量測 64
5-3 電路量測 67
5-3-1 壓阻阻值量測 67
5-3-2 緩衝器電路量測 67
5-3-3 壓阻訊號量測 69
5-3-4 雜訊量測 74
5-4 控制系統量測 75
第六章 結論與未來工作 83
6-1 研究結果 83
6-2 未來工作 85
參考文獻 86
附錄 91
A-1 其他晶片量測結果 91

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