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作者(外文):Chiang, Cheng-En
論文名稱(外文):Low Brightness Lifetime and Efficiency Improvement of Organic Light-Emitting Diodes and Clinical Illuminance Test
指導教授(外文):Horng, Sheng-Fu
口試委員(外文):Meng, Hsin-Fei
Chao, Yu-Chiang
外文關鍵詞:solution processedblade coatinglow brightness lifetimeorganic light-emiiting diodes
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  • 評分評分:*****
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第三部分是在中面積紅磷光元件的製程上去做改變,將蒸鍍遮罩從原來的 3 *5.2 cm2改為3*6.2 cm2,而發光區域還是維持3*4 cm2,我們將討論其兩者之間對於電性表現上的差異,且對於兩種元件做低亮度壽命的量測,做法是調整電壓將元件亮度固定在150~200 cd/m2之間,在前12小時為每1小時調整一次,因為此時的亮度變動較為劇烈,而12小時之後亮度的變動較為緩和,則為每12小時調整一次,以比較兩者壽命的長短。
第四部分是與陽明醫學大學社區健康照護所的合作計畫,使用我們有機發光二極體紅磷光元件所做出的小夜燈照明燈具,臨床上的目標是整體燈具照度達到70 cm10 lux,我們也將嘗試各種不同片數、排列方式以及照射角度來達成,並測量其輝度、照度及電壓。
This thesis is based on the organic light-emitting diodes produced by solution process and doctor blade coating technology. First of all, the host-guest ratio in the light-emitting layer of the red phosphorescent element is adjusted, and the influence of the telecommunication performance caused by each ratio is discussed. Hope to find the best ratio of light-emitting layer to improve its efficiency. Then the second part is to use the above adjusted host-guest ratio of the red phosphorescent element light-emitting layer, and replace the solvent from chloroform to chlorobenzene, and other parameters remain unchanged, we will also discuss the difference between the two.
The third part is to make changes in the process of the medium-area red phosphorescent element, changing the evaporation mask from the original 3*5.2 cm2 to 3*6.2 cm2, while the light-emitting area remains 3*4 cm2 , we will discuss the difference in electrical performance between the two, and measure the low brightness lifetime of the two components by adjusting the voltage to fix the component brightness between 150~200 cd/m2, In the first 12 hours, it is adjusted every 1 hour, because the brightness change is more severe at this time, and after 12 hours, the brightness change is more moderate, so it is adjusted every 12 hours to compare the lifespan of the two.
The fourth part is a cooperative project with the Community Health Care Institute of National Yang-Ming University, using our organic light emitting diode red phosphorescent element to make a night light lighting fixture, the clinical goal is to achieve an overall lighting illuminance of 70 cm10 lux, we will also try a variety of different number of sheets, arrangement and irradiation angle to achieve, and measure its brightness, illuminance and voltage.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iv
目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 有機發光二極體發展史簡介 1
1.3 研究動機及目的 2
1.4 論文架構 2
第二章 有機發光二極體之結構與概念 3
2.1 元件結構 3
2.2 發光原理 4
2.3 螢光與磷光 4
2.4 主客發光體之能量轉移 5
2.4.1 輻射能量轉移 5
2.4.2 非輻射能量轉移 6
第三章 有機發光二極體之製程與材料介紹 8
3.1 有機發光二極體元件製程 8
3.1.1 基板蝕刻 8
3.1.2 有機薄膜刮塗 9
3.1.3 蒸鍍封裝 12
3.1.4 電性量測 14
3.2 材料介紹 15
3.2.1 電動注入材料 15
3.2.2 電動傳輸材料 16
3.2.3 客發光體材料 16
3.2.4 主發光體材料 17
第四章 實驗設計 19
4.1 調整紅磷光元件發光層主客發光體比例 19
4.1.1 以ETM-N04作為主發光體之主客比例調整 19
4.1.2 以ETM-N04混和SPPO13作為主發光體之主客比例調整 24
4.2 紅磷光元件發光層溶劑測試 30
4.2.1 以氯仿(Chloroform)作為發光層溶劑 31
4.2.2 以氯苯(Chlorobenzene)作為發光層溶劑 35
4.2.3 發光層溶劑氯仿(Chloroform)及氯苯(Chlorobenzene)比較 39
4.3 中面積紅磷光元件蒸鍍遮罩測試 44
4.3.1 調整中面積ITO玻璃基板 44
4.3.2 調整中面積蒸鍍遮罩 45
4.3.3 中面積蒸鍍遮罩改變之電性比較 45
4.3.4 中面積蒸鍍遮罩改變之低亮度壽命比較 51
4.4 陽明醫學大學合作計畫之亮度及照度測試 54
4.4.1 紅磷光元件之燈具排法 55
第五章 實驗結論與未來展望 59
第六章 參考文獻 61
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