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作者(外文):Huang, Bo-Yan
論文名稱(外文):Wearable Stethoscope for Continuous Monitoring of Respiratory Diseases and Wearer Environment
指導教授(外文):Chou, Pai H.
口試委員(外文):Tsou, Chih-Hsiang
Hon, Wing-Kai
中文關鍵詞:醫療嵌入式系統微型機器學習Real-time data transmission systemCNN模型Respiratory sound classification
外文關鍵詞:Medical embedded systemTinyML實時數據傳輸系統CNN model呼吸音分類
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  • 評分評分:*****
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Patients with respiratory diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma can benefit from wearable devices that continuously monitor the symptoms and conditions that trigger potentially fatal reactions. This thesis describes such a device named Stethogram, which uses a 3-channel digital microphone to measure sounds from lower and upper airways. It also includes a digital inertial measurement unit (IMU) for patient activity and CO2 and VOC for environmental air sensing. The system also includes Long Term Evolution (LTE) module for real-time data uplink. The contributions of this thesis include the evaluation of local processing or storage options including data transmission, machine-learning classification, and buffering compared to on-server processing. Evaluation metrics include power consumption, accuracy, and latency. Experimental results show that Stethogram comprehensively monitors respiratory symptoms and environmental factors in low power consumption. Integrating an LTE module enables real-time data uplink, allowing healthcare professionals to access live patient data remotely. By incorporating TinyML, Stethogram can balance real-time monitoring and accuracy, reducing the need for constant data transmission to the server and reducing power consumption and latency.
Contents i
Acknowledgments v
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Contributions 2
1.2.1 System Implementation 2
1.2.2 Data Processing 3
1.3 Thesis Organization 3
2 Background and Related Work 4
2.1 Background: COPD and AECOPD 4
2.1.1 Stages and Groups of Stable COPD 4
2.1.2 AE-COPD 5
2.1.3 Challenges 6
2.2 Related Work 7
2.2.1 AECOPD Prediction Bands 8
2.2.2 Single-Channel Sound Collector 8
2.2.3 Multi-Channel Sound Logger 8
3 Device Design and Data Collection 10
3.1 MCU Architecture 10
3.2 Motion-Tracking Subsystem 11
3.3 Environmental-Sensing Subsystem 11
3.4 Auscultation Subsystem 12
3.5 Power Subsystem 12
3.6 Local Storage Subsystem 13
3.7 Networking Subsystem with Cloud Support 13
3.7.1 LTE 13
3.7.2 TCP/IP Protocol 13
3.7.3 Direct Link Mode 14
3.7.4 Ping-pong Buffer 14
4 CNN Model Training 16
4.1 Datasets 16
4.1.1 Kaggle Database 16
4.1.2 R.A.L.E. Database 17
4.2 COPD Neural Network Classification Model 17
4.3 Evaluation Metrics 18
5 TinyML Model Development 20
5.1 Platform for Training 20
5.2 Model Architecture 20
5.3 Device Deployment 21
5.4 Model Metrics and On-device Performance 22
5.5 Comparative Analysis of Multi-class TinyML Models 23
6 Evaluation 25
6.1 Current-Measuring System 25
6.2 Local Storage Mode vs. Direct Link Mode 25
6.3 Discussion 28
6.4 On-Server CNN Model vs. TinyML Model Performance 28
7 Conclusions and Future Work 30
7.1 Conclusions 30
7.2 Future Work 30
Appendix 37
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