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作者(外文):Lin, Jhong-En
論文名稱(外文):LPSD: Low-rank Plus Sparse Decomposition for Extremely Low Rank CNN Model Compression
指導教授(外文):Lee, Che-Rung
口試委員(外文):Hsu, Cheng-Hsin
Li, Yung-Ta
外文關鍵詞:model compressiontensor decompositionsparsitylow rank decomposition
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  • 評分評分:*****
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第二種演算法稱為Alternative LPSD(交替低秩加稀疏分解),它利用矩陣交替逼近算法同時確定低秩和稀疏部分。首先,它使用全局步驟來確定每一層的稀疏度,然後根據前面每層的選擇執行局部稀疏度選擇,獲得最終的稀疏度分布。
Low-rank decomposition that explores and eliminates the linear dependency within a matrix or a tensor is often used as a structured model compression method for deep convolutional neural networks. However, the model accuracy declines rapidly as the compression ratio decreases over a threshold. We have observed that with a small amount of sparse elements, the model accuracy can be recovered significantly for the CNN weight networks compressed with extremely low ranks.
Based on this premise, we developed a novel method, called LPSD (Low-rank Plus Sparse Decomposition), that decomposes a CNN weight tensor into a combination of low-rank and sparse components, which can better maintain the accuracy after the extremely low rank compression. For a pre-trained model, the network structure of each layer is split into two branches: one for low-rank part and one for sparse part. Based on LPSD, we have developed two algorithms: Sparsification and Alternative LPSD.
Sparsification employs ALDS to perform low-rank compression on the original model to determine the low-rank part. Additionally, it applies L1 global sparsification on the difference between the original model and the low-rank part to determine the sparse part.
Alternative LPSD utilizes the matrix alternating approximation algorithm to simultaneously determine the low-rank and sparse parts. It starts by using global selection to determine the sparsity for each layer, and then performs local selection of sparsity based on the previous per-layer selection to obtain the final sparsity distribution.
Experimental results demonstrate that in most scenarios, Our method achieves better accuracy with smaller model sizes compared to the state-of-the-art methods. Ablation studies are also provided to evaluate the impact of different hyper-parameters.
Abstract (Chinese) ---I
Abstract ---II
Contents ---III
List of Figures ---V
1 Introduction ---1
2 Related Works ---4
2.0.1 Low-rankness only ---4
2.0.2 Sparsity/Unstructured pruning only ---5
2.0.3 Combining low-rankness and sparsity ---5
3 LPSD Method ---6
3.0.1 Low-Rank Decomposition ---6
3.0.2 Sparsification ---9
3.0.3 Alternative LPSD ---10
4 Experiments ---15
4.0.1 Experimental Setting ---15
4.0.2 Comparison with other methods ---15
4.0.3 The experimental results of Sparsification and ALPSD under
different parameter settings ---17
4.0.4 Comparison between Sparsification and ALPSD ---19
5 Conclusion and Future Work ---22
Bibliography ---23
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