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作者(外文):Li, Yi-Lin
論文名稱(外文):New Results on the Chessmaster Problem
指導教授(外文):Hon, Wing-Kai
口試委員(外文):Lee, Che-Rung
Tsai, Meng-Tsung
外文關鍵詞:Chess Master ProblemPigeonhole PrincipleCombinatoricsDiscrete Mathematics
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西洋棋大師問題(Chessmaster Problem, CMP)是近代離散數學在介紹鴿籠原理時經常使用的例題。在這個問題中,我們會對棋手所必須進行的棋局數加入了一些限制,目標為證明棋手在滿足棋局數限制的所有情況下,都存在某連續時段剛好下了k盤棋局。
CMP的最早版本可以追溯到1962年出版的蘇聯數學奧林匹克問題集(Shklarsky et al.),之後也出現在組合數學、離散數學的不同教科書之中。Erdös等人在1982年發現了當在CMP上施加特定限制並且滿足特定條件的情況下,可以使用鴿籠原理證明CMP是合法可解的。
關鍵字: 西洋棋大師問題, 鴿籠原理, 組合數學, 離散數學
Chessmaster Problem (CMP) is nowadays a popular example to demonstrate the use of Pigeonhole Principle. In this problem, there are some restrictions on the number of games a chessmaster has to play, and the target is to prove that the chessmaster would have played exactly a certain number k of games in a contiguous period of time, in any
The earliest version of the problem can be traced back as a USSR mathematical olympiad problem (Shklarsky et al., 1962), and appeared in various textbooks of Combinatorics and Discrete Mathematics. Erdös et al. (1982) used Pigeonhole Principle to show that when a certain restriction is posted on CMP, and if a certain bound follows, then the CMP problem is well-defined so that the target can be proven true. In this thesis, we look at CMP from a new perspective, and apply Pigeonhole Principle in an alternative way, so that we obtain a different-looking-but-equivalent bound which may not be easy to obtain directly by algebraic manipulation. Furthermore, we show that Erdös et al.’s result for the restricted case can readily provide an unconditional lower bound L(n, k) on a parameter an for which the CMP problem is well-defined whenever an < L. Finally, we propose two efficient heuristic programs to check whether a CMP problem is well-defined.
Keywords: Chess Master Problem, Pigeonhole Principle, Combinatorics, Discrete Mathematics
摘要 i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgement iii
Contents iv
1 Introduction 1
2 Our Results 3
2.1 GCMP when n=b 3
2.2 GCMP with No Restrictions 7
3 Programs 9
3.1 The Bottom-Up Algorithm 10
3.2 Modifying the Bottom-up Algorithm 11
4 Conclusion 13
Bibliography 15
[1] R. A. Brualdi. Introductory Combinatorics (5th edition), Pearson, 2010.
[2] P. Erd ̈os, R. L. Hemminger, D. A. Holton, and B. D. McKay. On the Chessmaster Problem. Progress in Graph Theory, pages 532–536, 1982.
[3] K. Rosen. Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications (8th edition), McGraw-Hill, 2018.
[4] D. O. Shklarsky, N. N. Chentzov, and I. M. Yaglom. The USSR Olympiad Problem Book, San Francisco, Freeman, 1962.
[5] Wolfram MathWorld. https://mathworld.wolfram.com/FerrersDiagram.html
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