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作者(外文):Lu, Zheng-Chi
論文名稱(外文):Biomechanical Augmentation for 3D Hand Pose Estimation
指導教授(外文):Chen, Hwann-Tzong
口試委員(外文):Wang, Sheng-Jyh
Lee, Chun-Yi
外文關鍵詞:Hand Pose EstimationData AugmentationBiomechanics
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在深度神經網路的助力下,學習型模型在三維手勢估計上取得令人驚豔的進展。然而這類型的模型容易捕捉到訓練資料集裡的姿勢偏差(pose bias),進而導致模型的跨資料集表現不佳,或甚至在訓練資料集切分出來的測試集都會有可察覺的退步。為了緩解姿勢偏差的問題,我們提出了一個新穎的、基於生物力學的資料增強框架,用於合成新的二維-三維姿勢對(pose pair)。這些新生成的姿勢對除了能分佈於符合生物力學的子空間,同時也提供充足的姿勢多樣性。為了達成這個結果,我們首先從原始訓練資料集計算出生物力學的數據:兩種手指的骨頭旋轉角度。接著,我們會從這些數據中取樣來產生多個待選的資料增強參數,然後藉由我們設計的、基於骨頭角度的可能性(likelihood)從待選參數中決定最終的資料增強參數。最後,我們對訓練資料集中的原始手勢樣本執行手指骨頭旋轉的資料增強來生成最終的資料增強結果,旋轉的參數是由最終選擇的資料增強參數決定。在FreiHAND資料集的實驗以及在HO-3D和DexYCB資料集上的跨資料集實驗展示了基於生物力學的資料增強框架的有效性。我們在這些資料集上針對基準模型的姿勢估計錯誤皆取得近$10\%$的進步幅度。相較之下,競爭方法只在FrieHAND資料集上取得與我們相似的進步,但在HO-3D和DexYCB的跨資料集設定下進度幅度縮小。
Empowered by deep neural networks, learning-based models have achieved amazing progress in 3D hand pose estimation. However, these models tend to capture pose bias in the original training dataset and result in poor cross-dataset performance or even have noticeable degradation when evaluating on test split of the training dataset. To alleviate the pose bias issue, we propose a novel biomechanical augmentation framework to synthesize new 2D-3D pose pairs where synthesized hand samples lie in the biomechanically-valid subspace but at the same time provide sufficient pose variety. To this end, we first calculate the biomechanical statistics, including two types of finger bone rotation angles, from the original training set. Next, with these statistics, we generate multiple augmentation parameter candidates through sampling among them and determine the final candidate based on our designed bone-angle-based hand likelihood. Last, we conduct finger bone rotation augmentation on original hand samples in the training dataset with bone angles specified in the final candidate, resulting in new augmentation samples. Extensive experiments on FreiHAND and cross-dataset evaluations on HO-3D and DexYCB demonstrate the effectiveness of our biomechanical augmentation framework. We improve the pose estimation error of the baseline model on these datasets with $10\%$ margin, while the competing method achieves similar performance as ours on FreiHAND but performs inferiorly on both HO-3D and DexYCB in the cross-dataset setting.
List of Tables 3
List of Figures 4

摘 要 6
Abstract 7

1 Introduction 8

2 Related Work 10
2.1 3D Hand Pose Estimation 10
2.2 Data Augmentation for 3D Human and Hand Pose 11

3 Approach 12
3.1 Problem Formulation 12
3.2 Human Hand Representation 14
3.3 Defining Biomechanically-Valid Range 15
3.4 Determining Augmentation Parameter 17
3.5 Biomechanical Augmentation 20
3.6 Algorithm 20

4 Experiments 22
4.1 Implementation Details 22
4.2 Datasets and Protocols 23
4.3 Evaluation Metric 24
4.4 Results on Benchmark Datasets 25
4.5 Ablation Study 25

5 Conclusion 30

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