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作者(外文):Fan, Tzu-Yi
論文名稱(外文):Enhancing Situational Awareness with Adaptive Firefighting Drones: Leveraging Diverse Media Types and Classifiers
指導教授(外文):Hsu, Cheng-Hsin
口試委員(外文):Chen, Chien
Huang, Chun-Ying
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高樓火災會威脅到現代都市的生活安全品質,若火災發生在較高樓層,消防人員無法確切掌握火勢和受災人的位置,故我們提出透過無人機裝載多模態感測器,自動探索高樓環境,提供消防人員所需的資訊,在過去已經有一些研究關於無人機群的工作和路線安排,但他們並沒有考慮到抵達一個偵測點之後,應該如何做資料搜集才能達到最好的準確率,我們的論文專注於補足這一塊的缺失,當無人機抵達一個待偵測點時,提供給他一個偵測資訊串,告訴它該在哪些位子進行拍攝,在每一個位子又該用哪個感測器和選擇哪一個分類器來分析感測器搜集的資料。為了更加具體討論我們的方法,在我們的論文中主要偵測的事件為窗戶開關和每扇窗戶後面是否有受災人,其他消防人員所需資訊仍可運用相同的方法提供偵測資訊串給無人機。總結來說,在這篇論文當中,我們搜集了第一個用多模態感測器拍攝而來的窗戶資料庫,並將我們的選擇問題公式化,提出兩個演算法來解決我們的問題,最後我們實作了一個事件驅動模擬器搭配虛擬城市環境評估我們演算法的表現,也設計了顯示資料的儀表板展現我們具體將如何提供狀況認知資訊給消防員。從實驗數據中可知我們的方法優於沒有產生偵測資訊串的方法,在偵測得準確度上提升了 50%,在眾多窗戶的測試中,成功達到預設的偵測時間限制和偵測準確率的比例比沒有產生偵測資訊串的方法高 100%,同時也降低了 6.78 倍的能源消耗。
High-rise fires are among the most significant threats to safety in modern cities, and autonomous drones with multi-modal sensors can be employed to enhance situational awareness in such unfortunate disasters. In this thesis, we study the fine-grained measurement selection problem for drones being dispatched to perform situation monitoring tasks in high-rise fires. Our problem considers multiple sensor/media types, classifier designs, and measurement locations, which were overlooked in prior waypoint scheduling studies. For concrete discussion, we adopt window openness and human detection as the target situations, while other situations can be readily supported by our solution. More specifically, we: (i) collect a very first multi-modal window dataset, (ii) mathematically formulate the fine-grained measurement selection problem and solve it using two algorithms, and (iii) create an event-driven simulator to evaluate our algorithms and a mock-up dashboard to demonstrate the detection results. The evaluation results from the event-driven simulator demonstrate that our proposed algorithms achieve higher classification accuracy (up to 50% improvement), deliver more feasible solutions (up to 100% improvement), and reduce energy consumption (up to 6.78 times reduction), compared to the current practices. Our dashboard demonstrates how we provide situational awareness in real high-rise firefighting.
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
Acknowledgments iv
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Contributions ................................ 4
1.2 Limitations ................................. 4
1.3 Organizations................................ 5
2 Background 6
2.1 SmartCity.................................. 6
2.2 High-RiseFirefighting ........................... 6
2.3 Drone-BasedApplications ......................... 7
2.4 SensorFusion................................ 8
2.5 Classifiers and Regressors for Multi-Modal Analytics . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3 Related Work 11
3.1 HeterogeneousSensorsonDrones ..................... 11
3.2 FirefightingDrones............................. 12
3.3 Coarse-Grained Waypoint Scheduling for Drones . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.4 WindowDataset............................... 13
4 Drone-Based High-Rise Firefighing 14
4.1 Coarse-GrainedWaypointScheduling ................... 14
4.2 Fine-GrainedMeasurementSelection ................... 14
5 Real Dataset Collection 16
5.1 CollectionProcedure ............................ 17
5.2 DatasetFormat ............................... 19
5.3 SampleUsageScenarios .......................... 21
6 Synthesized Dataset Collection 37
6.1 AirSim.................................... 37
6.2 SensorImplementations........................... 38
6.3 CollectionProcedure ............................ 39
6.4 DatasetFormat ............................... 40
7 Classifier Designs and Implementations 42
7.1 WindowOpennessClassifiers........................ 42
7.2 HumanDetectionClassifiers ........................ 44
7.3 ClassifierCertaintyandAccuracy ..................... 45
8 Measurement Selection Problems 46
8.1 Notations .................................. 46
8.2 FusingtheMeasurementResults ...................... 47
8.3 Formulation................................. 48
8.4 ProposedAlgorithms ............................ 50
9 Performance Evaluations 52
9.1 Implementations .............................. 52
9.2 Setup .................................... 54
9.3 Results.................................... 55
10 Dashboard Design 61
11 Conclusion 63
Bibliography 65
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