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作者(外文):Chen, Yuan-Jie
論文名稱(中文):HPFL: 融合多種感測器模式與異質隱私敏感度的聯邦式學習
論文名稱(外文):HPFL: Federated Learning by Fusing Multiple Sensor Modalities with Heterogeneous Privacy Sensitivity Levels
指導教授(外文):Hsu, Cheng-Hsin
口試委員(外文):Chen, Chien
Huang, Chun-Ying
外文關鍵詞:Information systemsMultimedia information systemsSecurity and privacyPrivacy protectionsComputing methodologiesSupervised learning by classification
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儘管現有的聯合學習 (FL) 演算法允許使用者把高隱私敏感度資料保留在本地參與模型訓練,但是受限於模型分類準確度較低,訓練時間較長等缺點。
在這篇論文中,我們考慮到不同感測器收集的資料有不同的隱私敏感度,提出異質隱私聯合學習算法 (HPFL) 來利用低隱私敏感度資料 (例如毫米波雷達收集的點雲) 中的訊息改善模型性能,同時使高隱私敏感度資料保持在用戶本地。
用了我們最好的知識, 在相關的FL算法研究中沒有考慮到多模式感測器收集的資料有不同隱私敏感度的性質。
在語義分割應用中,HPFL在前景準確度上超過FedAvg 18.20\%;在情感識別應用中,HPFL在F1-score上超過FedAvg 4.20\%;這两個實驗都建立在非獨立同分佈的資料分佈上。
Solving classification problems to understand multi-modality sensor data has become popular,
%with healthcare, security, entertainment, and many other applications. However,
but rich-media sensors, e.g., RGB cameras and microphones, are privacy-invasive. Though existing
%studies with the
Federated Learning (FL) algorithms allow clients to keep their sensor data private, they suffer from degraded performance,
particularly lower classification accuracy and longer training time, when compared to centralized learning.
We propose a Heterogeneous Privacy Federated Learning (HPFL) paradigm to capitalize on the information in the privacy insensitive data (such as mmWave point clouds) while keeping the privacy-sensitive data (such as RGB images) private because sensor data are of diverse sensitivity levels.
We mainly require that each client share privacy insensitive data to a server for fine-tuning the server model, reducing the performance between FL and centralized learning.
{\em To our best knowledge, multiple media/modalities with diverse privacy sensitivity levels have never been considered in the FL setup.} We evaluate the HPFL paradigm on two representative classification problems: (i) semantic segmentation, and (ii) emotion recognition. %, and (iii) food intake actively recognition.
Extensive experiments demonstrate that the HPFL paradigm can:
(i) outperform the popular FedAvg by 18.20\% in foreground accuracy (semantic segmentation) and 4.20\% in F1-score (emotion recognition) under non-i.i.d.~sample distributions,
(ii) surpass the state-of-the-art advanced FL algorithms by 12.40\%--17.70\% in foreground accuracy and 2.54\%--4.10\%,
(iii) achieve FedAvg's maximum foreground accuracy 24 rounds sooner, and
(iv) incur no extra client-side computation overhead and negligible communication overhead of 5.95\% (semantic segmentation) and 0.15\% (emotion recognition).
These results show that HPFL successfully reduce the impact of non-i.i.d.~sample distribution in FL and outperforms the related state-of-the-art FL algorithms in multi-modal applications.
HPFL can be extended in multiple directions in the future, including but not limited to convergence analysis, privacy leakage analysis, complex multi-modal model structure, generation for split learning, and other distributive learning approaches.

Acknowledgments i
Abstract ii
中文摘要 iii
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Contributions 3
1.2 Limitations 4
1.3 Organizations 4
2 Background 6
2.1 Machine Learning 6
2.2 Distributed Machine Learning 7
2.3 Knowledge Distillation 9
2.4 Multi-modal Representation Learning 10
3 Related Work 12
3.1 Data Sharing in FL 12
3.2 Federated Distillation 13
3.3 Federated Transfer Learning 14
3.4 Advanced FL Algorithms 15
4 Heterogeneous Privacy Federated Learning (HPFL) 16
4.1 System Overview 16
4.2 Notations 18
4.3 Procedure 18
5 Multi-modal Neural Networks and Applications 22
5.1 Semantic Segmentation 23
5.2 Emotion Recognition 23
6 Multi-modal Datasets 25
6.1 MFNet Dataset 26
6.2 LMF Dataset 27
7 Evaluations 28
7.1 Implementations 28
7.2 Hyperparameters 28
7.3 Parameters and Metrics 29

7.4 Parameter Selections 29
7.5 Performance Comparisons 32
8 Conclusion 40
8.1 Concluding Remarks 40
8.2 Future Work 41


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