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作者(外文):Zhang, Chen-Ning
論文名稱(中文):應用於串列器之6.4GHz 二元相位偵測數位鎖相迴路
論文名稱(外文):A 6.4GHz Digital PLL with Bang-Bang Phase Detector for Serializer
指導教授(外文):Chu, Ta-Shun
口試委員(外文):Wang, Yu-Jiu
Wu, Jen-Ming
外文關鍵詞:All digital pllBang-Bang phase detectorSerializer
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數位濾波器由一階類比式RC濾波器轉換而來,取代電容電阻大幅降低晶片之面積,此外在數位濾波器中加入scan chain電路,除了能夠觀測與測試邏輯電路,還能直接輸入系統設計所預期之電壓,大幅加快所相迴路之鎖定時間。
With the continuous advancement of technology, the communication market has more and more requirements for transmission rates. The development of mobile communication systems all the way to today’s 5G or even 6G has increased the demand for bandwidth. Also, with the booming development of the communication market, besides to the demand for speed, the frequency band of operation must also be controlled carefully. The phase-locked loop is used to generate accurate local oscillation frequency for the purpose of raising and lowering the communication frequency. The phase-locked loop plays an important role nowadays.
Compared with traditional analog and digital phase-locked loops, the fully digital phase-locked loop has better noise tolerance, and with the continuous development of manufacturing, it is easier to reduce the area of the circuit design along with the process. , the effort to redesign different processes is also greatly reduced.
The all-digital phase-locked loop proposed in this paper operates at 6.4GHz and is applied to wired communication. The phase detector uses a binary phase detector to detect the phase difference between the reference signal and the oscillator signal after passing through the frequency divider. Although the locking time longer, the area and power consumption are relatively small.
The digital filter is converted from a first-order analog RC filter, which greatly reduces the area of the chip by replacing the capacitor and resistor. In addition, adding a scan chain circuit to the digital filter can not only observe and test the logic circuit, but also directly input the expected voltage to the system, greatly accelerates the locking time of the phase loop.
This paper adopts TSMC's 65nm process technology for simulation and design. At the beginning of the paper, the architecture of various phase-locked loops is introduced and their advantages and disadvantages are compared, and then the mathematical model and design process of all-digital phase-locked loops are introduced in sequence. Next, the noise of sub-circuits are analyzed, followed by the actual circuit simulation results and chip simulation layout considerations. Finally, make a unified conclusion about the proposed circuit.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 xi
1 第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 章節介紹 2
2 第二章 傳統鎖相迴路基本介紹 3
2.1 簡介 3
2.2 鎖相迴路基本原理 3
2.2.1 相位頻率偵測器 4
2.2.2 電流幫浦 7
2.2.3 迴路濾波器 8
2.2.4 壓控震盪器 12
2.2.5 除頻器 17
2.3 鎖相迴路系統雜訊與穩定度分析 18
2.3.1 傳統鎖相回路訊分析 18
2.3.2 傳統鎖相回路穩定性分析 20
3 第三章 全數位鎖相迴路系統 22
3.1 全數位鎖相迴路架構 22
3.1.1 簡介 22
3.1.2 二元相位偵測器(Bang Bang Phase Detector) 23
3.1.3 數位濾波器 24
3.1.4 數位控制震盪器 26
3.2 非線性全數位二元相位偵測器鎖相迴路時域分析 28
4 第四章 電路設計與實現 33
4.1 簡介 33
4.2 二元相位偵測器 34
4.2.1 二元相位偵測器電路設計 34
4.2.2 二元相位偵測器模擬結果 35
4.3 數位濾波器 38
4.3.1 數位濾波器電路設計 38
4.3.2 數位濾波器模擬結果 40
4.4 數位控制震盪器 42
4.4.1 數位控制震盪器電路設計 42
4.4.2 數位控制震盪器模擬結果 50
4.5 除頻器 54
4.5.1 除頻器設計 54
4.5.2 除頻器模擬結果 55
4.6 串列器 56
4.6.1 串列器設計[18] 56
4.6.2 串列器模擬結果 60
4.7 系統迴路模擬與晶片布局 62
4.8 系統模擬結果 64
5 第五章 結論 68
5.1 總結 68
5.2 未來展望 68
5.3 參考文獻 68

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