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作者(外文):Ke, Han-Xiang
論文名稱(外文):Design and Implementation of Ripple-Current Compensation for Three-Phase Three-Wire Hybrid Frequency Inverters
指導教授(外文):Wu, Tsai-Fu
口試委員(外文):Yu, Gwo-Rue
Wu, Yu-En
Lin, Jing-Yuan
外文關鍵詞:Three-phase Three-wire Inverter,Hybrid Frequency InverterRipple CompensationD-Σ Direct Digital control
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本研究研製一額定容量10 kVA三相三線高低頻互補換流器,透過設計兩部功率與頻率不同之換流器,改善輸出電感電流之漣波成份。在系統上分為電力級與控制級,並使用兩顆微控制器晶片RX71M做系統控制。其系統開關會操作在不同的切換頻率,功率調配上設置低頻換流器額定功率為8 kVA且切換頻率為6 kHz,高頻換流器額定功率為2 kVA且切換頻率為48 kHz。透過高低頻的功率與頻率配置,可以達成在高頻高功率系統中硬體元件,被低頻高功率元件與高頻低功率的元件取代,在元件選擇上更彈性。在輸出成效上,可透過漣波補償控制降低輸出端之電流漣波成份,使得LCL濾波器的體積、重量皆可以降低,且透過並聯換流器系統,可以使整體系統的動態響應提升。本系統主要操作於市電併網模式,能將直流鏈之能量輸出至交流端,可依照需求輸出實、虛功,同時確保輸出電壓、電流符合併網型換流器電力品質規範。
This research designs and implements a 10 kVA three-phase three-wire hybrid frequency inverter system (HbFIS), and the ripple components of the output inductor current are improved by setting inverters with different power and frequencies. The system configuration can be divided into power stages and control stages, and two microcontroller chips RX71M are used for system control. The system switches operate at different switching frequencies. With power distribution, the rated power of the low-frequency inverter is 8 kVA and the switching frequency is 6 kHz, and the rated power of the high-frequency inverter is 2 kVA and the switching frequency is 48 kHz. Through the power and frequency configuration on different inverters, the hardware components at high-frequency and high-power systems can be replaced by low-frequency high-power components and high-frequency low-power components, and the selection of components is more flexible. In output performance, the ripple-compensation method can be used for reducing the ripple components on grid side, so that the of volume and weight of the LCL filter can be reduced. Dynamic response can be improved by the parallel inverters. The system operates on grid-connected mode, which can deliver the energy from dc side to the ac side, and can adjust the proportion of real and reactive power according to the requirement, ensuring that the output voltage and current can accomplish power quality specifications of the grid-connected inverter.
Regarding the control method, D-Σ direct digital control considers the variations of ac-side voltage and current, which make ripple-compensation algorithm convenient and simple to apply to this control method, and it can omit the complicated calculation process from abc to dq domain. The control-law characteristics of fast response and short calculation time are extremely suitable for the ripple-current-compensation algorithm.
The major contributions of this research include: (1) Implement a three-phase three-wire hybrid frequency grid-connected inverter, verify system stability and ensure that it can achieve power quality specifications of the grid-connected inverter; (2) propose a new type of inverter, circuit and control concepts, and improve hardware component selection problems; (3) derive a new ripple-compensation formula, and apply it on simulation and experiment to verify the feasibility of the ripple-compensation method.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xii
第 一 章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 文獻回顧 2
1-2-1 單模組換流器 2
1-2-2 多模組換流器 5
1-2-3 換流器控制法 7
1-3 論文大綱 10
第 二 章 系統架構與控制策略 11
2-1 高低頻換流器系統架構 11
2-2 低頻換流器解耦合分切合整直接數位控制 12
2-3 高頻換流器解耦合分切合整直接數位控制 16
第 三 章 換流器周邊電路 23
3-1 輔助電源 23
3-2 開關驅動電路 25
3-2-1 緩衝器SN74LVC244 25
3-2-2 開關驅動電源 26
3-2-3 開關驅動電路 27
3-3 電壓/電流回授電路 28
3-3-1 直流鏈電壓 28
3-3-2 電網電壓、濾波電容電壓 29
3-3-3 電感電流 31
3-4 保護電路 33
3-4-1 過壓/過流保護 34
3-4-2 電壓箝位保護 35
3-4-3 輔助電源偵測 35
3-4-4 電網斷開 36
3-4-5 緊急開關 37
第 四 章 系統韌體架構與控制流程 38
4-1 微控制器Renesas RX71M簡介 38
4-2 載波同步機制 44
4-3 低頻換流器 46
4-3-1 主程式流程規劃 46
4-3-2 中斷副程式控制流程規劃 48
4-4 高頻換流器 50
4-4-1 主程式流程規劃 50
4-4-2 中斷副程式控制流程規劃 51
4-5 高低頻換流器並聯流程規劃 53
第 五 章 實務考量與損耗分析 55
5-1 實務考量 55
5-1-1 電感值變化 55
5-1-2 類比/數位取樣延遲 57
5-1-3 怠滯時間補償 59
5-1-4 高低頻直流鏈端電源改善 60
5-2 損耗分析 62
5-2-1 電感損耗 62
5-2-2 功率開關損耗 67
5-2-3 總損耗與效率 69
第 六 章 模擬與實測結果 70
6-1 系統規格與LCL濾波器參數 70
6-2 Matlab/Simulink模擬 71
6-3 模擬與實測波形 73
6-3-1 純實功輸出 73
6-3-2 虛功補償–超前功因 80
6-3-3 虛功補償–落後功因 85
第 七 章 結論與未來研究方向 89
7-1 結論 89
7-2 未來研究方向 90
參考文獻 91

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