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作者(外文):Ho, Keng-Wei
論文名稱(外文):Low Power Digital Design of a Stochastic Recurrent Spiking Neural Network with On-Chip Learning Capability
指導教授(外文):Chen, Hsin
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:169
  • 評分評分:*****
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In recent years, machine learning has been widely used in our life, such as face recognition, autonomous driving systems, etc. However, as the architecture of the neural network becomes more and more complex, the enormous amount of computation also increases the power consumption on the hardware. Implementing a low-power neural network and algorithm on edge devices has become a challenge. Spiking neural network is one of the potential research directions. It imitates the biological nervous system using spikes to transmit information and can achieve low-power computing with a simpler neural network structure and learning algorithm.
Research has found that noise contributes to the learning of spiking neural networks. The stochastic recurrent spiking neural network adds noise currents to neurons. It uses the mathematical theory of restricted Boltzmann machines to learn the probability distribution of data and is able to perform unsupervised learning.
This thesis first uses software to simulate and analyze the stochastic recurrent spiking neural network. Then simplify the LIF neuron model, the neural network's architecture, and the learning algorithm. Afterward, design a digital chip of the stochastic recurrent spiking neural network with on-chip learning capability. Finally, the recognition and image reconstruction of MNIST handwritten digits are trained and tested on the chip.
Chapter1 Introduction-----------------------------------1
Chapter2 Theory Description and Literature Review-------2
2.1 Integrate and Fire Neuron Model---------------------2
2.2 Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity-------------------3
2.3 Restricted Boltzmann Machine------------------------5
2.4 Recurrent Spiking Neural Network--------------------7
2.5 Previous Digital Implementation of RSNN-------------9
Chapter3 Software Simulation of the Stochastic RSNN----10
3.1 Neural Network Architecture------------------------10
3.2 Algorithm Description------------------------------12
3.3 Simulation Result and Discussion-------------------15
3.3.1 Stochastic LIF Neuron----------------------------15
3.3.2 MNIST Classification-----------------------------16
3.3.3 Data Retrieval from Partial Data Input-----------19
Chapter4 Stochastic RSNN Digital Design----------------21
4.1 System Architecture--------------------------------21
4.2 Stochastic IF Neuron Circuit-----------------------23
4.2.1 Noise Generator----------------------------------23
4.2.2 Neuron Core--------------------------------------24
4.3 Memory Storage-------------------------------------26
4.3.1 Register-----------------------------------------26
4.3.2 SRAM---------------------------------------------27
4.4 STDP Update Logic----------------------------------29
Chapter5 Back-end Simulation---------------------------30
5.1 Chip Specification---------------------------------30
5.2 System-Level Simulation----------------------------32
5.2.1 Operation Modes----------------------------------32
5.2.2 Simulation Result and Power Analysis-------------36
5.3 Comparison with Analog Design----------------------39
5.4 Comparison with State-of-the-Art Digital Design----41
Chapter6 Conclusion and Future Work--------------------42
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