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作者(外文):Hsu, Wei-Che
論文名稱(外文):Applications of Power Supply for RF Discharge in Low-Temperature Plasma Sterilization
指導教授(外文):Wu, Tsai-Fu
口試委員(外文):Yu, Gwo-Rue
Wu, Yu-En
Lin, Jing-Yuan
中文關鍵詞:電漿射頻電漿電源低溫電漿滅菌法13.56 MHzClass-DLCC串並聯諧振電路E-mode HEMT GaN
外文關鍵詞:plasmaradio frequency (RF) plasma power supplylow temperature plasma sterilization method13.56 MHzClass-DLCC series-parallel resonant circuitE-mode HMET GaN
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本研究旨在研製一部射頻電漿電源,利用射頻放電的模式激發電漿,完成低溫電漿滅菌。隨著醫療安全標準提高,醫療器材的無菌度是標準之一,目前主要的滅菌法有高溫、化學藥劑、放射性以及電漿滅菌法,經過比較之後,低溫電漿滅菌將成為未來滅菌的趨勢,其優點包括滅菌週期短,使醫療器材利用率提高;低溫即可達到滅菌效果,適用於不耐熱和不耐濕的醫療器材;市面上大多使用雙氧水(H_2 O_2)做為媒介進行滅菌動作,電漿激發後不會產生有毒之副產物,僅產生水和氧氣,是一套符合永續綠生活的滅菌法。
本論文研製一Class-D串並聯諧振換流器,做為射頻電漿電源,並持續輸出功率激發電漿,而電漿激發分為高壓與高頻兩種模式,本研究選用射頻13.56 MHz達到激發條件,因此選用增強型氮化鎵(E-mode HMET GaN)做為功率開關。為了減少切換損失,所以諧振頻率(f_r)必須小於操作頻率(f_s),用以達到軟切換的零電壓切換模式(ZVS)。
本論文採用兩種負載進行實測,分別為50 Ω純電阻和電漿腔體,前者測試電路的穩定性;後者則實測射頻電漿電源的功能性,以便後續系統整合。不過本論文選用射頻放電模式來激發電漿,必須在射頻電漿電源與電漿腔體之間加入阻抗匹配電路,避免反射功率產生,使輸出功率最大化地傳送至負載端。
本論文主要貢獻包含:(1)研製一輸出頻率為13.56 MHz之Class-D串並聯諧振換流器;(2)說明當電路操作在高頻環境下,如何選用適當的功率開關,並比較不同廠商所生產的增強型氮化鎵(E-mode HMET GaN))優缺點;(3)分析適用於高頻環境下的電路走線;(4)研製一Class-D諧振換流器,並成功激發電漿,完成射頻放電之低溫電漿滅菌所需的電漿電源。
The purpose of this research is to design and implement a radio frequency (RF) plasma power supply, which uses RF-discharge mode to excite plasma and achieve low-temperature plasma sterilization. With the improvement of medical standards, the sterilization of medical equipment is one of the standards. At present, the main sterilization methods include high temperature, chemical, radioactivity and plasma. After comparisons, low-temperature plasma will become the trend of sterilization in the future. Its advantages include a short sterilization cycle, which improves the utilization rate of medical equipment, and the sterilization effect at low temperature. Thus, it is suitable for equipment that is not heat-resistant and moisture-resistant. Currently, hydrogen peroxide (H_2 O_2) is mostly used in the market for sterilization. No toxic by-products will be produced after excitation, only water and oxygen. It is a set of sterilization methods in line with sustainable green life.
In this thesis, a Class-D series-parallel resonant converter is developed as a radio frequency (RF) plasma power supply, and it continuously outputs power to excite the plasma. The plasma excitation is divided into two modes: high voltage and high frequency. In this research, the radio frequency (RF) 13.56 MHz is used to achieve excitation condition, so the enhancement mode gallium nitride (E-mode HMET GaN) is selected as the power switch. In order to reduce switching loss, the resonant frequency (f_r) must be less than the switching frequency (f_s) to achieve zero voltage switching (ZVS).
Two types of loads are used for tests. One is 50 Ω pure resistance, the other is plasma chamber. The former tests the stability of the circuit and the latter tests the functionality of RF plasma power supply. However, the RF-discharge mode is used to excite the plasma, and a matching circuit must be added between the power supply and chamber to avoid the generation of reflected power and maximize the output power to the load.
The main contributions of this research include: (1) developing a Class-D series-parallel resonant converter, and generating 13.56 MHz AC power; (2) explaining how to select an appropriate power switch when the circuit operates at high-frequency, and comparing different advantages and disadvantages of enhancement mode gallium nitride (E-mode HMET GaN) produced by the manufacturer; (3) analyzing the suitable layout of PCB board when it uses in high frequency and (4) developing a Class-D resonant converter with plasma chamber as load, achieving the generation of plasma.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
總目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xiii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 電漿起源 1
1.3 電漿應用 2
1.4 電漿源回顧 3
1.4.1 直流放電 4
1.4.2 脈衝型直流放電 5
1.4.3 射頻放電 5
1.5 滅菌法回顧 7
1.6 論文架構 10
第二章 系統架構與設計 11
2.1 功率放大器 11
2.2 Class-D換流器 14
2.2.1 動作原理 14
2.2.2 諧振槽選用 15
2.2.3 諧振參數推導 17
2.2.4 元件損耗推估 19
第三章 硬體周邊電路設計 21
3.1 輔助電源 21
3.2 石英振盪器 23
3.3 除頻電路 23
3.4 開關責任比率調控電路 25
3.5 訊號隔離電路 27
3.5.1 光耦合 27
3.5.2 數位隔離 28
3.6 開關驅動電路 30
3.7 同軸電纜(Coaxial cable) 32
3.8 負載 35
第四章 硬體電路設計 39
4.1 Class-D諧振換流器架構與規格 39
4.2 系統參數設計 40
4.2.1 功率開關 40
4.2.2 諧振電路計算 44
4.2.3 諧振電路選擇 46
4.2.4 怠滯時間 50
4.2.5 損耗推估 51
4.3 電路走線設計 54
4.3.1 電力級 55
4.3.2 訊號級 56
4.3.3 散熱裝置 59
4.4 阻抗匹配電路設計 59
4.4.1 腔體等效阻抗值 59
4.4.2 史密斯圖(Smith Chart) 62
第五章 實體電路測試與分析 64
5.1 實務考量 68
5.1.1 開關內部二極體 68
5.1.2 散熱裝置 69
5.2 模擬與實測驗證 72
5.2.1 50 Ω純電阻 73
5.2.2 電漿腔體 81
第六章 結論與未來展望 89
6.1 結論 89
6.2 未來研究方向 90
參考文獻 91
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