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作者(外文):Liao, Bo-Wen
論文名稱(中文):開發控制傳遞一氧化氮與抗菌治療之 DNIC 複合材料
論文名稱(外文):Development of DNIC-loaded Composite for Controlled Delivery of Nitric Oxide and Anti-bacterial Therapy
指導教授(外文):Cheng, Chao-Min
Lu, Tsai-Te
口試委員(外文):Huang, Chieh-Cheng
Wang, Yun-Ming
外文關鍵詞:nitric oxidemetal−organic frameworkalternative magnetic fieldanti-bacterial
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一氧化氮(nitric oxide, NO)由於其多重抗菌機制,使之具有廣譜抗菌能力,能對抗的病原菌類型非常廣泛,以細菌而言,能對抗革蘭氏陽性(gram-positive)菌與革蘭氏陰性(gram-negative)菌,同時還能避免耐藥性。由於一氧化氮之反應性極強造成其半衰期短暫,需以一氧化氮供體儲存並運輸之。本實驗欲開發一種具抗菌效果之一氧化氮傳輸系統,以一種以鐵離子作為中心金屬離子之金屬有機骨架(metal organic framework, MOF) MIL-88B經高溫碳化後生成之cMIL-88B作為藥物載體,裝載一氧化氮供體[Fe(μ-S-thioglycerol)(NO)2]2 (DNIC-TG),並以聚合物PLGA((poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid))包裹之以形成微球DNIC:cMIL-88B@PLGA。由於cMIL-88B之構造為Fe3O4,為一磁性響應粒子,施加外加磁場作為外在物理性刺激,可以使之局部升溫,當溫度超過PLGA之玻璃轉化溫度(glass transition temperature, Tg) 42-46℃,PLGA即會呈現熔融狀態並有機會破裂,釋放出一氧化氮。以一氧化氮釋放實驗,探討此藥物遞送系統釋放一氧化氮之情形,並以體外抗菌實驗,驗證DNIC:cMIL-88B@PLGA對革蘭氏陽性菌S. aureus與革蘭氏陰性菌E. coli兩種致病菌的抗菌效果,再以小鼠皮膚上受E. coli感染之傷口作為感染傷口模型,以DNIC:cMIL-88B@PLGA治療傷口,達到抗菌及促進傷口組織修復之效果。另一方面,在嘗試開發治療肺部細菌感染之材料,則以MIL-88B作為藥物載體,裝載DNIC-TG後形成TG@MOF,初步以體外DNIC釋放實驗及體外抗菌實驗,評估其治療肺部細菌感染的潛力。
Nitric oxide (NO) has a broad-spectrum anti-bacterial ability due to its multiple anti-bacterial mechanisms, which means it can battle against a wide variety of bacteria. Moreover, NO can avoid drug resistance. NO donors are used to store and transport NO in order to solve the problem of high reactivity and short lifetime. In this study, we developed an anti-bacterial NO delivery system. A metal organic framework (MOF) with Fe as its metal ion, MIL-88B, was carbonized into cMIL-88B as the drug carrier to carry the NO donor [Fe(μ-S-thioglycerol)(NO)2]2 (DNIC-TG). The polymer PLGA (poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid)) was used to coat and form microspheres, DNIC:cMIL-88B@PLGA. Since cMIL-88B has the structure of Fe3O4, a magnetically responsive particle (MRP), we can apply an alternative magnetic field (AMF) as an external physical trigger. AMF can bring a local temperature increase to the microspheres, and when the temperature is above the glass transition temperature (Tg) of PLGA, 42-46℃, PLGA will melt and has a chance to break and release NO. The NO release experiment was done to investigate the performance of the system to release NO. And the in vitro test of bacterial viability was performed to demonstrate the anti-bacterial ability of cMIL-88B@PLGA and DNIC:cMIL-88B@PLGA against Gram-positive S. aureus and Gram-negative E. coli. Finally, the cutaneous E. coli-infected wound of mice was used as the model of in vivo test, and we treated the wound with DNIC:cMIL-88B@PLGA to achieve the bactericidal and wound healing effect. On the other hand, we tried to develop the material to treat pulmonary bacterial infections. We used MIL-88B to be the drug carrier to carry DNIC-TG, becoming TG@MOF. In vitro DNIC release experiment and in vitro antibacterial study was preliminary performed to evaluate the potential of TG@MOF to treat pulmonary bacterial infections.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
List of Figures vi
List of Tables viii
一、緒論 1
1-1一氧化氮與其抗菌能力 1
1-1-1開發新型抗菌劑之背景 1
1-1-2一氧化氮之功能 2
1-1-3一氧化氮之抗菌能力 2
1-1-4一氧化氮供體 4
1-2 藥物遞送系統(drug delivery system, DDS) 5
1-2-1 DDS之物理性觸發 5
1-2-2以金屬有機骨架(metal organic framework, MOF)作為藥物載體 11
1-2-3 PLGA微球作為藥物遞送系統 11
1-3研究動機 14
二、實驗 16
2-1藥品 16
2-2儀器 17
2-3反應之環境條件 17
2-4小分子化合物之合成 18
2-4-1合成[Na-18-crown-6-ether][Fe(CO)3(NO)] 18
2-4-2合成[Fe(u-S-thioglycerol)(NO)2]2 (DNIC-TG) 18
2-5材料之合成 19
2-5-1合成MIL-88B 19
2-5-2合成cMIL-88B 19
2-5-3合成DNIC:cMIL-88B 19
2-5-4合成cMIL-88B@PLGA與DNIC:cMIL-88B@PLGA 20
2-5-5合成DNIC-TG@MIL-88B (TG@MOF) 20
2-6緩衝溶液配製 20
2-6-1配製磷酸鹽緩衝生理鹽水(Phosphate buffer saline, PBS, pH 7.4) 21
2-6-2磷酸緩衝溶液配製 21
2-6-3 pH 6.8 50 mM Phosphate buffer之配製 21
2-7測量TG@MOF之DNIC-TG的裝載率(loading content) 21
2-8在PBS下DNIC-TG從TG@MOF之釋放情形 21
2-9 DNIC:cMIL-88B@PLGA於AMF下的一氧化氮釋放 22
2-10抗菌實驗 22
2-10-1製備TSB與TSA培養基 22
2-10-2配製生物實驗用PBS 23
2-10-3細菌培養 23
2-10-4細菌繼代於TSA 23
2-10-5細菌繼代於TSB 23
2-10-6 S. aureus, E. coli, 及P. aeruginosa於PBS中的檢量線 24
2-10-7塗盤計數法 24
2-10-8 DNIC-TG對S. aureus, E. coli, 及P. aeruginosa的抗菌效果 24
2-10-9 AMF所使用菌液樣品製備 25
2-10-10 cMIL-88B@PLGA與DNIC:cMIL-88B@PLGA的AMF抗菌 25
2-10-11 DNIC-TG對S. aureus及E. coli的抗菌效果(與AMF抗菌做比較) 26
2-11動物實驗 26
2-11-1傷口之創建與處理 26
2-11-2傷口受細菌感染程度分析 26
2-11-3組織學分析 27
三、結果與討論 28
3-1材料之合成與鑑定 28
3-1-1 DNIC-TG之合成與鑑定 28
3-1-2 MIL-88B之合成與鑑定 29
3-1-3 cMIL-88B之合成與鑑定 31
3-1-4 DNIC:cMIL-88B之合成與鑑定 35
3-1-5 cMIL-88B@PLGA與DNIC:cMIL-88B@PLGA之合成與鑑定 36
3-1-6 TG@MOF之合成與鑑定 38
3-2在PBS下DNIC-TG從TG@MOF之釋放實驗 40
3-3 DNIC:cMIL-88B@PLGA於AMF下的一氧化氮釋放 41
3-3-1微球於AMF下之升溫曲線 41
3-3-2微球於AMF下之一氧化氮釋放 41
3-4抗菌實驗 42
3-4-1 S. aureus, E. coli, 及P. aeruginosa於PBS中的檢量線 43
3-4-2 DNIC-TG對S. aureus, E. coli, 及P. aeruginosa的抗菌效果 44
3-4-3 cMIL-88B@PLGA與DNIC:cMIL-88B@PLGA的AMF抗菌 45
3-4-4 DNIC-TG對S. aureus及E. coli的抗菌效果與DNIC:cMIL-88B@PLGA的AMF抗菌之比較 46
3-5動物實驗 49
3-5-1傷口受細菌感染程度分析 49
3-5-2組織學分析 50
四、結論 52
五、參考資料 53
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