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作者(外文):Hsieh, Yi-Chia
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Microneedle Patch-Assisted Paper-Based Sensing Platforms for Ultrasensitive Detection of Molecules in Interstitial Fluid
指導教授(外文):Wan, Dehui
口試委員(外文):Chen, Chien-Fu
Chang, Hsin-Kuo
Wang, Jane
外文關鍵詞:microneedle patchcolorimetric detectionsurface-enhanced Raman spectroscopytherapeutic drug monitoringprecision medicineplant disease detection
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在精準醫療應用上,治療藥物與生物標記的快速監控可以提供個別患者精準有效的藥物劑量和代謝分析,並量身訂製最佳的治療方式。為了監控人體內的生物分子或藥物濃度,微針(microneedle, MN)貼片具有微創、無痛且易於使用的優勢,可從皮膚中提取細胞間質液(interstitial fluid, ISF)來進行檢測。然而,現行透過微針貼片的檢測策略,通常需要經過繁瑣的過程或大型儀器來回收和分析ISF內的待測物。因此本論文的研究目標為開發出能快速回收微針貼片內的待測物分子,同時兼顧具可快速分析能力的感測平台。
首先,此論文將微針貼片和紙基感測平台整合為一種快速、微創的生物流體分析系統。本研究與清大化工系王潔教授團隊合作,採用他們所開發的堅固、高生物相容性、且能調控膨潤度的微針貼片(controllable swellable MN, csMN),經由模擬穿刺實驗證實csMN能夠快速可靠地從皮膚組織中提取足夠的ISF。接著,用微針去吸取亞甲基藍染劑,並以濕潤纖維素濾紙作為一個三維的回收微系統來獲得微針內的染劑,證實微針中的染劑分子可以被回收到潮濕的纖維素濾紙內。值得注意的是,可預先在纖維素濾紙上進行功能化修飾(如比色試劑奈或奈米粒子陣列)以提供特定的檢測能力,使其成為同時具有回收和快速分析能力的感測平台。舉例來說,比色感測平台包含了葡萄糖氧化酶、過氧化酶和呈色劑,當接觸葡萄糖時會催化呈色劑的氧化反應,以達到變色的效果。顏色變化的結果可以藉由眼睛或RGB直方圖分析量化來判別葡萄糖的濃度。
更進一步,為了實現超靈敏、無標記的檢測,在纖維素濾紙上以熱蒸鍍法直接塗佈一層奈米金粒子陣列,作為表面增強拉曼(surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy, SERS)的感測平台。透過785-nm可攜式拉曼光譜儀,可觀察到亞甲基藍分子訊號增益幅度可達2.12 x 1010倍,且具有良好的訊號再現性(RSD = 4.73 %)。接著,再針對四種臨床待測物進行分析,例如:抗生素(頭孢若林)、神經興奮劑(尼古丁)、農藥(巴拉刈)、有機染劑(亞甲基藍),最低檢測濃度可分別達到0.01, 0.01, 0.1, 0.001 ppb,其結果皆展現優異的靈敏度。最後,本研究選擇尼古丁作為模型藥物來驗證無痛、微創的藥物監測能力,在三位受試者的手臂上貼附FDA核准的尼古丁貼片,並以微針貼片結合SERS感測平台成功地觀察到人體ISF內的尼古丁訊號強度變化。因此,本論文所設計的微創感測平台能通過快速、無痛地監測個體患者體內生物分子的濃度,在精準醫療的應用上具有良好的潛力。
In precision medicine, therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) can provide effective drug dosage and metabolic analysis, and tailor the optimal treatment for individual patients. To monitor molecular levels in the human body, microneedle (MN) patches have minimally invasive, painless, and easy-to-use advantages, allowing the extraction and analysis of skin interstitial fluid (ISF). However, the time-consuming, complicated procedure and bulky equipment obstruct the recovery and detection of ISF from MN patches. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to develop sensing platforms that can rapidly recover the analytes from MN patch and provide desirable analysis capabilities.
First, the MN patch and paper-based sensing platform were integrated as the rapid, minimally invasive biofluid analysis system. Here, a robust, biocompatible controllable swellable MN (csMN) patch, developed by Prof. Jane Wang, Department of Chemical Engineering of NTHU, was utilized to allow rapidly and reliably extract ISF from skin tissue. Noteworthily, the analyte molecules in the csMN patch can be facilely recovered into a moist cellulose paper via spontaneous diffusion; more importantly, the paper can be accordingly functionalized with enzymatic colorimetric reagents or a plasmonic array, enabling a desirable detection capacity. In the case of paper-based colorimetric sensing platform, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) was first produced while the glucose was specifically oxidized by glucose oxidase (GOx). Subsequently, the dye (ABTS) was further oxidized by the HRP/H2O2 system to yield bluish-green products. The color readout would be in response to the glucose concentration, allowing rapid diagnosis by the naked eye and quantification by RGB histogram analysis.
Moreover, to achieve ultrasensitive, label-free detection, gold nanoparticles were directly deposited on cellulose paper by thermal evaporation method as a paper-based surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) sensing platform which displayed the Raman signal enhancement factor up to 2.12 x 1010 and a good reproducibility (RSD = 4.73 %). Thus, the analytes in ISF could be identified according to their fingerprint band through a portable 785-nm Raman spectrometer. For instance, the successful trace detection of diverse molecules could be achieved, including antibiotics (cefazolin), stimulants (nicotine), pesticides (paraquat), and organic dyes (methylene blue), even down to sub-ppb level. Finally, nicotine was further selected as a model drug to realize the ability of painless TDM. For proof of concept, the variations in nicotine level for three human volunteers wearing an FDA-approved nicotine patch were monitored. Therefore, the as-designed pain-free, minimally invasive sensing system opens a new way to precision medicine, especially for personal healthcare monitoring.
In addition, global food security has become an issue of concern for the international community, and it is difficult to cure plants once they are infected. Thus, early diagnosis is also important for plant disease management. Therefore, plant liquid from Pothos was also collected via the csMN patch; then, the paper-based SERS sensing platform was utilized to analyze molecules in the plant liquid. The results showed the feasibility of csMN-assisted paper-based sensing platform to detect molecules in plants and revealed the potential abilities for plant disease detection application.
致謝 I
摘要 III
Abstract V
Table of Contents VII
List of Figures X
List of Table XIX
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Thesis Structure 3
Chapter 2 Literature Review 4
2.1 Precision Medicine and Drug Monitoring 4
2.1.1 Precision Medicine 4
2.1.2 Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) 4
2.2 Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, SERS 5
2.2.1 Raman Spectroscopy 5
2.2.2 Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance, LSPR 6
2.2.3 Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) 10
2.2.4 SERS for Drug Monitoring 12
2.3 Plant Disease Detection 15
2.3.1 Food Security and Plant Disease 15
2.3.2 Diagnosis Technologies for Plant Disease 16
2.4 Paper-Based Sensing Platform 17
2.4.1 Colorimetric Method 17
2.4.2 Plasmonic Method 19
2.5 Alternative Biofluids 21
2.5.1 Sweat, Tear, and Saliva 21
2.5.2 Interstitial Fluid (ISF) 24
2.6 Biomedical Application of Microneedle Patch 26
2.6.1 Introduction of Microneedle Patch 26
2.6.2 Hydrogel-based Microneedle Patch 33
2.6.3 Plasmonic Microneedle Patch 37
2.6.4 Microneedle Patch for Plant Diseases Detection 41
Chapter 3 Experimental Section 43
3.1 Materials 43
3.2 Fabrication of csMN patches 43
3.3 In Vitro Skin Insertion and Extraction Capability of csMN Patch 44
3.4 Preparation and Colorimetric Measurement of Paper-based Colorimetric Sensing Platform 44
3.5 Preparation of Paper-based SERS Sensing Platform 46
3.6 SERS Performance of Au-deposited Plasmonic Paper 46
3.7 Three-dimensional Finite Difference Time Domain (3D-FDTD) Simulations of Plasmonic Paper 47
3.8 csMN-assisted SERS Measurement 48
3.9 Nicotine Monitoring in Human Volunteers 49
3.10 Detection of Analytes in Plant 49
Chapter 4 Result and Discussion 50
4.1 Design of Research 50
4.2 Characteristics of csMN Patch 52
4.3 Colorimetric Assay of csMN-assisted paper-based colorimetric sensing platform 62
4.4 The csMN-assisted Paper-based SERS Sensing Platform 68
4.5 Nicotine Monitoring in Human Volunteers 77
4.6 Feasibility of Monitoring Analyte in Plant 83
Chapter 5 Conclusion 84
5.1 Summary of Work 84
5.2 Future work and Prospects 84
Reference 86
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