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作者(外文):Chen, Chi-Chang
論文名稱(外文):Exploring risk factors impacting on the efficiency and quality of healthcare in the unimplemented Tw-DRGs program
指導教授(外文):Su, Chao-Ton
口試委員(外文):Hsiao, Yu-Hsiang
Hsu, Chun-Chin
外文關鍵詞:Taiwan Diagnosis Related Groups (Tw-DRGs)medical qualitymedical efficiencychronic diseases
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研究結果:在醫療效率部分,DRG定額給付結果「為虧損」之正相關風險因素為,「住院天數」(OR=1.378)及「住院診斷數」(OR=1.084),男性比女性風險高,OR值1.196,外科及其他科比內科風險高,OR值分別為1.796及1.794;「超過」DRG幾何平均住院日的正相關風險因素為,「住院天數」(OR=2.349)、「慢性病診斷數」(OR=1.158)及「醫師年資」(OR=1.016),兒科比內科風險高,OR值為1.600。在醫療品質部分,出院三日內「再」急診就醫之正相關風險因素為,「慢性病診斷數」、「住院天數」、「醫師年資」及「年齡」,OR值分別為1.132、1.048、1.017及1.007,而有感染比無感染風險高,OR值為1.486;出院後十四日因同疾病「再」住院之正相關風險因素為,「慢性病診斷數」(OR=1.522)及「住院天數」(OR=1.237),有合併症及併發症比無合併症及併發症風險高,OR值為1.544,男性比女性風險高,OR值為1.480,外科比內科風險值高,OR值為1.751;於多變項二元羅吉斯模型預測檢定結果,以F-measure及ROC AUC評估,預測能力最佳模型為「是否超過DRG幾何平均住院天數」、其次為「DRG定額支付及是否虧損」及「是否14日內再入院」,而「是否三日內再急診就醫」預測能力則為普通。

Background: The introduction of Taiwan's national health insurance has greatly promoted the fairness and accessibility of medical service for the public. However, Taiwan also faces the the dilemma of rising medical costs like many developed countries. In order to effectively manage the growth of health insurance and medical expenses, Taiwan has employed several payment system reforms through macro-control and micro-adjustment strategies. The Taiwanese version of the payment system for inpatient diagnosis related groups (Tw-DRGs) is the focus of micro-reforms. It adopts a disease classification system, which devides the medical resources into similar groups and predetermines the payment amount for each group, so it is also called package payment. The purpose is to design the financial incentives to improve medical efficiency, allocate resources rationally, which make the quality of hospitalization among hospitals comparable. The 5-stage introduction process that should have been completed was only implemented to the second stage because the opinions of the medical community still need to be continuously integrated. At present, the Ministry of Health and Welfare hopes to promote Tw-DRGs smoothly and encourags hospitals to participate in Tw-DRGs in parallel with the current hospital payment system.

Purpose: The aim of the study was to explore the risk factors that affect the efficiency and quality of medical care that have not yet been implemented in TW-DRGs payment items, and to establish a related risk prediction model as a reference for hospital management or health insurance payment system revision.

Methods: This study is a retrospective study using secondary discharge data of A teaching hospital in Hsinchu City from June 1, 2019 to December 31, 2021, which belongs to the Tw-DRGs classification 3.4 that has not yet been implemented. These data were randomly classified into training and testing data sets, and a multivariate logistic regression model was established using the training data set to explore risk factors that affect medical efficiency and quality. The testing data set was used to verify the prediction effect of the equation.

Results: For medical efficiency, the risk factors for the loss of DRG payment were days of hospitalization (OR=1.378), number of hospitalization diagnoses (OR=1.084), male compared with female (OR=1.196), surgical department compared with internal and other departments (OR=1.796 and 1.794 respectively). The risk factors for exceeding the geometric mean hospitalization days of DRG were days of hospitalization (OR=2.349), number of chronic disease diagnoses (OR=1.158), and job tenure for physician (OR=1.016), and pediatrics compared with internal department (OR=1.600). In terms of medical quality, the risk factors for emergency medical visits within three days after discharge were number of chronic disease diagnosis, number of hospitalization days, job tenure for physician, patients’ age, and those with infections, the OR values were 1.132, 1.048, 1.017, 1.007 and 1.486, respectively. The risk factors for rehospitalization for the same disease within 14 days after discharge were number of chronic disease diagnosis (OR=1.522), number of hospitalization days (OR=1.237), male compared with female (OR=1.480), and those with complications (OR=1.544), and surgical department compared with internal departments (OR=1.751). In the multivariate logistic test, evaluated by F-measure and ROC AUC, the model with the best predictive abiltities was ‘exceeding the geometric mean hospitalization days of DRG’, followed by ‘loss of DRG payment’ and ‘rehospitalization for the same disease within 14 days after discharge’.

Conclusion: Based on the positive financial income simulation results, the studied hospital is suggested to participate in the pilot health insurance Tw-DRGs program parallel to the current hospitalization payment system to continuously improve medical efficiency and quality. It is suggested that studied hospital should pay more attention to the combination of multiple chronic diseases and multiple diagnosis numbers that lead to negative medical outcomes, and further introduce early intervene measures. It is recommended that the Central Health Insurance Administration use national data to verify whether there are significant differences in the medical consumption of the same Tw-DRGs item for patients with multiple chronic diseases or multiple diseases, as a basis for subsequent revisions to the payment system. It is also recommended that the studied hospital further analyze whether the risk factors in this study are concentrated in certain type of disease. It might helpful to construct a standard clinical path to reduce the negative factors that affect medical outcomes. Our study provided a risk prediction model as an early warning tools in clinical management, and further optimization is required.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 III
誌謝 V
目錄 VI
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 X
第一章 緒 論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.2 研究動機 4
1.2 研究目的 6
1.3 論文架構 6
第二章 文獻探討 7
2.1 診斷關聯群 (DIAGNOSIS RELATED GROUPS , DRGS)支付制度源起與各國實施經驗 7
2.1.1 健康保險支付制度分為回溯性與前瞻性,DRGs是屬於前瞻性支付制度 7
2.1.1 診斷關聯群(DRGs)支付制度創始於美國,已有許多先進國家採用 8
2.2.1 Tw-DRGs發展的藍本基礎 9
2.2.2 Tw-DRGs目前公告之版本與分類 10
2.2.3 Tw-DRGs系統支付邏輯 11
2.2.4 Tw-DRGs項目於臺灣健保之住院申報案件涵蓋率 14
2.3 各國實施DRGS支付制度後之相關影響 15
2.3.1 住院時間、住院率與治療移轉 15
2.3.2 醫療品質的影響 16
2.3.3 醫療資源的配置有明顯改變 17
2.4 臺灣模擬尚未導入TW-DRGS全部項目之研究較為少見 17
2.5 DRGS是一種衡量醫療品質與效率的工具 19
2.5.1 DRGs當初發源於美國,為的是創造「論件的管理基礎」 19
2.5.2 以DRGs分類基準,來評估影響尚未導入TW-DRGs項目之醫療品質與效率風險因子 19
2.5.3 影響醫療品質與效率之相關因素探討 22
2.6 小結 29
第三章 研究方法 31
3.1 研究設計與架構 31
3.2 研究對象與資料處理 32
3.2.1 研究對象 32
3.2.2 資料來源與收集 32
3.3 研究統計變項操作型定義 33
3.4 研究分析方法 35
第四章 研究結果 38
4.1 研究醫院介紹 38
4.2 研究對象之描述性分析 38
4.3 影響醫療效率及醫療品質之分析結果 40
4.3.1 醫療效率-DRG定額給付費用是否虧損 40
4.3.2 醫療效率-實際住院天數是否超過DRG幾何平均住院天數 44
4.3.3 醫療品質-出院後三日內是否再急診就醫 48
4.3.4 醫療品質-出院後十四日是否因相同疾病再住院 52
4.4 小結 56
4.4.1 本研究多變項二元羅吉斯回歸模型分析結果 56
4.4.2 本研究多變項二元羅吉斯回歸模型之預測能力 58
第五章 結論 60
5.1 結論 60
5.2 研究建議 64
5.3 研究限制 65
參考文獻 66
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